We meet again

Adrianne's POV

"Hey Chin we are almost there. Please contact Sam right away so that no one will notice us and lets put our disguise." Tae Rin said.

"Okay unnie. She said last night that she's going to fetch us with her white van." Chin while busy with her phone, maybe she is chatting with Sam.

"Okay okay just message her right after we arrived at the airport." I also said to her.

"Yes unnie." Chin answered.

"Rabbit call Sam now. This disguise is irritating me." Jiyoon said while scratching her face. Grr this child.

"Chill monkey okay. I'll call her." Chin said then dialed Sam's number.

We keep on walking to go outside where the place for the people to fetch their someone.

"Hello Sam we are here......Okay?...... We are in disguise right now........ Okay........ Your wearing red? Wait I already saw you." Chin said all throughout the phone call.

"Let's go girls. I already saw her." Chin said then walk to Sam and we just follow her.

Then I saw Sam too and she's waving her hand at us.

"Hi girls." Sam said to us when we approach her.

"Hello." We all said to her.

Then suddenly the door from the side of the van opened and Kelly went out.

"Hi girls. Your always beautiful. I'm also excited to hang out with you." She said to us then hug us one by one.

"Hello. We are also excited too." I said to her then we all smile.

But my smile failed when the one that I want to see is no where to be found.

"Get inside first girls before anyone would notice you." Sam said then she put our luggage on the back part of the van then went to driver seat and we also get inside the van.

I sit on the first row with Chin and Tae Rin. Jiyoon is at the back with Kelly.

"Oh so one of you is absent." Tae Rin said to the two. I know it's her way to know where River is.

"Huh?" Sam ask and she's confused

"Sorry what I mean is where is the other one? There are three of you in the group right?" Tae Rin explain to her

"Ahh okay okay. Well Rive....." Sam didn't finish what she's saying.

"Sorry for waiting, the line in the comfort room is long." River said as she suddenly barged in.

Upon seeing her makes my nerves calm. So suddenly I became happy, totally happy. Early in the morning but my day is already complete.


"Okay lang Ilog kakarating lang naman nila. Right girls?" Sam said then look at us at the back. And it makes us confused.

But River smacked her head.

"Your asking them like they understand you saying Filipino words." River said to her. So she's asking us.

"Sorry girls I forgot hehe. Let me translate it." She said while tapping her nape.

"Aww cute." I heard Chin mumbled that only me and Rin could hear her.

"Like River said she's saying sorry to us for waiting but I said to her that its okay because you Girls Rule just arrived before her." She said to us then smile.

"Okay. Yeah River its alright." Tae Rin said to her then she smile and nodded.

She looks more pretty handsome today. Shes wearing a navy blue shirt with a leather jacket that is color black then black pants with air jordan triple white shoes. H.O.T.

"So girls let's go." Sam said then she start the car.

"Sam where are we heading?" I asked her then she look at me at the front mirror.

"Ahm to River's condo. We are staying there for a night because tomorrow is our flight to Siargao." She said then I nodded at her.

So we are going to her condo.

"So girls my condo is not that big ha. Don't expect too much please." River said to us then scratch her head.

"It's alright River. Well this is our plan and we just tag along with you." Chin said to her.

"Don't think of that Francine. Its such a privilege that we are with Girls Rule." River said then wink at Chin and here I am frowning at her.

Why does she need to wink.

Rin unnie noticed me she just smirk at me. I know she knows. Tsk!

"You know girls we are lucky to have you here

Especially me cause I am a fan." Kelly said to us.

I thought she and Jiyoon lost in their own world.

"And we are also lucky that you girls accompany us to this trip." Jiyoon said then wink at Kelly then she blushed.

So what with the wink?

Tae Rin rolled her eyes at Jiyoon. She saw me looking at her and I smirk at her. Payback time Rin.

"Alright so we are both lucky." Sam said and laugh awkwardly.

After a minute we heard a phone ringing. It's Sam's and its connected to her van. Therefore when she answered we can also hear of what on the other line saying. Its on speaker.

"Hello." She said to the other line.

"Hello Sam its me Shane do you remember me?." Sam stunned when the other line spoke then she looks at River on her side.

I saw River waving her hand at Sam.

"Oh yeah yeah Shane of-course I remember you." Sam said then grinned at River. So what's with them?

Thankfully they are speaking in english.

"Do you perhaps know where is River? She's not answering her phone." The other line said. So its her girl I think.

River shake her head signing to Sam that she's not with her.

"I don't know either." Sam said and River sighed on relief.

"But she promised me round two and my body is searching for the pleasure she gave me that night." The girl on the line said that makes Sam and River stunned and that leaves our mouth open. So she did it with that girl.

Is she her girlfriend? So she swing the other way like Jiyoon. I know its obvious but I need a proof.

"You know what Shane I'm busy bye." Sam immediately shut the call then look at River looking sorry. Then River sign that its okay.

Am I jealous?

I think not it's only the second time we meet.


"And here we are. Girls put your disguise on." Sam said to us after she park her van.

River immediately comes out.

Then the door behind me opened.

She offer her hand to me and I accepts it.

She helps me to go out of the van.

"Thanks!" I said to her then smile and she smile back at me.

But unfortunately all of us help by her. Tsk!

Atleast she's a gentle woman so be thankful Adrianne.

But still a playgirl I guess.

"Lets go girls follow me. Ahm Adrianne Let me help you with your luggage" River said to me and I give her my luggage then we all follow her.


