One bite, one pinch!

Shen Zhan was with the four major hall masters at this time, and did not go to the Fire Cloud Hall, but went to the nearest Green Water Hall.

Just as the car slowly came to a stop, Wang Biao timidly came to Shen Zun's front and said with an apology, "Mr. Shen, I have to inform you that our Big Sister is here, right at the Fire Cloud Hall headquarters."

Shen Zhan's eyebrows jumped slightly, if not necessary, he did not want to have any more involvement with Bamboo Leaf Green.

"Good." Shen Yi answered softly, not caring too much.

Other people would be scared and terrified when they heard the name of the Big Sister of the Qing Gang, but in his eyes, Bamboo Leaf Green was just a woman who was a little too pretty.

"Mr. Shen ..." Wang Biao smacked his lips and felt that it was better to tell the truth to the other party, in case Mo Xiaoqi really had some accidents, he could be a bad person inside and out, and Shen Yi would never let him go.

"Mr. Shen, Miss Mo was also invited over by Big Sister, and should have already arrived at Fire Cloud Hall at this moment."

Wang Biao's words immediately made Shen Yi frown, he did not know why Bamboo Leaf Green invited Mo Xiaoqi to go over, could it be that he was still holding a grudge for having looked at her body in the first place, and he was going to take Mo Xiaoqi to blackmail himself at this moment?

"Hmph!" Shen Zhan was a little angry, coldly looked at Wang Biao, once again drilled into the car, coldly shouted, "Now take me to Fire Cloud Hall."

"Good, good, Mr. Shen don't be angry, I'll take you there." Wang Biao hurriedly turned the car around and quickly rushed towards the Fire Cloud Hall headquarters.

The other three hall masters, who were still waiting for Shen Yi to lift the restrictions for them, did not dare to be careless at this moment, and hurriedly followed.

Soon, Shen Yi arrived at the headquarters of the Fire Cloud Hall, walked in first, the four hall masters followed closely behind, the uninformed thought it was Shen Yi's full-time bodyguard.

When Shen Yi entered the lobby of the Fire Cloud Hall headquarters, he happened to see Mo Xiaoqi sitting paralyzed on the ground, six gods and a wailing look on her face, as if she had just been bullied.

Shen Zhan was immediately a little angry, quickly rushed to Mo Xiaoqi's side and reached out to help her up from the ground.

Mo Xiaoqi was startled by the sudden appearance of Shen Yi, and instantly jumped into the arms of the other party, crying out in pain. Earlier, she had been holding herself back from crying out, but now that Shen Yi had come, she could cry loudly.

Successive accidents like this, more and more let Mo Xiaoqi feel that she can not leave Shen Yi, have him by his side is called to have a sense of security!

"Oooh ..."

Mo Xiaoqi cried very sadly, being kidnapped twice in one day, even though this second time was invited over, it was no different from kidnapping. A thousand dollar young lady like her, the school's school goddess, how had she ever been treated like this, how aggrieved she had to be inside.

"Well, don't cry, don't cry, I'm not here." Shen Yi a burst of heartache, all because of their own, innocent implicated Mo Xiaoqi suffer.

After experiencing these things, is no longer want to be involved with Mo Xiaoqi, but also impossible.

Hearing Shen Yi's comfort, Mo Xiaoqi only relieved some. However, still lying in his arms and refused to get up, only this will make her feel at ease.

Jiang Zhucheng on top of the first seat looked at this scene with a grimace, couldn't help but feel a twinge in her heart, her hands unconsciously clasped the armrests of the seat, her breath trembled, and a pair of plumpness in front of her chest rose and fell.

Just at the moment when Shen Yi appeared, she looked slightly moved, her heart could not control the accelerated beating, and her heart was nervous with a hint of elation.

But this ecstatic mood was instantly destroyed, Shen Yi actually did not even look at her, as soon as she came in, she quickly flashed to Mo Xiaoqi's side, comforting each other.

What she couldn't stand the most, the two actually openly hugged each other in front of her, in her eyes there was still no existence of her as the Big Sister of the Qing Gang.

