Don't try to play hard to get with me!

Shen Zhan returned to the classroom just as the first period class ended. When he entered the classroom, almost everyone in the class looked at him in unison, not knowing how Mr. Ji had tortured him during the majority of the class.

Mo Xiaoqi quickly came to Shen Zhan's front, surveyed his whole body once, and also purposely glanced down, his face was a little blushing.

"What did Ms. Ji call you to the office for? She didn't do anything to you, did she?"

Shen Yi could only smile awkwardly, originally it was really nothing, only near the end there was a little accidental situation. However, this little accident, he would never tell.

"Teacher Ji is mainly encouraging me to study well, she sees me as a good math seedling and wants me to participate in next Tuesday's Olympiad competition as well."

Mo Xiaoqi looked at Shen Yi with great contempt, the look was that she killed herself not believing that what he said was true.

"You're the only one who's a good math seedling? Come on! Teacher Ji will let you go to the Olympic Mathematics Competition next Tuesday, isn't she afraid that you will embarrass her then?"

Shen Zun face black line, is he behave so bad, honestly no one believe. Simply don't bother to pay attention to Mo Xiaoqi, a look of you like to believe it or not.

"Shen Yi, at noon after school, Qi Mingpeng called you to go to dinner, designated no good intentions, you can be careful." Mo Xiaoqi thought about it and couldn't help but remind him.

Shen Yi blankly glanced at her and said in a bad mood, "It's not because of you, but if he's a little bit smarter, he'd better give up such an idea. Otherwise, the one who will be embarrassed at that time is still himself."

Mo Xiaoqi not only didn't get angry, instead, she took Shen Zhan's arm, some almost nymphomaniacal appearance, playfully said, "I just like you this confident appearance, nothing is fearless."

For Mo Xiaoqi this has become a habitual action, Shen Yi is quite helpless, he has been rules and regulations, I did not expect the other side again and again take the initiative to pull his arm, clearly take advantage of not enough.

"Mo Xiaoqi, I ask you to keep a little distance from me, okay, if you again so casually take advantage of me, I can ask for some interest from you."

Who knows that Shen Yi said so, Mo Xiaoqi is even more energized, a chest, revealing a smug look, "You come to ask ah, I see dare to do it, don't just mouth say ah!"


Shen Yi directly slapped on her petite but especially firm and rounded buttocks, really don't say, it was called a resilient.

"Shen Yi you ... you dare to hit my butt?!" Mo Xiaoqi was a bit annoyed, her handsome face was flushed, her eyes seemed to want to kill.

This time it's Shen Yi's turn to be pleased, not to give you some real style, still really think that this fairy is good to bully, casually you take advantage of not enough.

"How is it? If you don't dare to take my arm again without my consent, I will beat your ass again." Shen Yi has a bad smile on his face, the more Mo Xiaoqi is angry, the happier he is.

"Shen Yi you asshole, you wait for me, we are not finished!" Mo Xiaoqi huffed and puffed back to her seat, lying on the table and inwardly cursing Shen Yi non-stop.

However, after cursing a few times, she suddenly felt a sweet little happiness, the slight pain on her buttocks made her even more delighted, could this be the taste of love?

Shen Yi may not know, his slap not only did not beat away the schoolgirl, but instead made the other party have a kind of whispering private joy, feeling that their relationship is one step closer.

The morning course quickly ended, when school was dismissed at noon, Shen Yi deliberately gave Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan a call to let them go around the nearby steel market again at noon time, which was not accomplished yesterday when there was an unforeseen situation.

After the arrangement, Shen Yi and Mo Xiaoqi, and Su Shan went to Jinhua Eatery together, Qi Mingpeng booked a room early and waited for them to go over.

Xie Hui and Zhang Jin did not tell Qi Mingpeng about the amazing changes that happened to Shen Yi in the recent days. They just wanted to use Qi Mingpeng's hand to properly punish Shen Yi.

There were three sports cars and an off-road vehicle parked in front of Jinhua Eatery, and three luxuriously dressed men, each accompanied by a colorfully dressed female companion, were talking about love. A big, burly man came down from the SUV, alone and without a female companion.

Qi Mingpeng was greeting them enthusiastically, and when he saw Shen Yi's trio walking towards him, Qi Mingpeng greeted them with a smile.

"Xiaoqi, let me introduce you, these three are my close friends, this is Yang Shu, the eldest young man of the general manager's family of Futian Group."

Yang Shu couldn't pull his eyes away the moment he saw Mo Xiaoqi, causing his female companion to pout before he came back to his senses.

"Cough cough, so this is Miss Mo Xiaoqi, I've long heard about you from Big Young Qi, you are the famous school goddess of City No.1 Middle School, today's sight really lives up to its name, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Mo Xiaoqi just nodded her head towards Yang Shu and smiled without saying anything else.

"These two are Tian Xingwang and Gu Nianhui respectively, their families both run coal mines, both are rich kids." After Qi Mingpeng's introduction, he also did not forget to praise two sentences, and inadvertently glanced at Shen Yi faintly.

"Where where where, we are rich again, also can not be compared with Qi Da Shao ah, on your identity to one stop here, whoever sees have to nod and greet, mayor's family Da Shao's identity that is not a cover."

Two people are very flattering to please Qi Mingpeng sentence, which makes Qi Mingpeng quite pleased.

Finally, Qi Mingpeng pointed at the tall and stout man and said, "This one is marvelous, Chen Zhuang, the young master of the Chen Jia Village, the direct descendant of the Chen Family Fist, and is now a Xuan level martial artist."

Chen Zhuang stood there with a haughty look, arched his hand at Qi Mingpeng, and gave a modest cry, "Qi Daoshao has lifted me up, I'm just a rough man, I can play some fists and kicks."

