Homo-Abel Chapter Thirty three (33) ( Lucid Dreams )

Realm; Bestit [ The Luna Tower ]

Judi was found throwing lighting and thunder at Damian who used his telekinesis to move it " that's literally impossible " Judi said in shock as she was bleeding from her fore head.

" that's nothing compare to what I am going through " Verona said as two of her beast has been controlled and they were fighting each each other.

Lisa on the other hand was trying her best to get close to Damian but there was an invisible force that she couldn't pass no matter how hard she tried.

" I thought you said you learnt a technique use it " Judi said as she sent more thunder and lighting " I can't I not up to the level " Lisa said.

" so was Damian....you can do this... " Judi said as the thunder she sent reflected and struck her " you just crossed the line....Collaso technique... " Lisa said as she closed her eyes took a deep breathe as she her blue eyes sparkled bright.

" Annihilation technique.... Purity " Lisa said as there was blue colored light that flashed passing through Damian like a bullet suddenly Damian yelled in pain.

" no no no we aren't done yet we just got here....we shall find you and eradicate you and your descendants " the legion said through Damian as Damian passed out and fell hard to the ground.

" that was awesome Lisa how did you....Lisa...Lisa " Verona said as she turned to see Lisa pass out with blood dripping from her orifices.

Judi had broken most of the bones in her body and couldn't move as she was bleeding from her severely " please....tell me she is still....breathing " Judi said as she tried to move.

" she isn't breathing... Judi..... is it okay that she isn't breathing? ".

Realm; Nevilis [ The Night ] Lucifer's Throne room

" what happened to my son Kane? " Zeus yelled as thunder struck the sky Lucifer on the other hand was at the edge of the Castle looking at the destruction.

" he is probably dead.,... Cesar on the other hand is alive that blast is child's play for him " Kane said as he thought to himself " they destroyed the wall along with everything within it " Lucifer said with a hint of anger in his voice " it took me ond year to build that wall " Lucifer said.

" and it took one day for it to get destroyed what's new? " Kane said and he continue thinking " what's new?..... What's new?!! " Lucifer said as his rose tremendously.

" Kane eradicator " Lucifer said as the a large purple blast appear in the sky " what's new? " Lucifer repeated " Don't do this.... you really don't want to do this " Kane said.

" oh I do.....I really do " Lucifer said as the blast struck Kane with lighting speed " Absolute Cancel " Kane said as he immediately spat out a handful of blood as the Kane eradicator blast immediately vanished.

" oh sorcery magic is it... Let's see you fair against two hundred more Kane eradicator blast " Lucifer said as immediately two hundred blast appeared in the sky.

Suddenly Kane chuckled and said " I told you not to do this " Kane said with a smile as suddenly there was a crack in the sky like the realm was ripping apart.

" Hidden art technique....Complete world technique..... Transformation " Kane said softly as there was a red lightning strike from where Kane stood as all of a sudden he was in an armor similar to that of the Dark Lord, as his long red hair sparkled bright and his armor was filled with red light as his aura changed.

Complete world technique is a extremely powerful technique that concede the user destructive nature and binds any form of the users technique or ability that the user wants hidden.

" Hidden art technique..... Commandments technique.... Lucid Dreams " Kane said as he voice echoed through the kingdom.

The Commandments technique is not that different from the Command technique, it has been amplified as so it deals a great deal of damage to it's victim and it's for offense only.

Meanwhile Lucid Dreams is a disruptive technique that disturbs the natural order minutes before it casted.

This attack works in two ways, it destroys the core of the realm and then it sets everyone in the realm into a deep sleep as they dream of a life or something in which they wanted the most untill the realm is torn apart.

It is stated to be the third most horrible form of death in the whole realms and at the same time it is also one of the peaceful way to end the existence of a realm.

" no you swore never to use that technique " Zeus said as fear was written clearly in his face " and he swore never to use Kane eradicator " Kane said as the realm ripped apart as the atmosphere became unstable Lucifer and Zeus found it hard to breathe they immediately began vomiting blood as they passed out.

