It's in the wrong place. It's stuck down there!

When people are driven to desperation and know that there is no good outcome, they tend to be manic inside. Under such mania, one would lose one's mind and become crazy, especially women!

Dr. He was originally this kind of shameless and immoral person, and at this moment, after receiving such a blow in his heart, he became very extreme. Knowing that he was in trouble, he put everything out there, not caring.

"I don't know what exactly your status is, and for you to say that you're treating her for fibroids is really a big statement." Dr. He stood up from the ground, sneering at Shen Yi one by one, as if only this could slightly calm down the twisted psyche.

Shen Zhan didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, looking towards Song Qingmei who was looking a bit dumbfounded, faintly smiling, "Nurse Song, please give me a hand to find a urinary catheter over here, I want to treat Aunt Qin."

"Ah? You ... you really want to be treated here?" Song Qingmei has not yet waited to return to God is a stunned, thought he heard wrong, some incredulous look at Shen Yi.

"That's right, it is to be treated here." Shen Zhan gave her an affirmative smile.

"Don't you need to go to the operating room? There are still some tests that need to be done before the surgery, and these haven't even been done yet, this ..."

Song Qingmei was a bit at a loss for words, a pair of wonderful eyes looked at Shen Yi, written with doubts and incomprehension.

"These are all redundant moves for me, you only need to help me find a urinary catheter and prepare Aunt Qin for me."

Shen Yi patiently explained one sentence, then walked to the bed to greet Qin Huiqin, signaling that she didn't need to worry, just relax though.

Song Qingmei didn't know whether to listen to Shen Yi, instinctively told her that as a nurse, she couldn't listen to the other party, and even more so, she couldn't give him permission to fool around. This is extremely irresponsible to the patient, simply take the patient's life joke.

Dr. He laughed coldly at this moment, "Xiao Song, you just do what he says, I want to see what he can do, dare to make a big fuss in the municipal hospital. If he can cure it, does he really think that we oncologists are just freeloaders?"

Song Qingmei was helpless and went out to fetch a urinary catheter over, and under Shen Zhan's gesture, gently pulled the bed curtain over to cover the 64th bed.

The other two beds of patients and their families are very surprised to look at Shen Yi, originally just appeared the amazing scene let them to Shen Yi some impressed, at this time even more shocked.

This is going to treat the patient's leiomyosarcoma, or within the ward, is it going to operate here? This is also too uncharacteristic!

Dr. He watched with interest, anyway, she is now on the pile, how to deal with the above she is also lazy to care. Right now, she just wanted to see Shen Yi make a fool of himself, and it would be best to make the patient die on the spot to make this arrogant and cocky guy pay the price.

"Do you ... not need surgical instruments?" Song Qingmei looked at Shen Yi suspiciously, the other party has nothing in his hand, how can this remove the myoma.

Shen Yi smiled indifferently, "I don't need those things for my treatment."

"Don't need those things? This how to open the knife to remove the myoma ..." Song Qingmei felt that her head was not enough, somewhat unable to understand Shen Yi's approach. At the same time, it also generated a strong interest, wanting to see what kind of maneuvers the other party had.

From the other side of the expression can not see a trace of panic color, always a light and breezy look, the attitude of this matter is not alarmed, that is, those who stand in the operating room for many years, and have done hundreds of surgeries of the physician also do not see like he is so relaxed.

Song Qingmei was more and more curious about Shen Yi, and inwardly pondered for a while, what kind of person is this. Is it really possible to remove the fibroid without surgery?

If this really worked, it would simply be a medical miracle! No, it should be said that this teenager created a medical miracle! What a marvelous teenager!

"Auntie Qin, relax, don't think about anything, have a good sleep and you'll be fine when you wake up." Shen Yi smiled and comforted a sentence, and quietly reached out to point Qin Huiqin's drowsy point.

Originally, Qin Huiqin, who was still a bit nervous and uneasy, slowly relaxed her mood and gradually drifted off to sleep, not knowing anything.

"I, this ..."

The people outside did not know the situation inside through the bed curtains, but Song Qingmei was watching clearly, she did not know what technique Shen Yi had used, Qin Huiqin, who was still looking uneasy a moment ago, actually fell asleep like this, and her expression was still very peaceful.

Song Qingmei only felt her small heart beating violently, this was simply faster than hitting general anesthesia, it was simply too amazing.

"You, how did you do that?" Song Qingmei inquired in a small voice with some surprise.

Shen Yi had an extremely good impression of this girl and said half-jokingly, "I can teach you if you want to learn, but you have to pay a price for it."

Song Qingmei immediately blushed, she first thought that the other party was implying that she had to use her body in exchange. Couldn't help but anger Shen Yi a glance, inwardly cursed: colorful embryo!

Fortunately, Shen Yi did not hear it, or else he would have definitely spanked this girl on the spot. Er, pat on the head. When he said pay the price, he was telling her that if she wanted to learn pointing techniques, she had to practice hard and needed to suffer a lot. Not what she thought, to trade her body for it.

Outside, Dr. He but sneered and said disdainfully, "Big talk! Wake up after a nap, I don't know where I saw the advertisement words, do you really think this is a painless abortion, stupid!"

Without surgery, you can remove the myoma, this kind of thing similar to heavenly fantasy, have not even heard of it. It is the always bullish Rice, from time to time to publicize what progress they have made in the field of medicine, but also dare not be so arrogant to the world to claim that they can dissolve the body without surgery myoma.

The other patients and family members also started whispering, all filled with curiosity.

"Do you think this young man can do it? Why do I feel something is not quite right."

"I think so.

