
The rescue of the three people ended successfully, Shen Yi obtained a huge fortune, and became a billionaire, surpassing most entrepreneurs in Jiangnan City.

It was at this time Mo Xiaoqi's father, the chairman of Shenghui Pharmaceutical Company, Mo Shenghui, all needed to look up to Shen Yi.

Several people left the abandoned factory and came outside, breathing in the fresh air.

Mo Xiaoqi took the initiative to lean over and check the wound on Shen Zhan's left arm, Shen Zhan had been concerned about healing other people's wounds, and had not dealt with his own wound until now, where the blood had already coagulated and formed a scar.

Looking at the shocking wound, coupled with Shen Yi's frantic use of fingers to dig into the flesh, the bullet head hard dig out, the wound became a little bloody, after the coagulation appears more hideous.

Mo Xiaoqi instantly filled with tears in her eyes, slipping down silently, stretching out her trembling little hand, gently touching the wound scars, inexplicable grief in her heart.

All in order to save her, only hit by the gun, she dare not imagine that moment Shen Yi in the end endured how much pain, hard to use his hands to pick out the bullet, think about it all feel fearful.

"Shen Yi, I'm sorry ..."

This is the first time Mo Xiaoqi said sorry to someone, and still apologized from the heart.

This made Shen Zhan a little surprised that Mo Xiaoxiao, who had always been above board and had always put up a haughty stance towards herself, actually had such a little girl's side as well.

Actually shed tears for herself, and even sincerely apologized to herself, it was really not easy!

"Mo Xiaoqi, this is the second time you took the opportunity to eat my tofu." Shen Yi looked at Mo Xiaoqi with a bad smile on his face.

Uh ...

Mo Xiaoqi, who was originally very full of emotions and almost bawling, was instantly stunned. Looking at Shen Yi's cynical, bad smile with a face that owed a beating, made her who was about to have a big emotional eruption hard stop all the emotional fluctuations.

"You're going to die! People are obviously caring about you, and the feelings brewing for you are almost bursting out, but you make fun of them like this. Hmph, bad guy, you deserve to die from the pain!"

In an instant, Mo Xiaoqi was like a different person, I should say she recovered her original face. She glared at Shen Yi vigorously, and the small hand that touched on the wound scar immediately turned into a two-finger pincer and twisted Shen Yi fiercely.

At once the pain of Shen Yi grimace, secretly screamed bitter, heart: this woman is really fickle! He had the good intention to make a joke to distract her attention, but it was a good thing that he asked for it!

In Shen Zhan's opinion, she was asking for it, but in Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan's eyes, they were envious. Mo school flower, who does not secretly moved, can get Mo Xiaoqi so intimate twist pinch, do not know how many people squeeze through the scalp may not be able to enjoy.

In addition to Mo Xiaoqi, the current school flower, there is also a prospective school flower Chen Qiaoling, two superb beauties are full of ambiguity to Shen Yi, really envious of others ah!

"Ai, Brother Shen is Brother Shen, I have to admire him!" Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan looked at each other and sighed.

"Shen Yi, just now those yellow papers you took out are what are they, how can you instantly revive the two of them and also change into a fireball."

Mo Xiaoqi couldn't help but be curious, a pair of wonderful eyes toward Shen Yi blinking, that is called a implied affection.

Shen Zhan could not stand her eyes which were obviously purposeful, clearly wanting to know the details, but acting so ambiguous. She was clearly trying to find out the details, but she was acting so ambiguous.

Several other people also came forward, they were all very curious about the magical maneuver that suddenly appeared, what exactly was it.

Shen Yi let out a helpless sigh, since it had already been exposed, it was pointless to hide it anymore. Instead of letting them speculate wildly, it would be better to take the initiative to explain it to them himself to dispel their doubts.

"This is a spirit talisman, the spirit talisman used to treat Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan is called the Clear Healing Talisman, it can treat any external injuries, you guys see."

After saying that, Shen Yi took out a Clear Healing Talisman and pasted it on the muzzle of his arm and secretly shouted "Pro".

Immediately a soft halo flashed and entered the wound, instantly the wound scar disappeared and the original skin color was restored. The skin was intact, not even a trace of trauma could be seen.

Only a few traces of dried blood remained, clearly indicating that there had been a wound here, which had now disappeared.

"Wow, it's simply amazing!"

"Too unbelievable, simply unheard of!"

"I can't imagine that Mr. Shen is actually so skillful in his techniques, we have taken the liberty before, it's really a sin, a sin!"

The crowd marveled, and the four Hall Masters even bowed and prostrated themselves to Shen Yi, for their previous indiscretion, the

felt very ashamed.