"Enough!" Jiang Zhuqing slammed the armrest of her seat and bellowed, frightening the eight elders below and the four hall masters at the door for a moment.

She didn't know why she was so angry, but seeing the two so close just couldn't control the fire within her.

Shen Yi looked at Jiang Zhuqing this time, his face was unhappy, and he said in a cold voice: "Bamboo Leaf Green, if you really want to kill me, you could have rushed at me, why do you need to use the woman beside me to blackmail me."

This is just a sentence that Shen Yi unintentionally uttered, the so-called speaker has no intention to listen to the listener, listening to Mo Xiaoqi and Jiang Zhuqing's ears but it is not so at all.

One was full of joy, one was full of anger!

Mo Xiaoqi is of course ecstatic, after hearing Shen Yi's phrase "the woman beside me", she rightly thinks that Shen Yi has admitted that she is his woman.

While Jiang Zhuqing was furious, at least her body was seen by the other party, did not expect him to treat himself like this, but also openly admit that the other party is his woman.

"Good, good, good!" Jiang Zhuqing said three good words in a row, "I said in the beginning that I will kill you if we meet again! Today is the day of your death, Eight Elders, kill him for me!"

Jiang Zhuqing gave the order of execution as if gambling, the eight elders didn't dare to disobey, immediately got up and left their seats, coldly looking at Shen Yi.

The four Hall Masters at the doorway were staring in disbelief, unable to figure out what the hell was going on. Since Big Sister was so angry and wanted to kill Shen Yi, why did she still hand over the Green Gang's token, the jade pendant that she never left her body, to the other party?

Shen Yi sneered and gently pushed Mo Xiaoqi to the side, giving her a don't-worry smile.

"Shen Yi, I'm sorry, just now I was nervous and forgot how to use the fireball talisman, and those few fireball talismans were taken away by him." Mo Xiaoqi blamed herself and pointed at the Elder of the party and told Shen Yi.

Shen Zhan nodded and once again took out a few fireball talismans and gave them to her to use for self-defense. Turning to face the eight elders, his gaze was not kind.

"Humph, kid you don't know how to live, dare to offend our big sister, today you will die!"

The eight instantly swung their fists and struck without mercy. Jiang Zhuqing who saw this scene instantly regretted a little, the eight elders were all first class good fighters, their strengths were all at the post

Heaven fourth layer or so.

Among them, the most powerful Elder Tan was the strongest of the eight, a Houtian fifth layer martial artist!

They were merciless, so Shen Yi had no chance of survival! Jiang Zhuqing only knew that he was a brilliant healer and also had a little strength, but it was far from being able to compare with the eight elders.

Seeing that the eight people were about to hit Shen Yi, she couldn't help but want to speak up and stop them. But as a big sister how can she change her orders and lose her prestige.

In her moment of hesitation, Shen Yi shot, the next scene, greatly exceeded her expectations.

Shen Yi perception how sharp, in the eight elders surrounded the moment, immediately judged the strength level of each person. The first to aim at the strongest Elder Tan, taking advantage of the eight people's gullible mentality, he quickly struck eight fireball talismans.


Instantly, eight fireballs appeared out of thin air and attacked the eight people.

This sudden appearance of fireballs caused them to fall short of defense and their faces changed drastically. Hastily stopping their forms, they quickly adjusted their bodies to dodge the fireballs.

The Houtian martial artists were truly no match for the fireball, although they narrowly avoided it, it did not injure them in the slightest. Unlike those ordinary mortal fast shooters, facing the fireballs, they could only be burned to death.

But their figures were also disrupted by the fireballs, and Shen Yi knew that these fireballs could only scare people when facing Houtian martial artists, and could not do anything to hurt the enemy.

However, he waited for this opportunity to take advantage of their unsteady form and disorganization to quickly strike and attack each other.

Under his feet, the traveling dragon step was activated, and his figure was like a ghost, instantly arriving, lifting his hand and knocking one of the elders to the ground.

Shen Yi struck without mercy, facing the Houtian fourth level martial artists, if he did not strike ruthlessly, that would be cruelty to himself.

After striking again to knock down two elders, he quickly struck a wind blade talisman, forcing the remaining five to turn around and retreat in a hurry.

