Speak up and warn!

"Senior Brother Zhou, you've gone too far!" Chen Qiaoling shouted angrily, her breath rising and falling.

"Hmph!" Senior Brother Zhou snorted coldly and did not say anything. Turning around and walking out a few steps, he turned back and pointed at the several mineral water buckets and said, "Don't forget to carry this water to the gym later! The National Arts Team doesn't keep idle hands!"

"You!" Chen Qiaoling was so angry that she was almost about to strike out, but it was Shen Zhan who calmed her down and smiled faintly at her, indicating that he didn't care.

"I'm sorry Brother Shen, it's my fault for not greeting you beforehand and letting you venture over. I ..."

Chen Qiaoling's heart was filled with aggression, and at this time, her eyes were slightly red and she was almost about to cry out.

"It's fine, I didn't even take it to heart, so why should you care. Well, don't be angry, moving a few buckets is just a matter of moving a few buckets, it's just like warming up before the battle."

Shen Zhan smiled sagely and took the initiative to walk towards a few mineral water buckets not far away.

Chen Qiaoling looked at Shen Yi gratefully, a warm current slowly flowed through her heart, and hurriedly chased after her.

"Big Brother Shen, I'll help you!"

The other team members snorted coldly, treating Shen Yi extremely unfriendly. And that Senior Brother Zhou from before, even clenched his fists angrily.

If it wasn't for the fact that the big battle was imminent at the moment, he was going to explode right now and teach this ungrateful guy a hard lesson.

Chen Qiaoling was the flower of the national martial arts team, and was even the prospective school flower. All of them who were senior brothers liked her, and they all knew that the captain, senior brother Fang Ming, also liked Chen Qiaoling.

Fang Ming was the big brother in the hearts of all the national martial arts team members, with the strength of a ground level martial artist, he was the hero figure in their hearts, and was the pride of the national martial arts team.

Even though they all liked Chen Qiaoling as their little senior sister, they all had the self-awareness that only their big brother, Senior Brother Fang Ming, was worthy of her. They also acquiesced to this fact.

But Fang Ming is not good at expressing himself, so far he has not confessed to Chen Qiaoling, and he is about to graduate from high school, which has made them all anxious.

At this time, Shen Yi suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and walked so close to Chen Qiaoling, and the two of them actually held their arms, so intimate. How could they not be angry?

In their opinion, Shen Yi was clearly stealing their love from them, sticking a wedge between Senior Brother Fang Ming and Chen Qiaoling, hindering the smooth progress of their relationship.

"Hmph, that brat dared to get so close to Senior Sister Qiaoling, I'll make sure to make him look good when the competition is over!"

"That's right! How can Senior Brother Fang's favorite woman allow him to blaspheme? Damn him!"

"Senior Brother Zhou, that's just a small person, not worth mentioning. Next, when we face those H-Country rods, as a Xuan level martial artist, Senior Brother Zhou will definitely give them some color!"

"That's right, with Senior Brother Zhou stepping in, we don't even need Senior Brother Fang Ming to make a move, he will definitely beat the crap out of those rods!"

Senior Brother Zhou laughed aloud and said triumphantly, "Don't worry, all of you, I, Zhou Xiaoshan, will definitely let those dog-eyed H Kingdom rods know the power of our national art! Hmph, is not just a Jin Chuan Ming, what Taekwondo first genius, has not been defeated? I will personally meet him!"

The door to the room on the side of the training hall opened, and two people walked out from inside. One of them was a lanky boy in his twenties, very handsome, precisely Fang Ming, the captain of the national arts team.

The square-faced man in his thirties who followed behind him was the coach of the national arts team, the Houtian second layer martial artist Teacher Wu that Chen Qiaoling spoke of.

The moment Fang Ming appeared, the personnel in the training hall all warmed up and greeted him.

"Senior Brother Fang!"

"Senior Brother Fang!"

"Senior Brother Fang!"

The crowd of players were overflowing with enthusiasm, all generating an inexplicable feeling of admiration for Fang Ming. It was Chen Qiaoling, who was busy moving water onto the cart at the moment, who also became a little emotional the moment she saw Fang Ming appear.

There was no doubt that Fang Ming had a very high status in her heart, and before she met Shen Yi, Fang Ming had always been the person she admired in her heart.

At the age of twenty, he was already an Early Earth Grade Martial Artist, and according to this progress, before the age of twenty-five, he had every hope of becoming a Houtian Martial Artist.

