Chinese horse chestnut

Shen Zhan looked at Ling Luohan and smiled blandly, not moved by the disdain of the other party's words.

"I'm a person who is very principled, I can't take your cell phone for nothing. In return, I can treat you once for free."

When Shen Yi uttered these words, Ling Lao and Ling Luohan were all shocked for a moment, and it was Ling Luohan herself who was startled.

Give her a free treatment? Ling Luohan was puzzled, her body was fine, she didn't have any diseases, so she didn't need any treatment.

As a matter of course, Ling Luohan took Shen Yi's words as the other party's words of flirting with her, and a trace of slight anger surfaced on her face.

Not being sick and being said to be sick, no healthy person would want to hear such words.

"Mr. Shen, I admit that you have excellent medical skills, but you can't talk nonsense, whether my own body is sick or not, could it be that I myself would not be clear?"

Elder Ling also looked at Shen Yi eagerly, instinctively he did not think what the other party said was true, but through contact, he also understood Shen Yi's character, not the kind of person who believed in what he said.

"Mr. Shen, my granddaughter has always been very healthy, almost never had a disease since she was a child, how could ..."

Although Ling old man said the words very implicitly, but the meaning has already shown some doubts about what Shen Yi said.

"Elder Ling, the authorities are confused and the onlookers are clear. Some diseases are not always manifested, so they are not known by themselves. Once it manifests itself, it is an incurable disease."

Elder Ling and Ling Luohan's faces changed slightly, Shen Yi lightly laughed, "Miss Luohan, you can reach out and touch your Qihai, Guanyuan, and Tianshu acupoints yourself, is there a hidden pain."

With a half-hearted look, Ling Luohan reached out and lightly touched the three acupoints in her abdomen, and indeed, she felt a vague pain in her abdomen, and was shocked.

"Miss Luo Han has always had symptoms of uterine cold, this is just one of the most obvious symptoms of your hidden disease. Usually doctors give you medication to regulate it, but treating the symptoms rather than the root cause has little effect. The ultimate reason for this is that they still don't have a true grasp of your illness."

"You are an extremely cold physique, a very rare and special physique. Because there is a cold poison in your body, so even if the outside world is cold in winter, you won't feel any coldness."

"This cold poison has been lying dormant in your body, and when you are thirty years old, it will completely explode out and become a terminal disease, even if you go to the best hospitals, they will give you a death sentence."


This time, Ling Luohan's face was directly like frost, completely frozen in place, even his breathing was about to stop.

What Shen Yi said just now, every word was true, and there was literally no difference between it and judging her grandfather's situation at the beginning. This makes Ling Luohan mood fell to below the freezing point, in his mind repeatedly resounded Shen Yi's sentence thirty years old outbreak out, become incurable terminal disease.

Ling old forehead has long seeped sweat, this is cold sweat! If they hadn't met Shen Yi, I'm afraid that both their grandparents and grandchildren would have suffered miserably, and in that case, the Ling family would almost be in decline.

"Mr. Shen, I implore you to take action to save my granddaughter, no matter how much it costs, my Ling family is willing!"

Ling Lao was almost about to struggle out of his wheelchair and fall to his knees, pleading with Shen Yi to make a move.

The Ling Family was a large family, but there was no successor. The only son, Ling Luohan's father, Ling Zhen, was working as a vice governor in the provincial government and was simply unable to go into business.

Ling Luohan is also Ling Zhen's only daughter, the only heir to the Ling family fortune, if she also has an accident, the Ling family will die overnight.

Ling Luohan also sobered up from the panic, for Shen Yi no longer half a bit of contempt, what to send out the global limited edition Maserati, love crazy V8, compared to her life, this is chicken feather.

"Mr. Shen, earlier Luo Han was disrespectful to you a few times, please don't bother with the little girl in general." Ling Luohan bowed respectfully and owed a bow to Shen Yi, her tone somewhat lowered.

Shen Yi did not take the opportunity to blackmail the other party this time, nor did he have any intention of making things difficult for Ling Luohan. Plainly said, "I have already said that this time, I can treat you for free, as a return for your sending the cell phone."

This made Ling Luohan feel ashamed inwardly, although the cell phone was more expensive and harder to find than a single gold, it was no more important than her life. It was ridiculous that she

She was still holding a grudge for the other party for asking for a luxury car and a cell phone, who knows that the other party gave her a return that has long exceeded these extraneous things by many times!

