Have a song about flying free!

"Aiya, what's wrong with Auntie Feng Xi, how did her face suddenly become so bad?" Shen Yi deliberately revealed a surprised look and nodded his head with a sigh. "Ai, this is the disadvantage brought by obesity!"

Shen Yi looked at Wang Fengxi very solemnly and said in a serious manner, "Although such a plump figure is very good, well it does have a sense of flesh, but it will also bring about a series of illnesses, such as high blood pressure, thickened blood lipids, as well as increased blood sugar and so on."

Wang Fengxi had already been so angry that she was trembling all over, her face was dark, her breath was very unstable, her gasping was thickening and aggravating, and she was pointing at Shen Yi to curse.

"Yada yada yada, look, this is only a moment's work, Auntie Fengxi's breathing has become heavy and unsteady, this is a typical obesity attack. Auntie Fengxi, you can't hide a disease, you have to cure it quickly."

"Cure you a big head of hell! What are you little son of a bitch babbling about, you're the one who's sick!" Wang Fengxi finally couldn't help herself and cursed.

"Who is the little bastard cursing?" Shen Zhan revealed a dumbfounded expression and inquired.

"Little bastard cursed you!" Wang Fengxi was already confused by the anger, and thoughtlessly replied back directly.

"Oh I know, thanks for reminding me!"

After saying this, Shen Zhan had an expression of dawning understanding, nodded his head and smiled, continuing to eat, never looking at Wang Fengxi again.

"I, this ... I ..." Wang Fengxi was Shen Yi unintentionally posed a line, himself admitted to be a little son of a bitch, really reach out and hit his own face, froze and stifled a good half a day can not say anything.

"OK, little bastard, you wait for me, sooner or later, I want you to look good."

Wang Fengxi threw down a harsh words, huffing and puffing out of the door. Shun foot kicked over a wooden bench, breaking a leg.

"Auntie Fengxi don't send ah, have a disease hurry to cure, can't drag on." Shen Yi sneered and shouted towards Wang Fengxi in the yard.

Wang Fengxi was so angry that she shivered, her steps were not steady, she stumbled and almost fell to the ground, and rushed out of the courtyard door in quite a mess.

"Hahaha ..."

Xue Xiaomiao couldn't control it anymore, she had been forcibly holding back her laughter just now, and this time, the work could not be held back any longer, and opened her mouth to laugh.

"Brother, you are really too bad, look at that bad woman to be angry, laugh me to death!"

"Hmph, this kind of bad woman, giving her face, should hit her face hard." Shen Yi snorted coldly, and again knocked Xue Xiaomiao's head without any good sense, "Be ladylike, pay attention to the quality, quality!"

"Knock me again and I'll become stupid." Xue Xiaomiao mumbled in dissatisfaction, "It's not all because you made people laugh, they've always been quite ladylike."

Qin Huiqin smiled heartily and scolded Shen Zhan with a smile, "This child of yours, really no big or small, I guess this time your Auntie Fengxi's blood pressure will be designated to rise, and even if she's not sick, she'll be sick from your anger."

"That's what she deserved, who let her nothing to come over to find excitement!" Shen Zhan disdainfully skimmed his mouth, "Mom, if this kind of woman comes again, you don't have to give her a good face, just blow her out."

Inadvertently, Shen Zhan directly shouted out the word "mom", without realizing it, and did not feel rusty at all. On the contrary, there is a warm feeling flowing in his heart, belonging to the kind of affection that is unique between mother and son.

"Hey, for people like us, it's better to do more than less. If we really offend that Director Tan, we might have to move again. Forget it, it's okay to suffer a little bit of anger during the day."

Qin Huiqin was a typical virtuous woman, always holding the idea that suffering is a blessing, unwilling to have too many conflicts with people, and not too concerned about being bullied.

"Mom, that was before, now there is me in the family, in the future, if anyone dares to treat you like before, I will never agree." Shen Zhan said aloud, his eyes narrowed, "If that Director Tan dares to harass again, just tell me, I don't mind letting him grow a bit of a memory."