"What kind of maneuver is this, how could it be so bizarre?!" Several Elders were shocked and watched as Shen Yi struck several times, either with fireballs or wind blades, catching them off guard and leaving them powerless to fight back.

They also saw through the exchange of hands that Shen Yi's strength was only at the third level of the Houtian, but with the fireball talisman and the wind blade talisman, by surprise, he had suppressed them breathlessly.

"Kid, your methods are so bizarre, it's even more important to keep you! Take your life!"

Elder Tan, who had the strongest strength, was the first to adjust himself and turned defense into offense, quickly striking at Shen Yi.

Faced with the strength of the fifth level of the Houtian Elder Tan, Shen Yi is not a rival at this time, if directly against, he can not take advantage of half a point.

It just so happened that he broke through the defense line of the five people at this time, and came to the front of Jiang Zhuqing. Quickly rushing over, he clasped Jiang Zhuqing's throat and coldly shouted, "If you dare to take another step forward, I will immediately kill her!"

Several elders all dared not move, coldly looking at Shen Yi and issuing threats.

"Kid, I advise you not to harm big sister, otherwise you will definitely not be able to or leave this place."

"Hmph, dare to threaten me, you can try to see if I dare?" Shen Yi gave a cold shout.

Jiang Zhucheng always had a calm face, only that there was an indescribable bitterness within her heart, obviously caring about Shen Yi, but forcing herself to die without admitting it.

"Shen Yi, if you have the guts, kill me now. Otherwise, I will absolutely kill you!"

"Cut the crap! Follow me." Shen Yi set up Jiang Zhucheng and slowly walked towards the door, making a wink towards Mo Xiaoqi, asking her to follow.

Mo Xiaoqi immediately met and quickly followed beside Shen Yi, holding the fireball talisman in her hand to prevent them from sneak attacks at any time.

When passing by the four major hall masters, Shen Yi directly said to them, "Go to the car and take us away, I will lift the ban for you."

The four people who dared to hesitate, quickly started the car up and waited for Shen Yi and Mo Xiaoqi to get on the car.

Mo Xiaoqi was the first to sit in the car, Shen Yi held Jiang Zhuqing slowly close to the car.

Jiang Zhuqing had tears in her eyes, but did not let herself cry out, her heart was very aggrieved. The other party actually treated her like this, holding her hostage to threaten her subordinates, and she didn't genuinely want to kill him!

"Shen Yi, I hate you!" Jiang Zhuqing gritted her teeth and uttered this sentence, also ignoring Shen Yi's hand that was holding her throat.

As soon as she clutched his hand, she lowered her head and went up to open her mouth and bit it. Pain Shen Yi almost screamed out, a bright red blood marks, neat teeth marks clearly engraved in the arm, as if carved on the general.

"You belong to the dog ah?!" Shen Yi was quite annoyed and let go of Jiang Zhuqing.

Elder Tan saw the opportunity coming and was about to quickly strike, but was stopped by Jiang Zhuqing.

Glancing angrily at Shen Yi, he shouted, "Shen Yi, take your woman and get out of here immediately! I don't want to see you again in the future!"

Shen Yi got into the car and quickly drove away. Looking at the somewhat puzzled Jiang Zhuqing behind him, he was somewhat puzzled.

Just now in the lobby, he had threatened to kill himself, but why didn't he make a move when he had such a good opportunity just now? Granted, even if Elder Tan made a move, he might not really be able to kill him.

Moreover, why did that last sentence sound sour? Also, Jiang Zhuqing's complexion was obviously not right, rather like a deep-rooted woman.

"Holy shit! It can't be that this gangster big sister is also that to me, right?" Shen Zhan was secretly shocked, and was a little less daring to think about it.

At this time, Mo Xiaoqi is no good cold snort, stretched out her small hand, used her skill - two finger pincers!

Viciously twisted and pinched Shen Yi, with an aggrieved complaint, "You bad man, what exactly is your relationship with that bad woman?"

Shen Zun successively in the hands of two women to eat pain, one bites his own mouth, this again to twist and pinch a hand, their own this is what sin ah!