"Brother Shen, what about the fireball that appeared just now, what was that about? Also, when you chopped off Zhou Ba's legs, you clearly felt an invisible force striking out and cutting off the legs. This is clearly a maneuver that can only be displayed by those who have reached innate martial artists, how come Brother Shen you ..."

Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan also couldn't help but open their mouths to inquire, not finishing their words later. They all knew that Shen Yi only had the strength of the third level of the Houtian, yet he displayed the technique of an innate martial artist's true qi release to kill people in an invisible manner, and they were greatly shocked.

Shen Yi smiled indifferently and successively took out two pieces of jute paper and displayed them to the crowd.

"Just now you said fireball, and invisible power qi, all rely on them to cast out. These two are the Fireball Talisman and Wind Blade Talisman respectively, which are easily understood through their names, so there is no need for me to over-explain them."

The crowd all had astonished expressions and looked at the jute paper in Shen Yi's hand with unblinking eyes, it was rough and unimpressive, and they could not see any signs of amazing power.

"Then I'll show it to you guys to satisfy your curiosity. However, I can say it up front, no nonsense to the public. I don't want to be targeted by certain organizations in the country and studied as a monster."

As Shen Yi's words fell, he faithfully threw the fireball talisman towards the weeds on the side, and softly shouted under his breath, "Pro!"

Instantly, a scene from earlier in the plant appeared, a fist-sized fireball appeared out of thin air, landed in the weeds, turned into a blazing flame, and burned up.

Scorching heat, even if they were separated by more than ten meters, they also clearly felt their faces being roasted hot and painful.

Ten seconds passed, the flame went out, and that place had long been turned into a puddle of ashes, not an inch of grass!

Immediately after that, Shen Yi's fingers clamped the wind blade talisman and hit towards a low shrub.

With the same soft drink in his mouth, a wave of invisible energy appeared, transforming into a wind blade that quickly swept through the low shrub.


The crowd could clearly hear the sound of the shrub being cut, a finger-thin tree trunk was cut off, the break was surprisingly flat and smooth, smoother than if it was cut off with a sword!


The crowd let out a long breath this time, curiosity is greatly satisfied, but inwardly it is even more puzzled. An inconspicuous piece of jute paper, actually can burst out such power, absolutely rare in the world.

At the same time, they also all had suspicions about what exactly Shen Yi's origin was, actually possessing such a magical talisman seal, definitely not simple!

But such a question they are not good to ask directly, asking about people's origins, is taboo, will attract the trouble of killing. Since Shen Yi did not intend to inform, they had no choice but to keep it inside and did not dare to squeak.

"Well, it's getting late, let's go back here." Shen Zhan took a look at the time, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and he still had to rush to the hospital to see Xue Xiaomiao's mother and heal her.

Besides, there was still a Susan waiting anxiously inside the small inn, and he must have waited a bit anxiously by making her wait there.

"Xiaoqi, you follow Ah Si back first, I have something else to do so I won't go back first." He still had to remove the prohibitions for the three hall masters, so naturally he couldn't follow Mo Xiaoqi back together.

After thinking about it, Shen Zhan took out a few fireball talismans and stuffed them into Mo Xiaoqi, telling her how to use them, and used them for self-defense in critical times. At the same time, a few wind blade talismans, along with the pistol to Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan, these things for them now, can be very good self-defense.

After some arrangements were made, Shen Zhan followed the four great hall masters and left in a grand manner. Mo Xiaoqi dissatisfiedly pouted her little mouth, stomped her feet in anger, and negatively sat in Ah Si's car, not saying a word.

A four a burst of laughter, this big miss is not a heartless main, but with Ling Luohan a spell, character belongs to the very high and proud kind.

It can be seen that Shen Yi is having an affair with these two women, and their relationship is ambiguous. If the two arrogant women touch each other in the future, and the icy beauty president hits the school goddess with the same arrogant character, what kind of earthquake and tsunami will be erupted?

Ah Si felt a little headache when he thought about it, and secretly let out a low sigh, worrying for Shen Yi. This person is too excellent, too attractive to women, especially the best beauty, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Who can guarantee that the only women surrounding Shen Yi in the future will be Mo Xiaoqi and Ling Luohan, with Shen Yi's heavenly performance, I believe that all women will not be able to resist.

In the future, there will be a large number of various kinds of stunning beauty initiative to send embrace, at that time, it is estimated that there will be Shen Yi headache.

"Hey, Brother Shen ..." Ah Si sighed, started up the SUV and quickly drove away from here.