Ambiguous room springtime!

Hu Qiaoya heard Shen Yi cold snort, inwardly tightened, hurriedly used both hands to support the body, nervously inquired, "Mr. Shen, is there any difficulty?"

Shen Yi at this time when he viewed Hu Qiaoya again, his look was very different, no longer before that she was not a self-loving woman because of her indiscretions in life, instead, he somewhat sympathized with her.

"It's okay, don't worry, soon you will completely say goodbye to the past." This sentence Shen Yi said vaguely, but his tone was extraordinarily firm.

He wanted to take out the Yang Devouring Blood Essence Compass that was lurking within Hu Qiaoya's secret place, so that it could no longer torment this poor and pathetic woman!

At Shen Yi's signal, Hu Qiaoya lay down again, calmed down, and waited for Shen Yi to continue to heal her.

Shen Zhan did not immediately strike, but stood aside to calm himself a little.

His initial judgment was a bit wrong, Hu Qiaoya was not the manifestation of uterine erosion, towards cervical cancer. Of course, there was also this symptom manifestation, but the ultimate cause was still this little thing at work.

At first, he just looked at it, did not check it meticulously, and could not be considered a misjudgment. At this moment, having gotten the real answer, he felt that it was a bit tricky to treat.

It wasn't that it couldn't be cured, it was just that this kind of parasite had an extremely strong power of adsorption. To take it out, unless it actively activates itself, otherwise if it is taken out hard, Hu Qiaoya will bleed to death.

The Sun Devouring Blood Essence Compulsion is divided into two states, the dormant period and the active period, the dormant period is usually three to four days, and the longest is seven days. After that, it awakens and is in the active phase.

Once the parasite awakens and is in the active phase, under its stimulation, Hu Qiaoya, as the host, can only be forced to helplessly choose to have sex with a man to satisfy her own desires, or else she will be burned to death by her own evil fire.

This kind of torture is even swifter than eating the most powerful estrus drug, living a human intercourse machine!

In the process of male and female intercourse, once a foreign object enters, usually it is the man's stick, after entering, the active period of the compulsion will quickly stick on top of the stick, slowly wriggling, devouring the man's yang qi essence blood.

And the poor man is still not the slightest idea, by the small things on top of the writhing, will be even more excited and difficult to suppress, maximize the release of passion, constantly swallowed by the compulsion.

And often after the end, the man is panting and lying on the bed, drained, still in a state of lust. Unbeknownst to the man, this is the body of yang qi essence blood a large number of the consequences of being swallowed by the parasites!

At this moment, the parasites are in hibernation period, not until it awakens itself, naturally can not be taken out smoothly.

In this case, there is only one way to stimulate Hu Qiaoya to a large extent, so that she desperately crazy. She was stimulated by the evil fire, extremely thirsty for male and female intercourse, forcing the compulsion to awaken, ending the dormant period, appearing active period.

Only in this way can the parasites show signs of loosening, otherwise there is no sign of loosening.

This is what makes Shen Yi feel a little tricky, now, if you let Hu Qiaoya go on like this, she will definitely die in the future, and his heart will produce a trace of diaphragm, hindering the cultivation, because there is a violation of the heart of the road.

But if he continued to offer help, then he had to make a little sacrifice, to tease Hu Qiaoya as much as possible, so that she desperately rutted and frenzied to the peak of her desire to stop.

Either way, it was not what Shen Zhan wanted right now, and he was a bit chagrined in his heart. To the person who had taken the step to plant the parasites on Hu Qiaoya, he simply hated him to the bone, causing him to be in a dilemma at the moment.

"Mr. Shen, what's wrong? Is something wrong?" Hu Qiaoya lay for half a day to see Shen Yi delayed no action, some surprised to get up again and asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I thought about something on my mind by myself." Shen Yi replied a vague sentence, still doing a violent struggle inside.

"Mr. Shen, do whatever you want. I also know that I don't have long to live with this disease, it's best if I can be cured, and I don't blame Mr. Shen if I can't be cured, it's all my life, it's supposed to be like this!"

Hu Qiaoya sighed, slowly lying on the bed, hands calmly placed on the chest, the corner of the eyes slipped a tear, as far as possible to make a very peaceful state, just like lying there waiting for death.

Lying there naked, as naked as the body came, go away also naked, do not take away the world a trace of ties.

This scene deeply pierced Shen Yi's heart, some heart can not bear. Looking at Hu Qiaoya's pitiful appearance, helplessly resigned to fate, that kind of fateful look, let a person's heart sad.

Listening to the fate of heaven, this in the eyes of Shen Yi simply no longer exist! Within the Immortal World, powerful Immortal Dharma fighters have destroyed his physical body, single-handedly destroying the foundation of a True Immortal, and knocking his spirit down to the mortal world, asking him to resign to his fate, making his life worse than death.

If he resigned to his fate, then there would be no more Shen Yi in the world, and he would never be able to ascend to the immortal world to kill his enemies and save his lover Bai Xiaoqi.

Therefore, he will not resign himself to fate, is to rise against the sky! Therefore, for this life is equally pathetic, helpless own choice, forced to make a woman sell flesh and soul thing, he also must not let her resigned to this!

Saving her is like strengthening himself, firming up his heart! Never bow to fate!

At this moment, Shen Yi's intention is firm, no more hesitation, he is not the kind of person who does things in a delayed manner.