At this moment, Ling Luohan no longer had any complaints or dissatisfaction towards Shen Yi, only respect and extreme shame from the bottom of her heart.

"Elder Ling, it's not too late, let's go over to the back garden for treatment."

Shen Yi had two purposes for doing so, one was that there was sufficient spiritual qi there, which was indeed suitable for treating Elder Ling, and the other was that he also wanted to see what kind of spiritual herbs were there.

"Then I'll be grateful to Mr. Shen." Ling Luohan pushed Shen Zhan towards the back garden, and Shen Zhan followed closely behind. The bodyguard, Ah Si, stayed in the front garden, forbidding anyone to come and disturb.

As soon as he entered the back garden, that kind of abundant spiritual qi pounced on his face, making Shen Yi's body indescribably refreshed.

Eyes quickly skimmed over the many rare and valuable flowers and trees, and his eyes rested on a few sparse yellowed grass blades in a weed thicket below the flower bed.

"Seven star grass!"

Shen Zun almost exclaimed in shock, this was a relatively rare spirit grass, which was rarely encountered even in the cultivation world.

Once the Seven Star Grass matured, it could be used to refine the Seven Star Pill to enhance the toughness of the physical body.

For example, Shen Yi's strength is now the middle of the first level of qi cultivation, which is equivalent to the third level of Houtian strength, if he takes the seven star dan, the toughness of his physical body will increase, and he can cross the level to challenge the fourth level of Houtian martial artists and defeat them.

Shen Yi stared at the flowers and plants without looking away, which attracted the attention of Ling Lao and Ling Luohan. And the location where Shen Yi's gaze rested at the moment was exactly in the direction of the flower bed, where there was a tall and upright bonsai plant.

Ling old man sighed, this ivory wood bonsai has been hundreds of years, is he decades ago from the overseas auction cost millions to buy down.

Millions of dollars may not be too much money nowadays, but decades ago for most people it was an astronomical figure. Now this ivory wood bonsai put out to auction, the starting price is more than 80 million, easily over 100 million.

Look at Shen Yi's eyes, clearly is on this ivory wood bonsai. Ling old man although the heart has reluctance, but compared with the kindness that saved his life, what is this.

"If Mr. Shen has taken a fancy to this ivory wood bonsai, I'll send someone to deliver it to you later." Elder Ling held back the twinge in his heart and said on the surface as if nothing had happened.

"Grandpa ...," Ling Luohan hurriedly opened her mouth, she knew that this ivory wood bonsai was her grandfather's favorite, and she was a little reluctant to give it away just like that.

Ling old man waved his hand, signaling Ling Luohan not to say any more, his will has been decided. This time, Ling Luohan did not say anything else, but there was still a bit of blame in her eyes for Shen Yi.

Only then did Shen Zhan come back to his senses and realized that Elder Ling had misunderstood him.

"Elder Ling, you misunderstood me. If Elder Ling is willing to bear the pain, just give me those yellowed grasses in the flowerbed."


This time, Elder Ling and Ling Luohan couldn't help but both exclaim in shock as the grandparents and grandson looked at each other, seeing a wave of disbelief in each other's eyes.

The aunt who guarded the garden had something to do and went home in the past few days, and didn't have time to clean up those weeds. Who knew that Shen Yi actually just asked for those few yellowed grasses.

"This, this ..." Elder Ling couldn't react for a long time and couldn't figure out what Shen Yi meant by this.

Put the expensive ivory wood bonsai do not want, but want not worth a penny of weeds, this in the end what to engage in.

Ling Luohan flooded a pair of big eyes, for the first time to show that he could not understand each other's color. From several contacts, the other party is the kind of "profit-oriented" people, never willing to let themselves suffer a little loss.

Otherwise, would not be because of their own words a few times offended, opened his mouth to ask for a few million global limited edition Maserati.

How will this work, actually just demand a few weeds, not the expensive ivory wood bonsai. Could it be that he has changed? Impossible ah!

"Elder Ling, truth be told, these few weeds are of great use to me, I can use them to refine pills." Shen Yi told the truth and did not hide anything.

Just this sentence once again shocked Elder Ling and Ling Luohan!