
"Brother Shen, is there anything we need to do?" Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan stepped forward and asked.

Shen Yi turned to look at the two of them and smiled, "I really have something I need your help with."

"Brother Shen please say, if there is something you need to do, just order, this is the blessing of the two of us brothers." Hearing that Shen Yi had something to ask them to do, both of them were very excited, finally getting a chance to express themselves.

"After school is over at noon, you guys help me go out and around, and probe all the details of the steel market in this area, then come back and tell me."

"Don't worry Brother Shen, we will definitely do this matter for you clearly!"

This was the first time that the two men did something for Shen Yi, and they both attached great importance to it inwardly, not daring to be sloppy and careless.

Shen Yi nodded, then greeted Susan, he had promised to treat her at night yesterday. But after considering it, when he got off the evening study, the time was already very late, and he still had to refine spirit talismans, so his time was rather tight.

"Susan, I have something to do in the evening, why don't we do it after school at noon, what do you think?" Shen Yi sought the other party's opinion.

Su Shan naturally had no opinion, and immediately agreed in one bite.

At this time it was already late, many students who didn't have time to eat breakfast, quickly returned to the cafeteria, hurriedly ate a few bites, and then rushed towards the classroom.

Mo Xiaoqi emotional ups and downs, resulting in little appetite, temporarily do not feel hungry, a bite of rice did not eat, directly to the classroom.

Yan Shen and the others, who left, were greatly angered, all unable to swallow this breath.

"Mard, I'm going to find my uncle, give me out of this bad breath! The three of you keep an eye on them individually, I'll make sure all four of them don't die a good death!"

Yan Shen angrily left the school directly and drove to Zhang Zihao's power headquarters.

According to Yan Shen's instructions before he left, Cheng Huaqing was in charge of keeping an eye on Mo Xiaoqi, Guan Kejia was in charge of keeping an eye on Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan of the National Martial Arts team, and Yu Keming was in charge of keeping an eye on Shen Yi.

Closely monitor their every move, keep in touch with Yan Shen at all times, and as soon as they left the school, they would immediately start their retaliation.

When Yan Shen arrived at Zhang Zihao's place, he naturally cried a lot. For this nephew, Zhang Zihao is very love, see nephew was beaten, greatly annoyed, this is equal to the face of his Zhang Zihao.

Immediately, he asked Zhou Ba to arrange for people to follow Yan Shen's action, to catch Shen Yi and the others in one net, to punish them properly and severely, and to avenge his nephew's death!

"Brother Howe, that Shen Yi I have seen before, he is a Houtian martial artist, I am only afraid ..."

Zhou Ba was trembling inside after hearing Shen Yi's name, remembering that night when he was only one step away from death, his heart was still throbbing even now.

"Hmph, what's wrong with a Houtian martial artist? I don't believe that his mortal flesh can carry bullets!"

Zhang Zihao sat paralyzed on the luxurious sofa with a disdainful look. With a thick gold chain hanging around his neck, he crossed his legs and stubbed out the cigar in his hand vigorously.

"Our twenty or so fast shooters, you bring all of them. Hmph, if that kid dares to fool around, just shoot him and beat him into a meat sieve for me!"

Zhou Ba was instantly excited upon hearing this, that night, he was brutally beaten by Shen Zhan, and even extorted a million dollars from him, making an IOU of ten million dollars, which made him suffer from all kinds of humiliation.

At this moment, Zhang Zihao gave the word and twenty or so fast shooters were deployed, what else did he have to worry about.

Houtian martial artist? Hmph! Even if the most heaven-defying Houtian martial artist, as long as his strength was less than the innate realm, he would be helpless in front of a pistol and could not escape death!

"Brother Howe, after killing that kid, should we dispose of it secretly?" Zhou Ba asked tentatively, every time before he wanted to kill someone, he had to be clear about Zhang Zihao's meaning.

Zhang Zihao sneered and waved his hand, a hint of arrogance surfacing on his face.

