Homo-Abel Chapter Thirty Five(35) ( the third wife )

Realm of the Dark Lord

" so you all mean to tell me that the lives that he took are all apart of The Cause and that the Dark Lord that happens to support him murdering thousands of lives is among the good ones " Cesar said with pure rage emmiting from him.

The room was becoming hot but everyone in the room kept their cool as they knew Cesar was like a pest to them one single slap from any of them could kill him.

But they also knew he was one of the most dangerous pest they knew, and one single slip up could cost them their lives.

Suddenly blood dripped down from Cesar, Cesar slowly touched his nose only to see blood.

He was shocked but blood proceeded to burst out from his orifices and he passed out.

" did you do anything? " Derek asked Melvin " none that I know of " Melvin responded.

" it's the blood technique it isn't supposed to be harness by someone this puny although he had level up all the way to level thirteen his body still isn't capable of taking that much pressure " The Dark Lord explained as he stood up and snapped his fingers as Cesar disappeared.

" I sent him to the mage he will be treated...but he has two more trials with that blood technique after that he dies but if he could be able to level up to one hundred before then he stands a chance " The Dark Lord continued.

" but that will be hard because the tournament is starting tomorrow he seems to be weaker than expected " The Dark Lord added

" but he killed one of your officials like it was a piece of cake " Derek said with a chuckle.

" no he didn't....Domio is still alive they are beings with the ability to respawn almost immediately after death i bet he would respawn in a couple of hours speaking of that I need to check up on something " The Dark Lord said and he snapped his fingers and vanished.

" the boy has Malcom's type of mind set he would be hard to control " Melvin said to Derek.

" who said anything about controlling him all we need to do is get him to fight alongside us and then once the Sentians has been eradicated we will take care of him.... don't tell me you thought we were going to let a puny mortal like him to be a Dark Lord " Derek said with an evil smile on his face.

" that puny mortal is your brother " Melvin said " the same way Kane and Peter are brothers now shut up and get out " Derek said " you aren't the boss of me " Melvin said as his eyes shinned bright.

" but I am more powerful so get out " Derek said as a massive aura filled the air and Melvin let out a handful of blood and then vanished.

" what kind of sick thought is that letting a puny to become a Dark Lord what a joke " Derek said with an evil smile on his face.

" after we eliminate the Sentians I will kill him myself " Derek said as he stood up and sat down on the chair the Dark Lord was previously seated.

" and I will become the Dark Lord of all the major realms and will bring about balance perfect balance " Derek said as he laughed.

Realm; Bestit ( Dark Halo HQ )

" what do you mean she died that's Cesar's wife we are taking about " Zack said to Amy as they walked into the room where Lisa was laid.

" she has been out for two days her heart had stopped but she keeps on bleeding from her nose " Lucille said to Verona was looked pale " what can we do? " Wong said worried he was the only one that looked more alive than any of them.

" we have called all the doctor's from all the realms none seemed to have the ability to heal her " Lucille said but Verona just stood still and refused to speak.

Ajax, Max, Riley , Amora and Micheal immediately walks into the room. " so it's true....Cesar isn't going to like this one bit " Riley says in disbelief " he has lost a lot....but this is next level " Amora says.

" where is Judi ? " Micheal asked " she went out to look for Felix along with Ava and Emily " Wong replied " I should have went along with them " Riley replied " that isn't right she isn't fit for battle " Amy said " tell that to her " Max commented " besides I thought that was you guy's mission " Lucille asked to Ajax.

" we were on his tail but he suddenly disappeared from our radar " Max replied swiftly " I actually got a glimpse of him and he looked pale but before I knew it he disappeared I bet he took my shadow " Micheal said.

" what's wrong with her ? " Ajax asked as everyone turned to look at Verona who was crying all of a sudden.

" don't be an asshole " Zack said as he took a seat " what she just lost competition that's good.... Now Cesar can love her more... Since they got married she hasn't been in Cesar's quarters but now she will be there everyday for conciliation " Ajax said as he chuckled.

Suddenly a large beast appeared from nowhere and jumps on top on Ajax will to rip his head off " whoa whoa " Micheal said as he walks up to Verona " don't he is still your half brother " Zack said.

Verona eye were already glowing blue and she was ready to kill Ajax " take a deep breath " Lucille says but all of a sudden the beast turns of ash everyone in the room immediately moves back in high alert as everywhere became to slowly turn to dust.

Suddenly Lisa's begins to levitate as everything around her begins to turn to ash

" what the hell is going on? " Ajax asked " I think she is going into shock and her powers are reacting greatly " Lucille explained

" Lisa " Verona said and rushed towards Lisa.

" don't get any closer you will turn to dust " Amy warned " she saved my life i owe her " Verona said as she rushed towards Lisa abd slowly began to turn to dust.

Nineteen years ago

Realm; Bestit ( Maine's castle)

" one day you will understand what it truly means to be in love and you will understand that I truly love your mother the reason why I did this is because it is what is needed to be done " a voice spoke.

She couldn't really understand what her father talked about or what he really looked like but he knew she hated him, he would always curse his mother and ended up marrying another woman any time both of them had an argument.

She left home at the age of twelve to train and become stronger to fulfill her father selfish need for a child she taught that maybe if she could become stronger enough she would be able to make him proud and maybe stop his greed and lust for a child.

She went as far as becoming the first woman to lead the Gen team one but her father wasn't satisfied he didn't even show up on the day of her coordination.

She ended up believing that her father would never be satisfied no matter how hard she worked she enede up locking herself out and concentrating on the important things.

But when she met Lisa and Judi and her whole world change, she realizing that everything she knew was wrong, she saw two ladies who had lost a lot in life fall in love with each other and it lighten up her world.

After the mind opening sex that they had she fell in love with them and now that one of them is close to losing their way she couldn't bear the sight of it and she was willing to do anything to change that even if it took her life.

" Lisa i know you can hear me... You are the strongest person I have ever met, you taught me everything i know about true love, you and Juid opened my eyes to see the beauty of this world..... I love you Lisa " Verona said as tears dropped from her eyes she looked at Lisa and their eyes met and immediately Verona turns completely to dust.

Everything immediately stops to vanish as tears flowed from Lisa's eyes " I love you too " Lisa said as she passed out.

Realm; Horosis

Kane appeared into the home of a Chronic woman who was busy preparing an enchantment.

Chronic are species that looked a lot like human but they have two different kinds of eye color, the also have long and sharp fangs along with tiny feather wings behind their back.

" I knew it would take more than a couple of memory wipe spells to keep you off my back but you should have come a lot earlier " the woman said " I was just preparing a spell that prevents outer realm species from visiting " the woman added.

" you are a hard chronic to find I had to go to Farfall only to learn that you moved but that is not important..I need to find the boy " Kane said.

" I am afraid i can't help you i was personal instructed by a higher life form not to intervene in this situation " the chronic woman responded.

" so he was taken by scavengers....which one " Kane asked but the chronic woman was silent " it's probably the fastest scavenger there is...Torak... it's time to pay him a visit " Kane said with an evil smirk on his face " Hidden art technique....Space time technique... Meddenvill " Kane said as black smoke covered him and he disappears.