Chapter 37: Endgame against Endgame

As the vanguard of the British infantry advanced to within about 400 meters of the German trenches, the soldiers on both sides could clearly see the shapes of each other's helmets. Logan decisively issued the order to fire.

The violent scenes witnessed earlier at the two positions did not occur this time. It seemed that the communication system was not fully restored yet. After the combat orders were issued, the gunfire from the SS positions was sparse initially, and it took several seconds before it gradually intensified. However, the satisfying sound of "tearing linen" that the German soldiers loved to hear never reached the level that would make the enemy flee in terror.

Gritting his teeth, Logan observed through his binoculars. Although rows of British infantry fell, the overall tan-colored tide of people continued to advance, especially some machine gunners who were able to calmly lie down, aim, and shoot. The pressure exerted by their own firepower on the enemy was still far from enough: imagine if several dozen MG34s opened fire simultaneously along this less than 3-kilometer front line, the 2,000 British infantry would probably have no chance to escape!


Both Logan and Kail turned their heads simultaneously as the SS soldier who had been sent to count returned.

"There are still about 350 soldiers and some wounded on the defensive line. We have about 9 to 10 operational MG-34 machine guns, 7 mortars, 2 anti-tank guns, and..."

Logan waved his hand, the situation was almost exactly as he had predicted: the strength was sufficient to fight, but something needed to be done to reverse this unfavorable situation.

Hopefully Trent and his team would complete their mission efficiently. Logan prayed silently, knowing that the appearance of a Type IV tank on the defensive line would greatly boost the morale of the German troops and intimidate the British psychologically! But where had Dietrich's reserve forces gone? Had they been needlessly lost to the British naval bombardment?

At present, the only thing the German SS guarding the northern defensive line of the town did not lack was probably illumination flares. Fired at a rate of one per minute, they ensured that the battlefield remained relatively bright. The accuracy of the Mauser 98k and Lee-Enfield rifles was quite good. In comparison, the German soldiers had some advantages by relying on trenches. However, through the observation hole, Logan could see that the British infantry front line was still rapidly approaching their position. At this rate, it wouldn't be long before the SS soldiers would have to resort to close combat with the enemy—whether these tall and burly guys were truly fierce or just empty vessels remained to be seen!

Time passed by, and the British heavy machine guns and infantry cannons continued to fire desperately. Logan could imagine the scene on his own position: was there really no turning point?

When the color of the British soldiers' skin became discernible to the naked eye, Logan drew his Webley VI revolver from its holster. Although this standard-issue firearm in the British Army had been in service for 25 years since its first mass production, it was still the most trusted sidearm for British officers and soldiers.

The distance between the two sides was already quite close, and a temporary retreat would result in tragic consequences. Every soldier present seemed to be very aware of this fact. Officers silently drew their pistols, and the signalmen picked up their rifles leaning aside.

If there was an "if", Logan might have ordered the soldiers to retreat to the town earlier. Although it wouldn't help boost morale, compressing the defensive line would increase the density of firepower, and they might be able to avoid the precise point shooting of the British infantry cannons. But now there were no more "ifs".


A sound completely different from machine gun fire suddenly entered his ears. The SS signalman standing at the entrance of the bunker looked outside and shouted excitedly, "It's our armored car!"

Logan glanced through the observation hole, and he saw larger and redder flashes of light sweeping back and forth in the British infantry formations, leaving them falling to the ground one after another. This should be the German 20mm machine cannon, known as the "infantry killer"!

"Machine gun positions, let them deal with the British machine gun positions!" Logan turned his head to look at the SS signalman, who, at first, looked confused but quickly ran out.

When the second "whip" joined the battle, the situation finally began to change: dozens of the British infantry charging in the front were killed, and before the others could fill their positions, they were again mowed down by the bullets fired from the German positions. As a result, the advancing wave of people paused for the first time—some sections even began to "retreat"!

"Well done!" Logan clenched his fist tightly. However, "the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly" was a universally applicable aphorism. Suddenly, flashes of light appeared in the distance, and several shells whizzed in, followed by booming explosions in the rear. Shortly after, the two "whips" disappeared!

Logan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the British infantry in front erupted into cheers: the final charge had finally arrived!

Logan was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly the British infantry in front erupted into cheers: the final charge had finally arrived!

Staying in the command post bunker meant only waiting to be captured, so Logan dashed out with his pistol in hand. The scene in the trenches was chaotic, with half of the soldiers near the command post either killed or severely wounded. The remaining soldiers continued to fire their weapons, but their efforts were gradually weakening.

Faced with this chaotic and brutal scene, Logan realized that all he could do was act as an ordinary soldier, ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the approaching British soldiers. However, fighting skills seemed futile in this situation, and Logan was hardly proficient with a bayonet.

At a critical moment, a previously vanished streak of fire reappeared. It swept back and forth about 20 meters in front of the trench, swiftly halting the advance of a large group of British infantry! Turning his head, Logan saw a four-wheeled armored car with a metal mesh canopy on top, its turret firing the streaks of fire!

On the battlefield, flamboyance often came at a cost. Despite the armored car firing and maneuvering simultaneously, within moments, a barrage of British artillery shells followed, the first few narrowly missing, but the latter two hitting their mark. In a blinding flash of fire and smoke, the armored car was engulfed in flames, and moments later, a deafening explosion signaled its complete destruction!

Just as hope had been kindled, Logan quickly fell into despair. However, the battlefield was full of dramatic scenes, and suddenly, the clanking sound of tracks grinding against the ground reached his ears. Logan felt a surge of excitement: could it be Dietrich's tanks arriving?

"Lieutenant, come over here!" came Stephenberg's voice shortly after.

Turning his head, Logan saw the airborne lieutenant beckoning him from a half-track armored vehicle. Despite the vehicle being armed with a machine gun equipped with a small shield, it was not firing at the moment!

Logan instinctively took a step forward with his right foot, but a clear voice in his mind said: "You cannot run, absolutely cannot run! War tests not only intelligence but also resolve. The momentum must be sustained! Do you want to be a fleeing lieutenant, a fleeing colonel, or even a fleeing general or marshal?"

A fierce mental struggle ensued in the blink of an eye, and Logan resolutely withdrew his right foot, shouting with all his might, "Rendt, bring the vehicle over here! We must push the British back!"

His voice, deafening and indifferent to the noise of gunfire, was amplified. Although Logan couldn't see Stephenberg's expression clearly, after a moment, the half-track armored vehicle started up and began moving toward the trench!

In this situation, Logan had no time to dwell on his complex emotions. As the illumination flare faded, the view dimmed suddenly. But by the light of gunfire, he could still see the British infantry just 20 or 30 meters away from the trench, the bayonets on their Lee-Enfield rifles gleaming in the cold light!