Even within her grandfather's Chuanfu Taiji Sect, such a person was extremely

rare. She also expected that when Fang Ming graduated, she would introduce him to her grandfather and have him join the Taiji Sect.

Plus the fact that Fang Ming had also loved and taken good care of her on weekdays, causing her to treat the other party as a big brother from the inside as well, and she respected him very much.

"Big Brother Shen, that would be Senior Brother Fang Ming. The one following the day after tomorrow is our national arts team's coach, Mr. Wu, so I'll take you over to introduce you."

Shen Yi didn't want to go over there, but Chen Qiaoling insisted on it, so he couldn't afford to push back.

What Chen Qiaoling wanted was very simple, she wanted to "right the name" of Shen Zhan, really introduce to Mr. Wu, clearly tell the crowd that Shen Zhan is the expert she specially invited, and is the guarantee for their national martial arts team to win against Jin Chuanming!

"Senior Brother Fang, Teacher Wu." Chen Qiaoling pulled Shen Zhan over and greeted him politely.

However, Shen Zhan clearly caught a trace of displeasure from Fang Ming's expression, but did not show it.

Chen Qiaoling did not perceive this in the slightest, and continued to enthusiastically introduce the two of them.

"This is big brother Shen Yi whom I just met, I specially asked him to come over to help ..."

"Senior sister Qiaoling, what's there to introduce about a personnel who came over to do odd jobs, it's purely a waste of senior brother Fang and teacher Wu's time."

At this time, a very discordant voice sounded again, once again interrupting Chen Qiaoling's words and failing to truly introduce Shen Yi.

Needless to ask, the owner of this voice was Zhou Xiaoshan, who had spoken out against Shen Yi just now.

Chen Qiaoling was just about to retort, but Mr. Wu frowned slightly and scolded, "Nonsense! It's already time, and you still have the heart to talk about this."

Faintly glanced at Shen Yi, from his body can not see any superiority, teacher Wu even more disappointed in Chen Qiaoling, thought that she is young and do not see things, are about to be on fire, still do not know the priorities.

Finding a useless handyman to come over, what's the point? Wasting his energy and time!

"Alright, since you're the one who introduced us, let's do what we need to do! Let's go directly to the gym in a while and meet their challenge!"

Teacher Wu left first, and never looked at Shen Zhan squarely. Fang Ming also just lightly swept a glance at him, without saying anything else, and closely followed Mr. Wu.

This made Chen Qiaoling indignant, two times in a row, she did not formally introduce Shen Yi as a Houtian martial artist, which made her depressed, and also made her feel even more guilty towards Shen Yi.

"Big Brother Shen ..." This time, Chen Qiaoling directly fell tears of aggrievement, and from the inside she felt sorry for Shen Yi.

Shen Yi reached out and gently patted her slightly trembling shoulders and softly said, "Why are you still crying? In a moment, we are going to meet the challenge of those H-country rods, hurry up and cheer up, can't lose the face of Chinese national martial arts!"

Chen Qiaoling immediately wiped away her tears, looked at Shen Yi gratefully, and nodded her head solemnly. The sentiment towards Shen Yi within her heart quietly changed, and an almost hazy emotion began to sprout within her.

Initially, when she met the other party, she was given an excellent impression, and helped an old lady she didn't know out of her own pocket. Later on, when she stepped in to defeat Zhou Bachi, her Houtian martial artist status made her heart skip a beat.

In the morning at the Jinhua restaurant dinner, Shen Yi motionless deterred the green gang's hall master Wang Biao, a sentence easily change the identity status of Manager Hu and waiter Liu Li, let her heart more worship.

At this moment, suffered from the national arts team personnel contempt, even out of words to humiliate, he did not bother, that generosity let her a young girl's heart quietly bloom.

"Brother Shen, thank you!" Chen Qiaoling tearfully nodded her head and smiled, quickly running away to prepare other matters.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoshan snorted coldly and came to Shen Yi, issuing a stern warning.

"Kid, I solemnly warn you, stay away from Senior Sister Qiaoling in the future. She is the person our elder brother, Senior Brother Fang Ming likes, Senior Brother Fang doesn't care to bother with you, but as senior brothers we can't just ignore it!"

"Better remember what I said just now, otherwise, humph!"

Zhou Xiaoshan reached out in front of Shen Yi and clenched his fist, his knuckles "clicking" as if they were broken.

After demonstrating fiercely, he turned around and left. Shen Yi just sneered, ignored, pushed the cart filled with buckets, followed the national arts players towards the gymnasium.