Chapter 10 War Star

As a man, a real tough guy, Logan was never to be knocked down by difficulties.

Anti-tank guns, armored vehicles, and tanks still on the production line? No problem!

Transport planes nowhere to be found?

Utilizing nearly 500 officers and soldiers drawn from the existing units of the 7th Paratrooper Division, along with 200 new recruits from the paratrooper reserve, Logan swiftly formed exemplary airborne battalions 1, 2, and 3, appointing 27-year-old Lieutenant Gerhart Scherme, 29-year-old Lieutenant Thor Yansen, and 26-year-old Lieutenant Karl Zimmerman as their commanders.

After distributing weapons, each battalion began their first training session, while the yet-to-be fully staffed camp headquarters also began operating.

"Captain, General asked me to inform you that the personnel from the 22nd Division will arrive this afternoon! According to their contact letter, the planned 620 people will arrive all at once!"

It was still Lieutenant Pierson Schkorb who came to "relay" the message, General Püchler's adjutant.

"Oh? That's great!" Logan had just been considering the remaining three battalions, waiting for the arrival of the personnel from the 22nd Division to complete the formation of the exemplary airborne battalion.

"With the personnel drawn from the Armored Academy, your battalion should be almost at full strength!" Schkorb said admiringly.

At the mention of "armored," Logan felt annoyed. "Sigh! When the personnel from the Armored Academy arrive, there won't even be tanks for them to use! Ridiculous!"

Schkorb rolled his eyes and said nothing more.

"Hey, Ha!" Logan called his young adjutant, "Go inform Lieutenant Stevenberg and the company commanders that we will all gather at the gate this afternoon to welcome our brothers from the Army!"

"Yes, sir!" Bren Hartmann turned and ran off like a streak of smoke, showcasing youthful vigor.

With only two people left, Schkorb smirked and said, "I envy you, Captain. A young man like you has already achieved remarkable military feats, commanding such a unit of great interest to the Führer. A bright future lies ahead. Don't forget about me when you prosper!"

Although this statement spoken in German lacked the subtlety of Chinese, aside from the sourness, Logan could still smell something different. While he personally detested favoritism prevalent in society, he also knew that being too aloof would only invite ostracism.

"Heh, it's just luck! Those of us who fight day in and day out, lacking much education, can only command troops at the front lines. Unlike you, who have broad knowledge from following the General, will truly become talents in the future given time!"

"Captain, are you mocking me?" Schkorb chuckled, pulling out a newspaper from his pocket. "This is today's Berlin Illustrated, check out the front page of the second section!"

Curious, Logan flipped open the newspaper and was taken aback! The entire second page featured a large black-and-white photo: a German officer standing on top of an armored vehicle, raising his arms triumphantly. The side profile of this person and his figure looked very familiar...

Reading the headline, "Battle of Mönk, German Paratroopers Fight Alongside Waffen-SS, Exuding Heroic Spirit!" from the main text of the article, Logan easily found his own name, along with the unit number. Without thinking, he knew this must be the so-called "special report" from that sleazy war correspondent!

Schkorb smirked beside him and said, "Hehe, becoming a renowned war hero, I dare say your future path is clear!"

Taking a deep breath, Logan realized that perhaps, as Schkorb said, his future would indeed open up due to these reports. After all, in times of war, heroes were respected and revered wherever they went.

"Coincidentally met a reporter on the battlefield, never thought... Hehe, Lieutenant, thank you for bringing me this report!" Logan paused for a moment. "In the future, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. I'll definitely assist!"

"Hehe, no problem!" Schkorb said, but then leaned in closer and whispered, "My little brother served in the original 22nd Division. Because of his admiration for your reputation, he voluntarily applied to join the exemplary airborne battalion and will report with the unit this afternoon!"

Seeing through the intention of offering a favor, Logan had already guessed the gist of it: "Oh! Your younger brother? What's his name?"

"Well, Oliver Schkorb! Army Lieutenant, originally served as a recruit instructor in the 22nd Division. He really wants to gain more combat experience!"

Logan was an understanding person. "Make way for the young," he thought to himself. The army lieutenant was probably seeking opportunities here because he couldn't find them in his previous unit. If the lieutenant indeed had command ability, it wouldn't hurt to appoint him as a company commander or deputy, but if he was just a dud, he couldn't be allowed to harm the unit at the grassroots level!

