oppose each other with equal harshness

Despising Shen Yi, Dr. Gao assumed a condescending posture and said aloud, "My ancestor was an imperial physician inside the palace, far from being comparable to your ancestor's cheating journeyman doctor."

"If we're talking about that year, your ancestor didn't even have the qualifications to lift my ancestor's shoes!"

Dr. Gao felt self-conscious about getting back the game, not only was he proud of himself, he looked like he had his nose in the air and scorned Shen Yi.

Shen Zhan nodded his head furiously, "You're right, my ancestor's social status can't be compared to your ancestor. However, my ancestor wandered the countryside and lived a free life, and wherever he went, he was loved and admired by the people and did not need to look at anyone's face."

"Unlike your ancestor, who lived in that four-sided box for his whole life, all day long he was terrified and coy, kneeling on his knees every day, performing the three worships and nine kowtows, not daring to breathe a single breath!"

"Even with a high social status, it's still a suffocating life!"

Dr. Gao was once again defeated, being speechless by Shen Zhan, his body was trembling with anger, and he was close to hitting someone.

Ling Luohan couldn't stand it anymore, a poor loser dared to humiliate Dr. Gao, the "God of Medicine", this is looking for death.

Not caring if Ling Lao was present or not, he shouted to his bodyguard: "Ah Si, throw him out. Daring to be rude to Dr. Gao is disrespectful to our Jiangnan Ling Family!"

Shen Zun's eyes narrowed and said softly, "Jiangnan Ling Family? Could it be that the old man is the ..."

Ling Luohan's pointed chin lifted, a posture of Ni Pupil World, scornfully glancing at Chen Yan, and said aloud, "Not bad, except for us in Jiangnan who dares to call us the Ling Family, who else dares to use these four words."

Jiangnan City and Jiangbei City, separated by a river, with Jiangnan City to the south and Jiangbei City to the north.

The Ling family was the absolute bigwig of Jiangnan City, the number one richest. The Ling family's position in Jiangnan could be seen from a phrase that was circulating.

A river is divided into two cities, Jiangnan and Jiangbei; two cities with four tigers, Jiangnan Ling and Zhang, Jiangbei Zheng and Zhao.

The Ling here refers to the Ling family, Zhang is naturally the underground emperor of Jiangnan, the black force big brother Zhang Zihao. Jiangbei's Zheng and Zhao are no one else but Zheng Guohua and Zhao Tianhu, who have an undying grudge against Shen Zhan.

The Ling family mainly deals with jewelry, and has the reputation of being the king of jewelry in China, ranking high in the country. Net assets are as high as tens of billions of dollars, if even the immovable assets are included, there are hundreds of billions of assets.

The bodyguard Ah Si is about to make a move, Ling Lao waved his hand, did not let him do so. However, he didn't intervene either, he was eager to see whether Shen Yi was really capable or whether he was just talking nonsense.

Dr. Gao laughed back in anger, looking at Shen Zhan with extreme contempt, sneering, "Let's not mention our ancestors, let's look at the present. What qualifications do you have to talk to me about medicine when you're a layman who doesn't even touch the skin of medicine."

"It's not that I look down on you, but you just don't have anything to look down on. Look at your own appearance, you are the one who lives at the bottom of society, do you know what the upper class is like?"

"I've seen a lot of uneducated people like you who are full of nonsense. People like you all have a common problem in your heart, having an inferiority complex but wanting to hide it extremely well. Thus, they deliberately put on an air of innocence and beckon."

"To put it bluntly, it's just to satisfy your little bit of vanity!"

Letting Dr. Gao say whatever he wanted, Shen Zhan remained in a breezy manner, not anxious or angry.

For his kind of self-righteous people, the best way to deal with them is to ignore them, and treat their mouth full of nonsense as fart!

The best way to deal with them is to ignore them, and treat their mouths full of nonsense as farts.

sp;Sure enough, when he saw Shen Yi ignoring and disdaining him, Dr. Gao became even more angry.

"Kid, you deliberately appeared here, don't think I don't know what kind of crooked idea you are playing. Wanting to attract Miss Luo Han in this way, humph, you're just delusional!"

"Repeatedly exiting and belittling me as a quack doctor is to go and show that you are different. Unfortunately, using me as a cushion has blinded your dog's eyes. With your insignificant medical skills, you're nothing but scum in my eyes!"

Dr. Gao snorted coldly and provoked, "Hmph, since you've repeatedly bitten the bullet that I'm a quack, then do you dare to compete with me, and let's start a medical debate between you and me on the basis of Elder Ling's illness, so that we can all see who has the right words."

Dr. Gao was such a formidable figure, known as the youngest "God of Medicine" in the medical world, the reason why he willingly stayed by Ling Lao's side was to pursue Ling Luohan.

People like him cared the most about face, and all sorts of honors would always be revealed inadvertently, as if they were afraid that others wouldn't know about it.

Normally, he deliberately pretends to be low-profile, does not put those honors in his heart, and everywhere reveals a kind of high attitude that is indifferent to fame and fortune.

Dr. Gao is such a type of person, a typical villain, who wants to be a watchman but also wants to establish a house of chastity!

"I don't have time to gossip with you here." Shen Zhan was a bit impatient, he wanted to help Ling Lao out of good intentions, or perhaps out of love for the house.

He was helping out in friendship, not to prove himself. If you guys want to believe, you'll be healed, if you don't, just pull back.

As for who wins or loses, that false name, he wasn't interested!

"Oh, you're afraid even before you start?" Dr. Gao thought that this was Shen Yi's delaying tactic, to put it bluntly, he didn't dare to compete with him.

Ling Luohan also did not forget to dig at Shen Zhan, originally held a bellyful of anger towards him with no place to spread it, such a good opportunity to vent her anger, she would not let go.

"If you don't have the ability, don't talk big there, and what my grandfather's disease you can cure, Dr. Gao can't cure it. I see that you are just a small person who talks big and is jealous of Dr. Gao's superior medical skills. However, I've seen a lot of people like you."

Ling Luohan took a step forward and looked at Shen Zhan with a chilly face and said, "You want to use this way to get my attention, I can tell you without any hesitation that you are a toad trying to eat swan meat. With this status of yours, you don't deserve it!"

"Get lost before I get angry! Get the hell out of here as far as you can, and don't appear in front of me in the future. Seeing you makes me feel sick!"


At this moment, Shen Yi's fire finally exploded. Originally, he was not going to pay any attention to these people, saying that he was afraid of losing or that he didn't dare to compete, so let them think whatever they like, he didn't have the time to accompany them to play this childish game.

But Ling Luohan's words directly ignited Shen Zhan's anger.

She thought she appeared here just to get her attention. Including the fact that he wanted to save his grandfather's life out of the goodness of his heart, it was also interpreted by her as if this was her intentionally playing smart, using this despicable means to get her attention.

What a self-righteous ice beauty! What a high-minded, unseen Miss Ling! What a pretentious and arrogant Ling Luohan!

Shen Yi, who was about to leave, slowly turned around, his icy cold eyes without the slightest bit of temperature.

You want to play, then this immortal will play with you! Arrogant, noble, not put anyone in their eyes, then today this immortal will completely nullify and cripple your rich family's young lady's innocence and arrogance!

Play with this True Immortal in the art of healing, play with you to death!