" Hidden art technique....Space time technique.... Farfall " Kane said black smoke suddenly covered him as he took a glance at Lucifer and Zeus who was on the floor in their own pool of blood before he disappeared.

Space time technique is a technique that allows it's user access time and space which allows it's users to travel through dimensions, realm and time but the only downside is one could not interfere or interact with anyone or any business that is to take place the the dimensions or time.

"good luck " Kane said as he vanished.

Four hundred years ago

Realm; Nero ( Eradicated )

Twelve year old Kane just came back from playing with his younger brother Peter.

Peter was ten years old, he had short sliver colored, along with a fresh X kind of wound just a little above his eyebrow as he was brown skinned, had golden eyes and he looks very identical to Cesar .

As they went home they saw their mom Cecelia cooking their favorite meal roasted chicken and arcane ( a substance that looks identical to rice ).

Cecelia was a five and a half feet tall woman with red colored hair and brown eyes she was pale skinned and looked beautiful in her brown colored dress, she was soft type and didn't like seeing her children hurt or in turmoil.

As she served them food " what happened to your eye brows " Cecelia asked as Peter was about to respond a large bang was heard as screams could be heard outside immediately their dad rushed in his name is Jo.

Jo was a soldier in the realm of Neon and was highly respected he was rarely at home but when he was, he always tried as much as possible to spend time with his children.

As he walked in Kane noticed for the first time in his life his dad wasn't smiling " dad is there anything wrong " Kane asked but all of a sudden a large furniture broke through their roof and struck Cecelia pinning her to the wall.

She immediately died, Jo was devastated by the sight but he didn't have time to shed tears he immediately grabbed his two sons by the hands and took outside as they began running Kane and Peter were so traumatized that they couldn't cry or say anything.

There was commotion in the sky outside as disruptive wave moved through the sky, people were running for escape as others were dieing, As Jo and his children ran a large gigantic foot came crashing down on them Jo was able to throw Kane out of the way.

He tried to push Peter but Peter wouldn't leave his hands and so when the foot came crashing down on their father it took Peter's hands along with it.

Suddenly a large bang was heard and a eight feet tall armored being fell down and smashed to the ground he was bleeding profusely but he managed to stand up.

" what are you guys still doing here " the being said as he saw that Peter had passed out due to his pain of losing his left hand he immediately carried Peter on his shoulders and held Kane with his left hand " what happened " the being asked Kane but he was too shocked and traumatize to respond the being immediate knew that he has seen a lot.

The being then opened a portal to another realm when Kane looked up and saw an extremely large being covered in gold he had long golden hair with bright white eyes with this crazy look on his face as he dressed like a modern rockstar artist.

He revealed his golden fangs as he open his mouth to speak " run little Dark Lord run... " The Sentian said as his crazy smile widen " that one is called Riot " the being said " we better leave before he tries to stop us " the being said.

Immediately Riot puts his large hands together like he wanted to say a prayer and said " Ultimate Supreme technique..." Riot said as his smile grew wider " matter of fact i want you to watch this and hate the Sentians for what they did to your realm.

Immediately the sky tore apart as everything in sight began to decay and disappear " Lucid Dreams... " Riot said as he laughed manically as the realm disrupted.

" I am going to kill every last one of them every single one " Kane swore to himself as the being dragged him into the portal " see you next time Little Dark Lord " Riot said as he laughed.

Present Day

Realm of the Dark Lord

( Throne of the Dark Lord )

Melvin and the others walked into the room only to see the Dark Lord, Derek, Dorken and some other officials discussing.

" You! " Cesar yelled as he saw Derek and immediately went forward to attack Derek but Dorken stood in the way of Cesar " ignite " Cesar said but nothing happened " what's this have I lost my ability " Cesar taught to himself as Derek sat there with a smile on his face " ignite " Cesar yelled again but still nothing happened.

" you are in the presence of our Lord no ability nor technique can manifest unless he defined it so " one official pointed out.

" now bow before our Lord, the manipulator and controller of the realm in which you rest your feet, the one that is to face and eradicate the Sentians, bow before the Dark Lord ".