Qin Huiqin had some tears in her eyes at this moment, for how many years, ever since her man left, she had always been subjected to the blank stares of others. Widow's door is a lot of right and wrong, she is long and beautiful, often suffered from strange men's molestation and molestation, are silently endured.

Shen Yi's sentence made her feel touched inside, it was good to have a man at home!

"Little bastard, get out of here! How dare you humiliate my mother, if I don't skin you alive this day, my mother will not be called Wang!"

Outside the doorway is noisy, the angry Wang Fengxi left immediately gathered four or five punks, raging back to revenge.

Qin Huiqin looked nervous, she has always been worried about attracting trouble, suffered retaliation so that the family can not live in peace. I didn't expect it to happen, and then saw the four or five punks, are the vegetable market that area of the famous ruffians.

"You quickly go away, those a few punks I have seen in the vegetable market, said hands to beat people to death, we can not afford to provoke."

Shen Yi smiled faintly, put down his chopsticks, and smiled towards Xue Xiaomiao, "Xiaomiao, do you want to see your brother perform a trapeze for you."

"Ah, flying trapeze? How can this fly?" Xue Xiaomiao innocently raised her head to look out into the sky, filled with curiosity.

"Go, come with your brother, I'll let you see it later." Shen Yi smiled mysteriously and walked out first.

Qin Huiqin was a little anxious, stopped Shen Yi, "child, don't cause trouble, lest you hurt yourself. If you really can't, let's call the police."

"Mom, don't worry, it's fine." Shen Yi smiled towards Qin Huiqin and waved towards Xue Xiaomiao, who ran out after him.

Qin Huiqin was uneasy and followed behind, her heart hanging in mid-air.

At this time, outside has gathered a lot of people, are flocking to watch the fun. On weekdays, these so-called neighbors do not treat Qin Huiqin's family well.

Because, the men in their families, from time to time, find an excuse to go up to Qin Huiqin's house to sit, coveting her beauty, wanting to take the opportunity to eat some tofu.

As a result, those complaining women, take their own men can not help, so the grievances on the Qin Huiqin body. What a slut, what a vixen, what an immodest woman, no less than to throw dirty water on her.

At this time, seeing Wang Fengxi bring people to make trouble, are happy to watch the joke.


Shen Zhan pushed open the door and walked out, and smiled towards Wang Fengxi, "What's the little bastard's surname if it's not Wang? Auntie Fengxi, what do you think?"

"Little bastard, how dare you talk tough with me now. Let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart so that you can't say anything anymore." Wang Fengxi cursed and greeted the five punks, "You guys quickly go and tear this little son of a bitch's mouth apart for me."

The five little punks wore flowing and weird hairstyles, similar to a bird's nest made of weeds, with studs on their ears, and half a cigarette roll in their mouths, constantly spitting out smoke.

"Ungrateful brat, dare to offend Phoenix, you're very long capable." The five people with a grim smile on their faces, slowly stepped forward and gradually separated, to block all the retreat paths of Shen Yi.

Shen Zun sneered and looked at Wang Fengxi with a hint of ridicule, "Aunt Fengxi, this is where you're wrong. I gave you the screen name Sister Fengxi, if you don't want to you can change it yourself. Your name is Sister Feng, isn't this an infringement?"

"Mard, how dare you be crazy even at the end of your life. Brothers together, beat them to death!" The punk who opened his mouth just now shouted angrily, and the five of them immediately stepped forward to violently beat Shen Yi.

"Little Miao watch out, the following is the performance time of the trapeze artist."

Before Shen Yi's words fell, he rushed out with an arrow step and instantly came to the side of the punk who opened his mouth first, scaring him and making him shiver, this speed is too fast!

Looking at Shen Yi's smiling face, only to feel numbness all over his body, the small gangster inwardly trembled, said, "What do you want to do?"

"Not doing anything, let you experience the feeling of flying freely."

