Chapter 4 Can One Command a Regiment Like This?

"What's this?"

In a modestly furnished but well-lit office, a middle-aged man, clad in a white coat over his uniform of the National Defense Army, held up a piece of paper that seemed more suited for a two-year-old child, and earnestly questioned the German Air Force lieutenant seated across from him.

"A black pig!" the lieutenant answered without hesitation.

"And this one?"

"A green lizard!"

"And this?"

"Some kind of vegetable... green, uh, I can't remember the name!" Logan reached out his right hand to scratch his head, but recoiled as his fingers touched the bandage: after several days of treatment, although the thick bandage had been reduced from five layers to one, the wound was still in the process of healing and should not be touched by water, let alone scratched.

At this moment, the three military doctors sitting opposite him maintained a vigilant gaze akin to interrogators— for soldiers with head injuries like Logan, there was an important stage called "injury assessment" before discharge. Simply put, it was to determine whether there were any serious sequelae from previous injuries. If the assessment result was unfavorable, it could lead to compulsory transfer to the reserve or even direct discharge.

Logan's injury was not actually severe, but considering that he had suffered consecutive head injuries in a short period, the military doctors unanimously believed it was necessary to conduct this legendary "ultimate test." Despite wearing the charm +20 artifact, Logan couldn't sway these stubborn German military doctors and could only comply.

"Broccoli!" For a homemaker, this question was easy, but for Logan, who had always been responsible for eating and washing dishes, it took some effort to come up with the correct answer before the doctors wrote it down.

The previous doctor held up the last picture expressionlessly.

"Matilda, British infantry tank! Equipped with a 2-pounder gun, thick armor, extremely difficult to deal with!" Logan quickly provided the answer, but the injury might have left some psychological sequelae as he now felt an impulse to search for anti-tank guns whenever he saw one.

"Alright, now for my first question!" the bespectacled doctor said, holding up a book. "Name two compositions by Bach!"

This seemed to be an intellectual test, or rather, a test of memory? Logan was puzzled. Before going abroad, he belonged to the "deaf" level for all classical music. Knowing Beethoven, Bach, and Schumann was solely due to his dubious intention of impressing women. Unfortunately, this seemingly beautiful foreign romance only lasted for two months. The reason for the breakup... It was said to be some lack of harmony in certain aspects.

"French Suite and English Suite!" Were there any names easier to remember than these two? Logan thought disdainfully.

"Good. Second question, who was the greatest leader in German history?"

Logan could see a hint of cunning in the other's eyes. This question wasn't as simple as it seemed. In terms of reputation, Frederick the Great was unmatched; in terms of achievements, Emperor William I, who unified Germany, could be considered Germany's "First Emperor Qin." But when it came to the greatest...

Logan stood up abruptly. "Of course, it's our great leader, Adolf Hitler, Sieg Heil!"

Well, well, all three military doctors, along with the officer supervising them in uniform, also stood up, raising their right hands. "Sieg Heil!"

Next, the bespectacled doctor asked several seemingly silly historical questions, and although Logan had only been in Germany for a short time, he answered each one. After that, the questioning was handed over to the final doctor, a little old man with faint eyebrows, small eyes, and a pointed chin.

"Bring them in!"

After the door opened, two "angels in white" walked in, one tall and chubby, the other small and thin.

"Please tell me, who among them is more beautiful? Mr. Lieutenant!" The little old man squinted his eyes.

Logan glanced at them; neither was his "type." The tall and burly one had decent features, but his arms and legs were too thick; if they got into a fight, he might not come out unscathed! The petite one had a curvy figure but was dotted with freckles all over her face, perhaps due to neglect from being busy, her once lush hair now looking like withered weeds.

"All German women are beautiful, both outwardly and inwardly!" Logan replied bureaucratically, a statement he had learned from his uncle, who had once been a minor leader.

It was evident that everyone, including the individuals involved, was satisfied with this answer, except for the little old man, who persistently asked, "Then, if you were to choose one of them as your wife, which one would you choose?"

Logan's gaze swept over the two "angels" again, but neither was his "dish." However, the typical Chinese reserve had room to play in this situation:

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't choose either of them!"

This answer caught everyone off guard, especially the two nurses who cast him resentful glances, but the little old man continued to squint and inquire, "Hmm? Why not?"

"Because I'm dedicating my life to the country, to our great leader. As long as the war continues, I won't consider personal feelings. If possible, I would marry my weapon, and let my medals serve as rings, completing a great wedding ceremony under the gaze of all my comrades! If one day the war ends with Germany's victory, I will still stand guard on the border, so that no ambitious invader dares to take a step forward! All for victory!"

After a moment of silence, applause echoed in the small room.

The little old man nodded approvingly. "In my opinion, Lieutenant Logan is capable enough to command a regiment! At least a regiment!"

"I agree!"

"So do I!"

The military doctors quickly wrote something in their notebooks, leaving Logan sitting there with a wry smile: Could I command a regiment just because you doctors said so? Despite still being just a company commander, one day I'll make you all look up to me!

What the rookie Logan didn't know was that the experienced military doctors weren't just responsible for pure medical care. In fact, their evaluations would be recorded in the officers' personal files, and when it came to personnel appointments, senior officers would also take these words into consideration. According to the original version of history, General von Studnitz received nearly perfect answers to all questions during this assessment, especially gaining high approval from the military doctors in terms of aesthetic taste, so their evaluation was "capable enough to command an army." Consequently, Studnitz was discharged and soon appointed as the commander of the 11th Air Force—of course, before that, he was already the commander of the provisional airborne corps!