Shen Yi turned his head to look at Hu Qiaoya, he had to make himself perform a play to tempt the other party to be flooded with love.

"Such a tantalizing body, it simply makes people greedy to look at it. I've thought about it, I can't come out to save you for nothing, before that, you have to use your body to pay for it."

Shen Yi could not help but reach out and covered Hu Qiaoya's chest on a pair of plumpness, rubbing hard. The firm and rounded plumpness was pinched into a flat circle for a while, and then pinched into a long circle again. On the two fullness, five obvious fingerprints were instantly left behind.

This sudden impact, let Hu Qiaoya was not able to catch up with the defense, inner big shock. She didn't understand how Shen Yi, who originally had a good temperament, suddenly became so, that is, earlier in that ambiguous room, she took the initiative to undress and undress, and didn't see that he had half an interest.

This is in the end how is it?

Unfortunately, it is too late to think about it, in Shen Yi hands grabbed her pair of fullness, vigorously kneaded, tingling with a strange excitement, gradually occupy her mind, so that her heart is chaotic, instantly lost control.

Shen Yi looks like crazy on the surface, wanting to possess her body, but has always been bright inside, he knows exactly what he wants to do, what he should not do.

He knew what he was doing and what he shouldn't be doing. He had no choice but to do so, and everything was done to save people's lives as his duty! Can't afford to think too much, moreover can't afford to be sloppy and careless.

In an instant, Hu Qiaoya was touched all over by Shen Yi, although Hu Qiaoya had already been panting, but never achieved the desired effect. The distance is still a line away from being in a state of ecstasy, and not being able to stop.

Shen Yi has been pondering, in the end where the problem lies, is his own technique is not enough, or other.

"Quickly kiss me, bite me harder, quick, harder!"

Hu Qiaoya, in love, kept moaning and crying out, and her hands had already coiled around Shen Zhan's arm, twisting her body crazily.

Shen Zhan instantly understood where the problem was, he was only relying on a pair of hands to tease the other party, obviously the force was not enough. But to ask him to use his mouth, that was never possible!

"Well, maybe a change of environment can give better stimulation to her!" Shen Yi immediately thought of the extremely ambiguous and diverse room he went to earlier.

Immediately, pulling over a bed sheet, wrapping Hu Qiao Ya's body up, he quickly broke out of the door and headed towards that room.

As soon as she entered that room, Hu Qiaoya's eyes instantly also lit up, tempted by the environment, and instantly became even more frenzied. Taking the initiative, she climbed onto that massage chair and knelt on it, her back facing Shen Yi, rising her arched buttocks, the triangle clearly visible.

"Shen Yi, come quickly, I can't stand it anymore!" Hu Qiaoya, who was in love, also directly shouted out Shen Yi's name.

Next, the room was bright with spring light, Shen Zhan easily made Hu Qiaoya gasp with one pair of hands, and soon reached the top of pleasure.

Seeing that the time is ripe, Shen Yi immediately threw Hu Qiaoya onto the pink bed. Hu Qiaoya was extremely cooperative and opened her legs wide, another standard one-horse.

However, Shen Yi gave a cold snort, his left hand grabbed one of Hu Qiaoya's left leg, his right hand stretched out his index finger and middle finger, both of his fingers together, and flew into Hu Qiaoya's bottom.


Hu Qiaoya shouted loudly at this time, vaguely suffering some pain, but feeling extremely violent! Couldn't help but twist and sway her body vigorously, rubbing against Shen Yi's arm.

The parasites have completely awakened, the unknown all of a sudden adsorbed on top of Shen Yi's fingers, and desperately swallowed the yang qi and blood in a big mouth.

But suddenly realized that the situation is not right, this is not that thing, immediately understand that fooled, eager to escape.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

Shen Yi's finger instantly unleashed? easily pinched the parasite, and with a smooth hand, the Yang Devouring Blood Essence Compote was completely taken out from underneath Hu Qiaoya, without hurting her in the slightest.

At this moment, Hu Qiaoya was gasping for breath and fell down on the pink bed, unable to move for a long time.

Shen Yi temporarily ignored her, but looked at the hand only the size of a thumb compulsion, on which a pair of small wings had already grown, it is estimated that another few days will be able to fly.

At that time, it would forcibly break through Hu Qiaoya's body and fly back to its host, to be refined and absorbed by its host to enhance its power. As for Hu Qiaoya, the host, the instant the parasite left his body, his life was declared to be at an end.

It could be said that Hu Qiaoya would have died if he hadn't met Shen Yi a few more days later. Shen Yi had inadvertently saved her life!

Hu Qiaoya, who slowly recovered, thought that Shen Yi had developed a favorable impression of her. When she learned the truth of all this from Shen Yi's mouth, she was immediately shocked and very frightened.

"Many thanks to Mr. Shen for saving me, otherwise I would have died without knowing how I died!" Hu Qiaoya respectfully lay on the bed and kowtowed to Shen Yi.

Looking at Hu Qiaoya who was still naked, Shen Zhan threw her clothes over and signaled her to put them on before saying anything.

Hu Qiaoya's blushing face, thinking about the scene just now, her heart was like carrying a small rabbit. Hands and feet messily dressed, timidly stood at the edge of the bed, not knowing what to do.

"Now can you tell me about your past? I want to know the origin of this parasite." Shen Zhan looked at Hu Qiaoya, but saw that the other party's face had become a bit gloomy, and her eyes were very confused, with a painful struggle.