As soon as he procured that punk's weedy cocktail head, he fiercely exerted force at his waist, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the punk into the air.

"One qi rushes to the sky!"

Shen Yi shouted, that punk hadn't even understood what was going on yet, before his feet left the ground and flew high into the air.

"Ah ..."

The cockney punk let out a terrified yell, and his body was like an arrow off the string as it shot straight up into the sky.

"Ah, it's really flying ah!" Xue Xiaomiao exclaimed out in shock, her eyes full of disbelief.

The others were also a bit shocked and dumbfounded on the spot, looking high into the sky. And Wang Fengxi, who had been yelling, also closed her mouth, eyes full of disbelief.

This was not the end of the matter, after Shen Yi threw out the first punk, he instantly came to the side of the second punk.

"Two Dragons Playing with Pearls!"

With the same technique, he grabbed his opponent's hair, and like pulling a carrot, he plucked him up from the ground and threw him into the air.

The second punk went after the first one, both of them were flying high in the air, seeing that they were about to collide with each other, so scared that both of them closed their eyes, and they couldn't even send out a shout.

"Three Stars in the Sky!"

Shen Yi instantly stilled the third punk into the sky, the three people in the sky were placed in a zigzag shape, which was deliberately done by Shen Yi.

He is very good at choosing angles, every time he throws someone, he throws from a different angle, and the force is different, the first person uses the greatest force, and the force decreases sharply in turn, to make sure that each of them is at the same horizontal height.

The purpose of this arrangement, naturally, is to finally let them five punks in the air to a five-cornered reunion, head to head friendship touch touch touch!


Shen Yi once again turned around and flashed to the side of the fourth punk, pulled his arm and swung it out.

"Four Square Strike!"

In an instant, the fourth punk also joined the trapeze, quickly gathered in the center, and it looked like the four would collide together.

When Shen Yi flashed to the side of the fifth person, scared the other person very unprofessional peeing his pants, all of a sudden fell to his knees on the ground.

"Master spare your life ..."

Unfortunately, Shen Yi didn't pay any attention at all, and directly reached out and grabbed his hair, and threw it up, and the five punks finally came together in the air.

"Five inside!"

With Shen Yi's last shout, the five punks immediately collided together, crashed into a grand slam, and their internal organs were tossed around and fell to the ground.

For a time everyone looked dumbfounded, from the time Shen Yi struck at the first punk and threw him into the air, to the end of the last one, a total of less than two seconds.

No one could see Shen Yi's movements clearly, they only felt dazzled, and kept hearing him shouting out an idiom, and then one punk was thrown away.

After the five punks collided together at a height of ten meters, they crashed to the ground and fell to the ground. One by one, they tumbled to the ground, breaking their arms and legs, and kept wailing and letting out moans of pain.

The crowd of onlookers were stunned, what kind of maneuver is this, and playing with people like this! It was really exciting and scary at the same time!

"Auntie Feng Xi, how about you also experience the feeling of flying freely?" Shen Yi had a harmless smile on his face and looked at Wang Fengxi.

The other party was stunned on the spot and sat paralyzed on the ground, stammering for words.

"No, no, no, no ... to ..."

"Want ah? Good, then I'll fulfill you here!" Shen Yi grabbed Wang Fengxi's obese arm and threw it to the sky.

"No no no, I said no ..."

Unfortunately, it was too late, before she finished her sentence, Shen Yi had already thrown her out. That obese body, flying rapidly in the air, crashed violently to the ground.

Shen Zhan quickly rushed over, caught Wang Fengxi who was about to crash to the ground, and threw her out once again.

He also pulled out his cell phone and turned on the cell phone music. "Let's have a free flight song to help us out!"

Instantly, one of Phoenix Legend's hit songs Free Flight echoed on the spot.

"In your heart, fly free ..."

Accompanied by the song Freedom to Fly, Shen Zhan kept catching Wang Fengxi and then threw her again, having a great time. And Wang Fengxi had long been pale and foaming at the mouth, almost being played to death by Shen Yi!