, who among you has ever heard of removing a myoma without surgery, isn't this nonsense."

"Hey, we can't care about other people's business, just watch the fun. I'm afraid that the young man on the spot to the people died, this joke can be opened big."

"That's right, we'll see what happens later. Whether it's a miracle or a crisis will be clear in a while."

Xue Xiaomiao and her grandmother were very nervous and uneasy, they trusted Shen Yi from the bottom of their hearts, but to say that they were not worried at all was by no means possible.

"Brother Shen Yi ...," Xue Xiaomiao clutched the corner of her coat with both hands, quietly looking at the hospital bed that was covered by the bed curtain, her face full of worry.

"Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, the Bodhisattva blesses that my daughter-in-law must get well, and blesses that the good lad Shen Yi will succeed ..."

The old lady put her hands together in front of her chest and prayed silently to the sky over and over again.

Within the bed curtain, Song Xi appeared to be a little handless, not knowing what to do. She is only a trainee nurse, not yet less than a month, which has been on the operating table. At this moment, although it was not an operating table, it was also a major surgery to remove fibroids.

Moreover, it's still such an unusual technique to remove it, it's strange that she can't be nervous.

Shen Yi also saw her nervousness and smiled faintly at her, "No need to be nervous, just follow what I say. Now, help me insert the urinary catheter for the patient, this doesn't need me to teach you, right?"

Song Qingmei let out a long breath, letting herself relax, and began to remove Qin Huiqin's pants, and suddenly the hairy black grass was revealed, as well as the mysterious triangle.

Song Qingmei was also the best student when she was studying in the health school. At this moment, although she was a little nervous, she was still very skilled in sterilizing the patient's lower body, and then skillfully inserted the urinary catheter.

Shen Yi fixed his eyes and immediately stopped the urinary tube Song Qingmei was about to insert.

"The place is not right, insert it down there."


Song Qingmei exclaimed out in shock at that time, thinking that she had heard it wrong, and looked at Shen Yi with puzzled eyes.

"This is inserting a urinary catheter, instead of inserting it here, inserting it below, this ... this is a bit of a statement, right?"

Shen Yi did not explain, just gave her a reassuring smile, "Just do as I say, since my treatment technique is different from your perception, naturally there will be differences in this aspect. No need to ask much, just do what you need to do."

Although Song Qingmei was very skeptical of Shen Yi's approach, but thinking about what he said was also true, it is possible to remove the leiomyosarcoma without surgery, this insertion of a urinary catheter has a difference, so what is it.

"Forget it, just follow his nonsense for once, and see if he really has a strange technique or not." Song Qingmei comforted herself and inserted the urinary tube at the lower entrance according to Shen Zhan's request.

It was just that, how it looked felt a bit awkward and a bit unorthodox. Let her can't help but recall the scene where she had once unintentionally secretly watched an East Asian country's romantic action movie with a group of female rogue roommates in the school dormitory, and at the moment, the style was just like those vicious female sorrows toying with electric toys, with a long line dragging outside of the entrance ...

"Oops shame on me, how did I think of that." Song Qingmei inwardly a burst of self-reproach, just this style of inserting a urinary catheter, let her some very embarrassed.

When everyone heard Shen Yi's sentence "wrong place, inserted below", they were all stunned, obviously they all know what place that below refers to, more and more feel that Shen Yi is unreliable.

"This is nonsense, the urinary pipe where there is inserted there!"

"Hey I say, are you guys sure that young man does not have psychological problems, is not it a deliberate bad taste?"

"No way, this is a joke on life, not so boring!"

"I don't know what this young man is doing, let's wait and see!"

Dr. He finally couldn't help but reveal a sneering mockery and exited, "He really is a stupid douchebag! I think it's pretending too much, even inserting a urinary catheter can be inserted indiscriminately, it's not pretending, it's just a big stupid asshole!"

Other people's misunderstanding Shen Zhan lazily ignored, when Song Qingmei was done, Shen Zhan nodded and said, "Prepare a basin underneath the urine bag, ready to bleed at any time."

"Ah, bloodletting?!"

Song Qingmei felt more and more that Shen Yi was unreliable, not to mention the fact that the urine tube was not inserted in the right place, it was actually used for bloodletting. Inserting a urinary tube to release blood, how do I feel that this person is not normal?

Shen Yi began to use the true qi convergence in the palm, a cloud of true qi can not be seen by the naked eye condensed into a cyclone, slowly rotating within the palm, than the helicopter's propeller speed is a hundred times faster.

This was the scalpel he used to remove the myxoma, the true qi condensed cyclone flying stream knife!

If he had reached the third level of qi cultivation, he would be able to directly strike the cyclone flying stream knife into his belly through the air, easily removing the myoma. But right now, it is not yet possible to release the true qi, and can only print the palm on top of Qin Huiqin's abdomen, and drive the Cyclone Flying Stream Knife into the abdomen.

A second passed, the Qi Cyclone Flying Stream Knife instantly broke the fibroid into tiny pieces of flesh and blood, and wrapped the flesh and blood with true qi to quickly flow into the urethra through the channel connecting to the uterus.

"Ah, blood is really coming out!" Song Qingmei shrieked out almost at first when she saw the blood and flesh flowing from the tube into the urine bag.

She didn't dare to be careless and quickly opened the mouth of the urine bag, constantly putting the blood into the basin below.

After two minutes had passed, the blood flow stopped, and Shen Yi retrieved his hands after smoothing and restoring the traumatized opening on the uterus inside Qin Huiqin's body.

"Okay, just clean up the blood outside." Shen Yi instructed Song Qingmei, reached out and quietly clicked open Qin Huiqin's sleeping point.