River's POV

"Fuck Sam it's embarrassing that they heard that, especially Rian. I haven't even come up with a strategy yet, my image is broken." I whispered to Sam while we were in the elevator. It was just a whisper even though I knew they didn't understand because we are speaking in tagalog

Sam just laughed at what I said.

"Cause your such a play girl, idiot." Sam said smirking.

"Not only me but also you. Besides, it's your fault why did you connect your phone to your car." I said annoyed.

"Of course, when someone calls, it's easy to answer while driving." She said with a smile. That fool has still a guts to smile while me is full of embarassment. If only we didn't have Girls Rule with us, I would have beaten her earlier.

"Hey you two what are you whispering there?" Kelly nudged us.

Shit, fucking Kelly the other villain is speaking in english that's why they can understand her.

They were all looking at Sam and me. I looked at Rian and smiled hesitantly.

"Ah eh nothing." Scratching my head, I answered her. Shame on these two friends. I don't seem to be able to face Girls Rule anymore, especially my wife.

"There you go." I told them when we arrived at my condo.

I put my wife's luggage aside. Of course I took it from her. Sam carried Tae Rin's and Francine's, let her take care of both girl's luggage. Jiyoon can do it to herself haha.

"Girls please sit first." Then I guide them to sit on the couch.

"What do you want? Water, juice or anything?" I asked them after they comfortably sat on the couch.

"Actually River we didn't eat breakfast before we go here." Chin said. I know her, i know that she's always hungry.

"Sam, how come I don't know how to cook?" I whispered to Sam and I looked at Kelly to ask for help.

"What if guys lets settle first your things. And as you can see there are only two rooms. We will give you the rooms so its by twos. And we three we will sleep here." Sam explain to them.

"So girls who's room with who?" Kelly asked them.

"Me and Rin unnie." Lisa said.

"Okay so its me and Rian unnie." Chin said.

"Is it really okay to you guys that you will sleep here?" Rian asked us.

"It's alright besides we sleep here last night." I said then scratch my nape.

"So its settle okay. Let's put your things inside your room." Sam said to us.

"Sam, I'm going to give my room to my wifey, then in the other room, bring Tae Rin and Jiyoon's luggage. I'll take care of Rian and Chin's stuff." I whispered to Sam and she nodded.

"Let's go Rian, Chin." I said to the two and also pulled their things.

"This is my room but today this is yours." I said to the two. They sat on my bed and observed my room. Fortunately, my two maids are good at cleaning.

"Thanks River." Chin said and I smiled at her." I just go to the comfort room." Chin said.

"Okay but its outside this room." I told her and nodded at her.

Now Rian and I are alone here, I don't know what to do, how is it? I'm so shy in front of her. So I just sat next to her.

"Hey do you need anything?" I asked her then she looked at me.

"No. Its fine." She said and smile at me. Fuck guys I can't take it anymore, her smile makes me crazy. I think I'm going to pass out.

"Okay. Do you want to go outside? Maybe they are all there." I said to her then she nodded. I help her to stand then open the door for her.

"Kelly, Sam, what's the plan, we need food." I said to the two dork.

"I'll take care of it" Sam whisphered to me.

"Girls me and Kelly we're just going out to fetch our things for tomorrow so after we got our luggage we will buy foods. So what do you girls prefer for food?" Sam said to Girls Rule.

"We are here in the Philippines, can you buy us some filipino food." Jiyoon said to the latter.

"Yes she's right I want to try some filipino foods." Chin said to her then Sam smiled at her hmm.

"What about you Rian unnie and Rin unnie?" Kelly asked them.

Rian look at Tae Rin then Tae Rin nodded at her. They are communicating by just looking at each other. How can they do that?

"We also want to try filipino food." Rian said then smiled at Sam and thats the best sight I've ever seen.

Fuck the two left me here alone with the girls. Isn't it awkward? It's embarrassing to move. Especially when the four girls were looking at me after the two left, shit. how is it? What am I gonna do?

"River when did you start playing? You know volleyball." Tae Rin asked me to break the silence.

"When I was in highschool I used to play it with my classmates. Then college came and I joined to our university team for me to have scholar. So that I can study in a better school." I said to them.

"So your still studying?" Chin asked me.

It's like I'm in a question and answer portion right now. Why did it take so long for those two to arrive?

"No. I just graduated last year. Then after my graduation I joined the volleyball league here in the Philippines." I answered her.

Yes right did I already said it you guys?

"Congrats about your graduation. So your still young I guess?" Tae Rin unnie asked me then eyed Rian. What's with the look?

"Thank you Rin unnie. I just turned 23 last month." I said to her.

"So its a three years age gap. I see." Tae Rin mumbled but I still heard some of it but I didn't understand. Then Tae Rin looks again at Rian but my wifey rolled her eyes on her. What's with them. I just look at them with the confused eyes.

"What is it again Unnie?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing." She said then smiled.

"Belated happy birthday River." Jiyoon said to me.

"Thanks Yoon." I said to her.

"So when is your birthday?" Chin asked me.

"March 17." I answered.

"Ow!" They said in unison.

"So thats the reason why your jersey number is 17." Chin said and I nodded at her.

"Why not 16?" Rin asked then Rian smacked her arm.

"Why 16 though?" Whats with 16? Hmm. I know its my wife's birthday but why they asked me that.

"Oh nothing." There she is again with her nothing answer.

"I'll change it to 16 if my girlfriend's birthday is on 16 especially January." I said to her then grinned at Tae Rin.

Rin squeeled like she gets what I am stating. Then I look at Rian looking down with the tint of red on her face.

I smiled at that scenery.

Beautiful isn't it?