
"Get in the car, babydoll."

The endearment dripped like blackstrap molasses from his mouth, leaving a sickly sweet taste of possession and control. Of ownership.

"Over my dead body!" Kat shouted, squaring those bony shoulders.

"That can be arranged." Alex flicked his fingers. 

Quick as a rattlesnake strike, one of Alex's hulking thugs stepped forward, the snub-nosed barrel of his Glock caressing Kat's temple. Her eyes went wide, her olive complexion blanching to ash.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" I was in the gunman's face before I could think better of it, putting myself between that lethal weapon and the only person who gave a rat's ass about me. 

Alex tensed, those blazing blue irises scalding me with something darker than rage. I must've lost my mind to think it was some kind of twisted jealousy. At that moment, I would've given up my life for Kat.