crying mad at the schoolgirl

The traffic police captain brought five traffic police officers to push the car all the way to the entrance of City No. 1 Middle School and stopped, if it wasn't for the fact that Shen Zhan didn't want to make a scene in the school, they could have pushed the car all the way to the school.

"Sir, then we'll go ahead and evacuate the traffic here. Little Fifth Son, you stay behind and assist this gentleman in parking his car at the designated spot."

After the captain made the appropriate deployment, he organized the traffic police to start evacuating the lingering vehicles. In the emergency situation just now, they could only let the other vehicles pull over first to give way to Shen Yi's Maserati.

At this moment, the other vehicles on the entire road were still crowded together, and no one could move half a point.

"Thank you so much." Shen Zhan took out the ten thousand dollars extorted from Huang Sheng from his pocket and handed it to the captain. "It's a bit hot, go buy some water for the brothers to drink."

"Ah? This ..." that captain froze on the spot, not daring to reach out to receive this money.

Shen Zun can't help but say, directly will ten thousand dollars into the hands of the captain, himself when advanced into the school.

The captain froze on the spot for several minutes have not slowed down, looking at the hands of the red pile of money, heart mixed feelings. More certain that the other side with the Ling family has a relationship, reward to buy a water is 10,000 dollars, this luxury is only Jiangnan Ling family!

"Being a traffic police for so many years, finally did something colorful!" Although the captain was tired and sweaty, but his heart was happy.

Raising his hand to greet a few traffic police, he quickly went to evacuate the road traffic.

The time now was six fifty in the morning, the school was very quiet, everyone was in morning study. Therefore, no one saw Shen Yi sitting on the Maserati being pushed by the traffic police, super windy look.

In the school parking lot to find an empty space, the small five traffic police parked the car, politely greeted Shen Yi, rushed out to evacuate the traffic.

Shen Zun casually lock the car, take the new phone to the pants pocket a put, then towards the cafeteria to go.

The school's work schedule is to wake up at six in the morning, go to the classroom at 6:20 sharp for morning study, until seven o'clock to the end. Then it is breakfast time, seven fifty to the classroom, eight o'clock sharp officially start the first class in the morning.

Because of the delay in Xishan Park, Shen Zhan still missed the morning study. Seeing that there are still ten minutes to breakfast time, so he went directly to the cafeteria to wait for the meal.

Cafeteria in the south of the teaching building, divided into student cafeteria and staff cafeteria. Shen Zun immediately entered the student cafeteria, sitting near the door by the window of the first table.

At seven o'clock, the cafeteria opened on time, Shen Zong unshirkably the first to come to the mouth of the meal, casually ordered a meal, get the first table to eat up.

After the morning study, the students left the classroom in twos and threes, rushed to the cafeteria.

At this time, there were already quite a few students entering the cafeteria. When they saw Shen Zhan, who was sitting at table number one and eating, they all revealed surprised expressions.

"Who is this person? Why is he sitting there?"

"Holy shit! Isn't that the softball Shen Zun? How dare he sit and eat at table number one, is he looking for death?"

"Table 1 is the special table of Miss Mok, who dares to monopolize it? Let's see how this kid dies when Miss Mok arrives!"

"Hey, hey, let's just wait and watch the show!"

Anyone who passed by the No. 1 dining table looked at Shen Yi, who was eating with his head down, with a sneer, and no one issued a kind reminder to him.

At ten minutes past seven, school girl Mo Xiaoqi stepped into the cafeteria with her diehard friend Susan. Just in time to see Shen Yi, who had already finished eating and was about to pack up his utensils and leave, sitting at table number one.

"Xiaoqi, isn't that Shen Zhan, he actually sat at table number one?!" Susan exclaimed in shock.

A trace of anger surged on Mo Xiaoqi's face, and she was extremely disdainful of Shen Yi inwardly.

She thought that Shen Zhan didn't go to morning study and skipped classes in order to come to the cafeteria early to sit at her place to eat. Not daring to blatantly sit with her, he had to secretly sneak in at table number one for a while to satisfy his nasty heart.

"Hmph! This kind of person only secretly does some nasty things behind his back, in front of me, he doesn't even dare to look at me squarely!"

"Just knows to use this kind of underhanded means to attract my attention, unfortunately, doing so will only make me despise it even more!"

"Xiaoqi, why don't I go and blow him away?" Su Shan asked tentatively.

Mo Xiaoqi snorted coldly and glanced at Shen Zhan with contemptuous eyes.

"No need, I'll go over there myself. When I went to warn him yesterday, he even pretended with me that he didn't care, trying to attract my attention. Hmph, today he exposed himself."

"Crush on me? Don't even look at what status you have!"

Mo Xiaoqi huffed and puffed as she walked towards Shen Yi, immediately attracting the attention of everyone in the cafeteria.

"Look, School Flower Mo is here, the good show is about to begin!"