"Rest assured, your affairs are mine too. I'll take good care of Oliver. Just please keep an eye on things for me with General Püchler!" Logan smiled as he handed the newspaper back to Schkorb. Since their barracks were quite far from the nearest town, the information flow was somewhat restricted.

"Of course!" With the chance to prove his worth, Schkorb became enthusiastic again.

Shortly after lunch, the truck convoy from the 22nd Division arrived as scheduled. To show their warmth and sincerity to these army brothers, Logan not only had the entire battalion line up to welcome them but also specially invited the divisional military band. Several veterans who were said to have participated in the last war played music, which seemed quite appropriate.

Leading the volunteers from the 22nd Division was Solomon Payne, who had just been appointed as the deputy commander of the exemplary airborne battalion the day before. Logan had never met him before (even if he had seen him, it was as Hans Logan's real self), and this arrangement was mainly to balance the arms and units. However, according to Püchler, this pure-blooded Austrian had served in the Austrian army for a full 10 years before the German-Austrian merger, demonstrating considerable bravery in previous operations invading the Low Countries. What was surprising was that he was also born in 1913, just like Logan!

"Captain Logan, it's an honor to meet you... really honored!" Lieutenant Payne's excited expression surprised Logan, especially when he saw similar looks in the eyes of the other officers from the 22nd Division, making him wonder: Had they all read the newspaper in the morning?

At this moment, Logan had already forgotten about that sleazy war correspondent. He greeted his new colleagues in confusion, listening to the overwhelming praises:

"It's truly an honor to meet you! Fantastic!"

"We're honored to be under your command!"

"We all regard you as our idol!"

"Captain, you're my inspiration!"


Suddenly, Logan felt like a superstar on the battlefield, receiving fervent adoration from thousands of fans. To maintain a friendly smile, his facial muscles even felt like they might cramp. After shaking hands with all the officers, Payne had already arranged for the soldiers to line up in five rows, eagerly inviting Logan to review them.

Under the soldiers' passionate gazes, Logan couldn't help but feel awkward in his stride. Fortunately, he was born for such grand occasions. In just two short minutes, he had already noticed that these soldiers from the 22nd Division were young and full of vitality, with robust and vigilant physiques. With dedication, they would undoubtedly become an elite force full of combat capability!

Standing in front of the formation, Payne loudly proclaimed, "Soldiers, starting from today, we will become members of the Model Paratrooper Battalion, under the command of Captain Hans Logan. We take pride in this, and we will strive forward!"

"Strive forward!" the soldiers roared in unison, indicating that this had likely been rehearsed beforehand.

Payne made a "please" gesture, automatically yielding the floor to Logan.

Before this, Logan had already prepared a draft for today's speech. However, the unprecedented enthusiasm of these army officers and soldiers prompted him to deliver an impromptu speech — albeit with a few pauses. Overall, it was satisfactory. In the final rallying cry of "for victory," he received a resounding response from all the soldiers, so much so that the entire camp could hear the stirring sound!

After the dispersal, Logan couldn't wait to say to his new deputy, Payne, "Look, Solomon, thank you for everything you've done for me. But I'm a practical man; I don't need those fancy compliments!"

"Hans, what do you mean?" Payne looked at him in surprise.

"I mean... I know my own worth. You don't have to flatter me just because I'm your new commander, even if it's well-intentioned!"

"Flattery?" Payne seemed a bit angry. "No, Hans, we genuinely respect and admire you! In the Battle of Dunkirk, the extraordinary wisdom, astonishing courage, and exceptional compassion you displayed have become a model for German soldiers. The entire Germany takes pride in you!"

"Uh... well... ah... actually, it's nothing," Logan looked bewildered. He had no idea that the Berliner Morgenpost had a circulation of over 2 million copies, with significant influence throughout Germany!

"Yeah, the whole Germany!" Payne said earnestly. "The Berliner Morgenpost has published your story for two consecutive days, and even the Völkischer Beobachter and the Twelve O'Clock News are serializing it. Plus, there's the People's Observer, which dedicated an entire page to you. Oh, and the radio broadcasts too. Don't you think that's enough for the entire Germany to know you?"

Alright! Logan sighed to himself. It seemed he had underestimated the bespectacled fellow. Speaking of which, how did the 7th Paratrooper Division end up choosing such a remote location for its base?!

With such a powerful propaganda campaign laying the groundwork, Logan was confident that he had become the focus of attention throughout Germany. But he feared he had also become the target of resentment for the British and French, especially those widows who probably gnashed their teeth and wished they could tear him apart!