Apologize! Get the fuck back to Country H!

Several school leaders on the podium all stood up, unusually shocked!

The principal, vice-principal, and director of instruction, all had sweat seeping from their foreheads, and were scared for a while.

Under their noses, there was actually such a powerful martial artist lurking amongst the students, and they, as school leaders, had not even realized it.

What worried them most and made them feel ashamed was Shen Yi's last sentence, "Those who commit crimes in China will be executed even though they are far away.

Although they are the leaders of the school, they are far less patriotic than the students. They care more about the interests, in order to get more benefits, and even in the scope of their duties, to make some out of the ordinary behavior.

For example, this time, the Taekwondo team led by the representative teacher of H country and headed by Kim Chuan Ming came to challenge the national martial arts team of the first middle school of the city, and it was they who personally agreed to do so.

According to reason, if the other party just in the spirit of martial arts exchanges, the purpose of martial arts competition, there is no excuse. However, the purpose of their coming was clear: to suppress the Chinese martial arts, and even to remove the national martial arts team from City 1 Middle School on Chinese soil.

Such a blatant bullying of the Chinese martial arts, it was the ordinary students who were furious, but as the school leaders, they resolutely agreed to the other party for the three million dollars of contribution money that the other party proposed.

They also repeatedly pressurized the national martial arts team, if they didn't dare to respond to the battle, there was no need for the school to establish a national martial arts team to exist. Hard to rush the national martial arts team and taekwondo team match, or so unequal match.

Originally, the taekwondo team's victory was a foregone conclusion, and they could safely collect the three million dollars. However, Shen Zhan came out in the middle of the road, completely disrupting their rhythm.

Not only that, Shen Yi even performed extremely heavenly, even the representative teacher whose strength was at the third level of the Houtian was knocked to the ground, if this leaks out, their faces will not be able to hang on.

"Immediately block the news, this matter must not let outsiders know. It is the personnel of the national arts team that must be given a warning not to publicize this matter to the outside world, or else the school rules will be dealt with!"

The principal grimaced and secretly conspired with the vice-principal and the director of instruction, since the matter had gone awry, he had to hurry up and wipe his ass, and diffuse the matter in a smaller way.

As for the disciples of the taekwondo team, they could no longer see half a bit of arrogance, and had been completely scared by Shen Yi.

The first genius of Taekwondo, Jin Chuanming, and the representative teacher of the third level of Houtian strength, all lost to one person successively, which made them completely lose their fighting spirit.

Shen Yi's aura of "one person is the gatekeeper and all men are invincible" powerfully reversed the pattern of both sides. The original spirit of the national martial arts team was dispersed, rejuvenated, fighting spirit is even higher than before.

On the contrary, the taekwondo team, from the first imposing and unbeatable, has now become dead, like a dog.

Wherever Shen Yi's gaze passed, none of the Taekwondo disciples dared to look directly at them, and they all lowered their heads in fear, afraid that the other party would lock their gaze on them.

"Now, I want you to apologize to the national martial arts team, who dares to object anymore?" Shen Yi raised his hand and pointed at Jin Chuan Ming, coldly shouted and swept the Taekwondo disciples at the edge of the field.

No one dared to make a rebuttal, and the representative teacher, holding his broken arm in his hand, angrily shouted, "Kid, don't bully me too much! Don't think that I'm afraid of you just because of this, want us to apologize, don't even think about it!"

Shen Yi's aura erupted, his icy gaze gazed at the other party, and he said in a cold voice: "So you don't admit that you lost, in that case, according to the contract of the match, the match can still continue, as for if you die at my hands, you can only be blamed for not being as skilled as you are."

Without saying a word, Shen Yi rushed over with an arrow step, fiercely grabbed the other party's arms, and with a shock of true qi, both arms were immediately broken.

"Ah ..."

The representative teacher screamed in pain, but Shen Yi did not have the intention to stop, as long as the other party did not open his mouth to admit that he had lost, he would never stop.

For a person who had nothing to fight back, he didn't bother to behead the other party, but he would make him suffer and endure pain.

With a kick, he flipped the representative teacher to the ground, and his left foot stepped on his chest so hard that his ribs were broken and blood flowed from his mouth. Both legs were even picked off by a dark force to break the hamstrings, it could be said that even if the representative teacher was cured in the future, he would still be like an invalid.

"Last question for you, admit defeat or not. If you dare to talk tough again, I won't keep my hands off and directly take your life!" Shen Yi raised his hand and made a gesture to chop the other party to death.

The representative teacher who was already half-dead, at this moment, how dare he talk tough again, in front of life and death, there was no way for him to be reckless.

"I ... admit ... that I lost."

Said the last sentence, only a breath of representative teacher directly fainted.

Only then did Shen Yi willingly stop and turned to look at Jin Chuanming, frightening the other party to immediately open his mouth, "¥%@..."


Shen Yi directly threw a slap over, coldly looking at the other party: "Less talk about bird language, dare to come to China to be reckless should be prepared to pay a heavy price in the heart. Give you one last chance to apologize in Chinese."

Jin Chuan Ming was a bit tearless, he was not very good at speaking Chinese, occasionally speaking a few simple words was still very hard, let alone apologizing.

"I'll give you three minutes to teach him how to apologize in Huaxia. Otherwise, you and him both end up as your representative teacher."

Shen Zhan pointed at that H country interpreter, frightening the other party with a jolt of fear and wetting his pants on the spot in unimpressive fear.