After Qi Mingpeng introduced the four of them, he came to Shen Zhan and said, "I'd like to introduce the following!

This Shen Zhan student, although he is from an ordinary background, he is the only one who has gotten the coveted title of the school goddess of the first middle school in our city, this charm is not simple!"

Shen Yi lightly glanced at Qi Mingpeng, his brows slightly wrinkled. This Qi Mingpeng is really vicious, his heart is deep enough, it is similar to killing without blood!

He purposely put himself at the back of this shrouded introduction, intentionally bringing Mo Xiaoqi with him, clearly setting himself up as an enemy. Look at the gazes projected by those four people, it can be seen that the eyes are very unfriendly.

Shen Yi expected good, Qi Mingpeng's purpose is so, he is to in front of Mo Xiaoqi's let Shen Yi embarrassed, so as to show his Qi Da Shao's might, let Mo Xiaoqi another eye.

Qi Mingpeng's heart is also really deep enough, he knows too much about what these playboys think in their hearts. What they couldn't get, if a character who was more powerful than them took it there was nothing to say, but if it was taken by a small character like a mole?

Hmph, sorry, that would be the act of sticking a thorn in their heart and looking for death!

Obviously, all four of them were interested in Mo Xiaoqi, but they had also heard that Qi Mingpeng was fond of this school goddess, and they were just moving their minds.

At this moment, when they heard Qi Mingpeng say this, it would be strange if they didn't hate Shen Yi. In their opinion, Shen Yi is a standard turtle, he can get the school goddess's coveted, is their own looking for embarrassment!

"Young Qi, several of us heard that you went to the city to participate in the Olympic Mathematics Competition and won the championship, so we've come here to congratulate you today. We are all people with status, how come cats and dogs can just come over?" Yang Shu first snorted coldly and glanced at Shen Yi with contempt.

Tian Xingwang and Gu Nianhui both carried a hint of mocking sneer, "Student Shen Zhan, look at a luxurious circle like ours, is it something you, a turd, can come and participate in?"

Qi Mingpeng secretly sneered, finally the good show is going to start, he is waiting for Shen Zhan to be unable to resist and get embarrassed later, he will come out and pretend to be a bully, reflecting his Qi Da Shao's high and mighty, and take the opportunity to properly humiliate Shen Zhan.

Mo Xiaoqi and Susan are a little angry, this is also too not to give Shen Yi face, which have come up so humiliating.

Just when Mo Xiaoqi just wanted to get angry, Shen Yi pulled her back and smiled blandly towards the three people who spoke, "I would like to ask, your circle of friends today is specially prepared for the banquet for Qi Daoshao?"

All three of them burst into ridicule, treating Shen Yi as a complete fool.

"That's right, that's why your identity is inappropriate, if you are sensible, get lost by yourself, don't let us do anything to help you!"

Shen Zun sneered and said without ceremony, "I'm sorry then, I'm specially invited by your Qi Da Shao to come to the banquet. Oh yeah, in the words of your circle of noble friends, my current status is the VIP of VIPs."

"Since my most honored guest hasn't given his word yet, what are you three banquet invitees bothering to say here! If it weren't for the sake of giving face to Young Master Qi, I wouldn't bother coming over. If I'd known that you three were entertainers, I wouldn't have come!"

"Mud, this kid is too damn arrogant! He really takes himself as an onion, daring to talk to us like this, you're looking for death!" The three of them let out a cold shout.

Shen Yi also snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "It's best to put away your arrogance and naivety before I get angry. Often blind arrogance and too much naivety can be costly."

"Hehe, this kid has personality, I like it!" Chen Zhuang walked over smilingly, stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Shen Yi, "Come on kid, this young master gives you a chance to pretend, dare to shake hands with me."

Shen Zhan directly ignored his existence and said in a faint voice, "What are you, you think any random cat or dog is qualified to shake hands with me."

"You're fucking pretending to come to this young master's head, eat this young master's punch, let you completely sober up!"


Chen Zhuang swung a fist towards Shen Yi and stormed over, Shen Yi sneered and slowly raised his palm to meet the other party's swinging fist.

Sandbag big fist, speed rushed to Shen Yi face. When it was about to hit his face, it was quickly clutched by Shen Yi's fist, which stopped the forward force.

The two people are so frozen on the spot, maintaining a fixed position, not moving.

In fact, it is not that Chen Zhuang does not want to move, but his fist is now being clutched by Shen Yi's palm, and he cannot move at all. He couldn't punch forward, he couldn't charge forward, and he couldn't retract, so he could only grit his teeth and freeze on the spot.

Chen Zhuang can't not grit his teeth, because Shen Yi has been slowly increasing the force of his hand, Chen Zhuang only felt the bones of his fist, are about to be crushed by him, the pain of the heart.

"Kid, I didn't think you still have some hands on the work, today we stop here, how to stop together?"

Really can't do anything, Chen Zhuang had to take a step back, forced to endure the severe pain, indirectly begged for mercy.

Shen Zhan but slightly shook his head, coldly smiled, "Now it is you who are pretending, all this bear still pretending, then I will let you completely understand, with me pretending the end."

Ka creak!

A crisp bone cracking sound came out, only to see Chen Zhuang "ow roar", half-kneeling on the ground, revealing a pained expression, his lips twitching non-stop.

This time, one of his hands was considered ruined, and he would never want to use his fists to hit people again.

"Don't try to pretend with me, I will turn you into a fool in minutes! This is what happens when you pretend with me, understand?"

Shen Yi stood with his hands in the air, coldly looking at Chen Zhuang who was half-kneeling on the ground in agony, and then swept a circle around the other three, they all gave an inexplicable cry of horror and took half a step back.

It is Qi Mingpeng are a little surprised, he went out for a trip, and then came back when Shen Yi actually became different!