
I was eight again, small and powerless. Two meaty hands grab my wrists, yanking me into darkness. 

Sweat trickled down my spine, my nightgown clinging to my skin. I couldn't see, couldn't breathe. The darkness was alive, pressing in on me from all sides.

Then I hear it – that heinous chuckle.

"Come on, little doll. I promise I won't hurt ya this time. Shh..."

He placed a finger on my lips to shut me up. I shook my head, dizzy with fear. My mouth gaped to scream, his palm bottled my cry for help, but that only provoked my instincts to bite his hand. With a hiss, he pushed me so hard that I tripped over my bedroom's threshold.

"Little bitch." His clown-like smile pulled down in a scowl, the whites of his eyes glowering down on me in the blackness of the night.

I stood there frozen. For a moment, he didn't seem human, no, his face distorted. Morphed into something ugly, something haunting.