Homo-Abel Chapter Twenty eight (28) ( Nevilis )


 Realm; Bestit [ Sixty Capital ] 

 Lucas opened his eyes only to see that he was in a containment, he looked around and saw some metas working on something.

 " hey.. how long have I been out? " Lucas asked but no one paid an attention to him " the subject is awake " one of the scientist said " subject?!! " Lucas asked as he quickly remembered what happened.

 " oh hell no! " Lucas said and he struggled to get out of the containment tube but no avail he even tired using his ability but there was no signs of any form of damage to the tube, then a scientist came and injected something into his tube and he passed out again.

 Realm; Nevilis [ The Night]

 A portal opens as Cesar and Kane comes out " so do you mind explaining to me what happened back there? " Cesar asked.

 Cesar looked around and saw that he was in a forest but when he looked forward he saw a city not too far from where they were but and if you looked closely one could see the moon centered in the sky.

 The way it looked one could tell that it wasn't moving and it wasn't showing any sign of movement.

 Nevilis was a home to mythical creatures, the particular realm was spilt in two namely " The Day and The Night ", the day is a place in Nevilis were there was steady sunlight.

 It was a place where the day entities thrive such as, angels, gods, mermaids, hunters, day walkers, nine tailed foxes and many more.

 While The Night as you have guessed is where the Night entities thrive such as Vampires, were wolves, witches, sirens, Demons and demi gods, Chaos, dark knights and many more.

 Now those in the day can't go to the light without proper pass and those in the night can't do the same.

 Nevilis generally was a place were some high leveled creatures from other realms would come to learn about magic and become stronger in sorcery.

 There were two leaders in Nevilis namely ; Lucifer and Zeus, Lucifer was the ruler of The Night while Zeus was the ruler of The Day and this two creatures don't really see eye to eye.

 " where are we exactly? " Cesar asked confused " Nevilis...I really hate this place " Kane replied as he began to walk towards the city and Cesar followed.

 " I thought Nevilis was the worst of them " Cesar asked " it is " Kane replied as he stops to take a look around " for someone that can fly you sure do walk a lot " Cesar commented.

 " please can you just shut up being in this place alone makes me unsettle " Kane said as a hint of anger flashed in his face.

 Cesar was immediately quiet and then continued walking forward when a large hairy wolf like figure came out of nowhere nearly bitting Cesar head off but Cesar was swift to get out of the way in the nick of time.

 " what the hell was that? " Cesar asked and he immediately stood his guard " it's a were wolf beta, level five just the right training partner the only ability they harbour are physical so you should be alright " Kane said and began walking.

 " wait what does that mean? " Cesar said as the were wolf stuck again even faster this time and Cesar got a wounded by his left arm immediately flames rapped around it and it healed.

 " whoa cool " Cesar said but the werewolf stuck again this time Cesar was swift to get out of the way " I haven't really tasted my abilities since i got back from the Labyrinth Kane was right this was the perfect sparring partner " Cesar turned around only to see that Kane is gone.

 " where the hell... " Cesar attempted to say but the werewolf had already bit him by his lap, and without hesitation the werewolf began to drag him around making sure Cesar head hits the ground as hard as possible.

 Cesar was bleeding profusely but the wound were healing rapidly, Cesar suddenly got a grip of himself and teleported himself away from the werewolf's grip " I could swear that if it was the former me that encounter this werewolf the results would have been different " Cesar said.

 Cesar then felt an intensive pain and looked at his ripped jeans and saw that the wound on his lap hasn't healed.

 " don't tell me am actually going to turn into a werewolf " Cesar said as he touched the wound and then raised his head to look up but couldn't find the werewolf.

 " shit " Cesar said using his search ability and saw the werewolf about half a miles away " don't tell me they are that fast " Cesar said and began to run after it he happens to be even faster.

 As he ran he was so fast that he couldn't control his speed and tripped he then fell hard on top of the werewolf and broke his neck.

 " I thought we told you vampires to stay away from.... " a man attempted to say when he sees a man in a totally different clothing, long sliver haired and had golden colored eyes , he was surprised when he saw his son below the man.