"No need, just throw it directly to their city a

Middle School entrance. I just want everyone to know that if you dare to offend me, Zhang Zihao, this is what happens!"

Zhou Ba had followed Zhang Zihao for many years, but he still couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart. Zhang Zihao was known for his ruthlessness in Jiangnan City's underworld, suppressing all forces that didn't dare to raise their heads.

Such a blatant murder, but also violent corpse to deter all parties, even the police are not in the eyes, only Zhang Zihao can do it!

The morning passed in a hurry, and after school Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan quickly left the school and took a taxi to the various steel markets to find out the details.

Guan Kejia immediately informed Yan Shen of this news, and the latter let out a cold laugh and immediately had Zhou Bashi bring someone to meet him.

Only half an hour later, Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan were captured by Zhou Bachi's men, Zhou Bachi struck hard and heavy, beating Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan's bodies into half-mutilated, dragging them to the car and pulling them away directly.

Shen Yi is completely unaware of this, and at this time is taking Susan to leave the classroom, ready to find a hotel, for her medical treatment.

Usually at noon Mo Xiaoqi has to go home to eat, there is a special driver to come to meet. Having not eaten breakfast, she was already hungry. After saying a quick hello to Susan and glancing at Shen Zhan with a warning look, she quickly rushed out of the classroom, preparing to go home for dinner.

Only, Mo Xiaoqi did not expect that just seconds after leaving the school, Cheng Huaqing had already sent a message to Yan Shen who had already been waiting at the roadside.

Yan Shen glanced at his cell phone and let out a cold laugh, "Stinking bitch, let you dare to dump me, so not give face to my old man, later on, I'll let you know how miserable you'll end up!"

Mo Xiaoqi's car had just driven out three hundred meters when Yan Shen brought someone to stop it, dragging Mo Xiaoqi down from the car.

"Yan Shen, what do you want? In broad daylight, daring to kidnap me, you're breaking the law."

Mo Xiaoqi was terrified inside, but forced herself to stay calm and warned Yan Shen.

Who knows, Yan Shen immediately threw a slap across his face and let out a "yuck" sound from his mouth.

"MAD, you stinking bitch, let you fool around in the morning, it's good to see me kneeling down and apologizing to you, right? Later on, I'll let you know how scary my methods are!"

"Yan Shen, Shen Yi will come out soon, if you dare to mess around with me, Shen Yi won't let you go!"

Now, Mo Xiaoqi was completely terrified, struggling to escape, but was yanked away by Yan Shen and dragged into the vehicle that had long been parked on the side of the road.

"Shen Yi? Hmph, I'll clean him up in front of you in a while! Moreover, I'm going to toy with you in front of him, I'll see if your favorite Shen Yi can still save you again!"

Yan Shen threw Mo Xiaoqi onto the car as he turned back to greet a few other people to beat Mo Xiaoqi's driver severely, issuing threats.

"Better be honest, or else you'll meet the King of Hell in minutes!"

The scared driver curled up on one side, holding his body in pain, not daring to speak out.

Just less than ten seconds after Mo Xiaoqi was taken away by Yan Shen, Shen Yi and Susan Fang went out of the school entrance. Unfortunately, they didn't get to see that scene and missed the time to save Mo Xiaoqi.

The driver had already endured the severe pain and drove back to Mo's house quickly. After such a big incident, the young lady was kidnapped, he didn't dare to call the police privately, he could only notify Mo ShengHui first.

Mo Sheng Hui was furious when he heard this and immediately called the police. The police promised half a day on the phone, inquired about the situation in a decent manner, then hung up the phone and continued to leisurely drink tea.

"Ai, Mo family offended Brother Howe, he can only blame himself for his bad luck!" A police officer sighed, a hint of sarcasm and ridicule on his face.

As early as half an hour ago, their chief had received a call from Zhang Zihao, so naturally, there was no need to say anything. The director knew what to do and immediately gave a secret order that any report received about Zhang Zihao would just be dealt with.

A crisis was quietly unfolding, while Shen Zhan was unaware of it and was taking Susan to a room!