Do not care about the coldness of the crotch, not to mention the loss of face, can save the life is good.

Swollen cheeks, the interpreter crooked mouth, speak the same some not quite clear, hastily taught Jin Chuan Ming personally apologize words.

"I Jin Chuan Ming previously much disrespect, solemnly apologize to the national arts team ..."

Listening to the interpreter teaching Jin Chuan Ming the Chinese language over and over again, the two of them were just like parrots learning to speak in general, the scene was very comical.

Causing the national arts team members to laugh, very relieved!

After a long time, three minutes Jin Chuanming was barely able to speak. However, after just starting to say three words, he was stopped by Shen Yi's voice.

"Do you call this an apology? Show some sincerity, kneel down and apologize!"

Jin Chuanming couldn't take it anymore, he was already suffocating enough and was furious inside. At this moment, Shen Yi was clearly maliciously targeting him, and could even be said to be somewhat humiliating him.

Jin Chuanming spoke some more bird language, Shen Yi frowned tightly and looked to the side of the shivering interpreter.

That translator shivered and hurriedly translated. "He said that as a martial artist scholar can be killed but not humiliated, he is not going to let you humiliate him like this!"

Shen Yi sniffed with a cold smile and slowly walked towards Jin Chuanming. "I'd like to see if you really have a backbone, or if you're just pretending for me!"

Raising his hand and pointing at Jin Chuan Ming's heart area once, he said with a cold smile, "Don't worry I won't let you die like this, only to make your life worse than death."

"As long as you can withstand the pain of meridian reversal for five minutes, I will no longer force myself on you."

Shen Yi's words had just fallen, Jin Chuan Ming had already started to have a seizure, the meridian reversal in his body, that kind of painful torture was simply more unbearable than killing him.

Jin Chuan Ming lay on the ground, rolling over and over, his body could not stop twitching, just like having mad dog disease, struggling before death.

Not to mention Jin Chuanming himself, is the crowd of onlookers can not help but trembling, scalp numb.

After only a minute passed, Jin Chuan Ming couldn't take it and in his agonizing struggle, he shouted for mercy.

"Mr. Jin has begged for mercy, please stop!" That interpreter was worried that Shen Yi could not understand and hurriedly translated.

Shen Yi sneered and said disdainfully, "Wasn't it very backbone just now? Looking down on Chinese martial arts, looking down on Chinese martial artists, this is what you get for looking down on China!"

"It's too late to open your mouth and beg for mercy! I can spare you two points of pain, but this three points of pain you must bear on your own. This is the pain that you brought to the national arts team members in the first place, and it is now being repaid to you!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiaoshan, as well as Fang Ming, couldn't help but burst into tears. They were the biggest victims, all of them had been seriously injured and almost crippled by Jin Chuanming.

Shen Yi treating Jin Chuanming so ruthlessly was clearly avenging them!

Three minutes later, Jin Chuanming where there is still any human appearance, lying there only out of breath, not in breath.

Not to mention kneeling on the ground, is to stand up is very difficult, the body is also non-stop convulsions, with a dead man almost no difference.

"He can't speak anymore, you come and speak in his place." Shen Zhan looked at that interpreter, "I remember at the beginning, you were also in charge of delivering the message like this, very arrogant."

Frightened that the interpreter is very unimpressive immediately kneel on the ground, towards the direction of the national arts team, one vigorously kowtowed, touching the floor "吭吭 "声响, forehead are knocked out of the blood stains.

"We have eyes that do not recognize Mt. Tai, dare to come to offend the Chinese martial arts masters, really deserve to die. Kowtow to everyone and apologize, we are pigs, big stupid pigs ..."

It had to be said that this interpreter's Chinese language was really not bad! He picked out the worst words to curse himself, really despicable!

The national martial arts team members were all happy, their emotions were ignited to the fullest extent, this moment they finally raised their eyebrows for a moment.

The taekwondo team's previous ridicule and contempt were all returned in kind at this moment!

"Hahahaha, this is what happens when you insult us, the Chinese!"

"Bullet point, still dare to scorn our Chinese martial arts, don't you know that our Chinese martial arts is your Taekwondo's old ancestor?!"

"Get lost! Get out of Huaxia and go back to your country H! If you dare to offend again, this is what you'll get!"

The few remaining Taekwondo disciples hurriedly lifted up the unconscious Jin Chuan Ming, as well as the representative teacher who had long since fainted to death, and quickly fled towards the entrance of the gymnasium in a grayish manner.

Shen Zhan did not stop them anymore and let them leave.

When Shen Zhan turned back and looked at the national arts players with a smile, they were all excited.

Chen Qiaoling had long been unable to hold down a fluttering heart, the first time to run over, a hugged Shen Yi, not too plump but unusually firm chest, just right against Shen Yi's chest, causing Shen Yi on the spot some overwhelmed.

"Big brother Shen thank you!"

Chen Qiaoling also realized that she was a little too presumptuous, hurriedly loosened her hand and said with a blushing face.

Causing the other team members to laugh, no one felt dissatisfied with Chen Qiaoling being so intimate with Shen Yi anymore, instead, they followed and shouted.



"Stay together!"

There were also people who pushed Chen Qiaoling forward vigorously, purposely making her fall into Shen Yi's arms, causing Chen Qiaoling to burst into anger, her face blushing like a red apple.

Finally, all the national arts players together lifted Shen Yi up and violently threw him into the air!

Shouting loudly without stopping-

"Shen Yi!"

"Shen Yi!"

"Shen Yi!"