"Hehehe, Shen Yi, this softie, really made his own death! It's hopeless!"

Almost all of them stopped the chopsticks in their hands, with a gloating smile, waiting for the good show to start.


Mo Xiaoqi quickly rushed to the No. 1 dining table and violently slapped her palm on the table, shaking Shen Yi's cleaned up dining bowl.

Such a sudden vibration also made Shen Yi froze. When he looked up, he just saw Mo Xiaoqi's gloomy face that was about to rain.

The two of them came to a four-eye confrontation, instantly lightning and thunder!

"Shen Yi, is this position also for you to sit? Who gave you the right to sit at table number one!"

Mo Xiaoqi was overly agitated and her body trembled violently. Today, she was wearing a low-cut short-sleeved T-shirt, and the small half of her plumpness was exposed, swaying slightly with the fluctuation of her breath.

The gully area between the two hemispheres was even more tumbling and swaying.

Hearing Mo Xiaoqi open her mouth so unkindly, Shen Zhan also came to be a little angry. He was having a good meal, didn't invite you and didn't mess with you, what kind of nerve are you having?

Yesterday, she had issued a rude warning to herself, but she didn't care to bother with her.

Who knows that today is even more aggravated! Even the seat where one eats has to be approved by her, what kind of rule is this!

"Mo Xiaoqi, your control is too wide. Where I sit to eat, what's in your way? And who gave you the right to come in front of me and question me like this."

"You ...," Mo Xiaoqi was shivering with anger by Shen Yi, unable to speak.

Susan couldn't stand it anymore and said in a cold voice, "Shen Yi, you're doing this on purpose! Don't you know that table number one is exclusive to Xiaoqi?"

"Oh? I really didn't know that!" Shen Yi sneered, holding his hands on his chest.

"I'd like to ask you, who gave the rule that this No. 1 dining table only belongs to her, Mo Xiaoqi? Is there such a rule in the school's rules and regulations? Or is it in the cafeteria's dining guidelines that this article is attached?"

To be honest, Shen Zhan really didn't know this. After he obtained rebirth, his original memory, too, had only preserved some highlights. This kind of insignificant trifles had long been automatically filtered out by him.

"That's not true!" Susan disdainfully said, "However, it is a fact recognized by the entire school that table number one is exclusive to Xiaoqi!"

"Hehe, recognized by the whole school? Sorry, it's not recognized in my place."

Originally, Shen Zhan didn't want to calculate too much with the other party, but Mo Xiaoqi provoked him again and again. Even a clay man has three points of fire, not to mention that Mo Xiaoqi was originally being unreasonable.

"Mo Xiaoqi, you don't have to look at me with such eyes." Shen Zhan looked straight at Mo Xiaoqi's resentful gaze and smiled coldly.

"This is the school's cafeteria, not your home's kitchen dining room. Every table here is the school's public property, not your private property."

"Therefore, where I am willing to sit and eat is my own matter, and does not need to go through your consent! You also have no qualifications to restrain me!"

"In the future, in front of me, less take your rich family's big lady's high stance, this ... me Shen Yi doesn't eat this set!" Shen Yi almost said something again, but fortunately he changed his words in time.

"Shen Yi, don't you do this just to attract my attention? Don't think I don't know that you secretly have a crush on me, I'm warning you this is the last time!"

Mo Xiaoqi huffed and puffed out these words, she just wanted to hit Shen Yi's face hard in front of everyone. Let everyone see that a loser, a softie, was also worthy of having a crush on her, School Flower Mo.

"Mo Xiaoqi, you're so full of yourself. Don't think that you're the school flower and the whole world is going to surround you!"

After saying that, Shen Yi took the cutlery and walked towards the scrub room at the end of the cafeteria, leaving Mo Xiaoqi behind like a little complaining woman, not even caring.

"Shen Yi!" Mo Xiaoqi shouted angrily, stomping her feet in anger, almost crying out.

Su Shan directly opened her mouth wide, feeling somewhat unrealistic, Shen Yi was too much of a contrast from the other day, actually so disdainful of Mo School Flower!

All the students who were ready to watch the show were surprised and couldn't close their mouths, somewhat incredulous.

Is this still that softball Shen Yi?

The school flower Mo Xiaoqi, that is how many male students in the heart of the dream lover, I do not know how many boys, night lonely hard to endure, secretly for her to jerk off.

Who does not wish, can talk to Mo Xiaoqi on a couple of words, to please the beauty of a smile!

But Shen Yi is good, directly ignoring the existence of the school flower, but also the export of venomous, bullish mess, froze to Mo Xiaoxiao school flower to cry!

The schoolgirls have been so angry that they have been crying! At this moment, Mo Xiaoqi is not with tears in her eyes, staring fiercely at the direction of Shen Yi's departure with a spiteful gaze.

"Holy shit! Shen Yi is going against the heavens! Hanging!"

Most of the students secretly marveled, today's Shen Yi seems to have become different from before!