 Five minutes later [ in a house ]

 " how many times must I tell to stay home and wolf out.... that way you will avoid tragedy like this " the man said to his son who was on his knees. Cesar on the other hand was magically chained to a chair.

 " he looks like he comes from the world with one light " a woman said as she took a close look at Cesar who immediately wakes up.

 " oh he is awake..." the man said " who are you? and where the hell am I? " Cesar asked as he saw himself in chains he immediately raised his temperature to be very hot and the chains melts on his skin and he stands up.

 " is he a sorcerer " the woman asked with a hint of fear in her face " no he isn't... My name is Kelvin young one,this is my wife Patricia and my son Corbin and you are in my home " Kevin said pointing to the woman and the boy on the ground about nineteen years old.

 Kelvin was old about fifty years old, he was six feet tall he had brown skinned he had black colored hair and shinning blue colored eyes, he had on a T-shirt and a jean.

 Patricia was looked a young about thirty years, Patricia was five feet and a half feet tall, she was a blonde with green colored eyes, she was yellow skinned and wore a blue dress she had a hint of fear in her eyes like she was afraid of something.

 Corbin on the other hand was six foot tall he had yellow skinned like his mom he had black hair, green colored eyes, he was muscular and shirtless and was wearing torn blue jeans.

 " my name is Cesar I am here with someone and I don't want any trouble I was just passing through well that's was before your son bit me " Cesar said as if just remembering as he looked at his lap the wound has already healed but it left a scar. 

 " we are so sorry it wasn't intentionally our son just turned and we are still teaching him how to control his ability " Kelvin replied " whatever i will be leaving but why the hell did it leave a scar no wound has ever left a scar on me before " Cesar said to himself and then walked out of the house.

 Lucifer's Throne room

 " I thought you said you were never coming back " Lucifer said.

 Lucifer was about six and a half feet tall he had black colored hair with strands of sliver in it.

 He was pale skinned and had gold colored eyes, he had on a royal robe made of gold he had an apple in his hands.

 He was seating down on a throne that had two long horns on each side, the room was colored black and red as there were touches on the wall the wall moved just like in the Labyrinth it was like something was in the wall.

 " I need you help " Kane said without hesitation " of course you do everyone does get in line " Lucifer said " I know I said the Labyrinth was the last draw but this is related to the Labyrinth " Kane replied.

 " did you know how many souls I put into that Labyrinth...it was half the souls I use in my castle...We nearly fought a war despite the peace treaty you created " Lucifer said as he stood up from his throne.

 " I know you have changed but that changes nothing if Zeus finds out you are back he will come crashing down like the fucking lightning he is and i won't lose a couple of souls just because you came so I suggest you leave this instant... Before it gets ugly " Lucifer said as the flames touches in the room rose.

 " nice acting there I nearly fell for that you sure had a lot of time to practice that didn't you? " Kane said with a smirk on his face " I waited ages for you return you bastard...come here " Lucifer said and then flew towards Kane and gave him a hug.

 " how has it been old friend six no seven thousand years " Lucifer said as a table and a glass of wine appeared from nowhere Lucifer said and then took a sip out of it.

 " I should have offered you but we both know you don't drink " Lucifer said with a smile " I know " Kane said " so what do you need? " Lucifer asked.

 " wait before we begin i want to let you know that i wasn't joking about the Zeus thing...the guy is really pissed and as we speak he is thunder bolting this way in anger " Lucifer said as the throne room roof opens wide and the room enlarges about half a mile in length.

 " really? " Kane said " I really don't want him destroying anything " Lucifer said with a smile.

 City gates [ Nevilis;The Night]

 Cesar was attempting to knock on a large gate when he sees a very powerful lighting bolt coming from afar with extreme speed burning and destroying everything in it's path Cesar was quick to activate an electrical shield before it got to him.

 " what was that? " Cesar asked in shock as the grass and trees that were once behind him were burnt to ash. They ground was completely leveled " what the hell just pass through here? " Cesar asked in complete shock on his face

 Lucifer's Throne room

 A large lightning blast hits the room destroying everything in the room as a figure spoke from the lightning it was technically impossible to see it's face as they were completely covered with complete lightening and thunder " welcome back Kanolius ".