Stupid pig, you've got a lot of nerve!

"Sister Hu, what are your future plans, are you still in Jiangnan City, or are you leaving here." Shen Zhan asked.

Hu Qiaoya looked at the charming night color outside the window and sighed, "After all, I'm used to staying here, and I don't have any other place to go, so it's better to stay in Jiangnan City."

Shen Zhan nodded and spoke, "Let's do it Sister Hu, I have a branded clothing store there in shopping just now, now just lack of manpower, if you are willing to do so, go and help me take care of it."

"Ah, I ... can I? This, this ..." Hu Qiaoya was a little excited and didn't know what to say, looked at Shen Yi for a long time and couldn't say anything.

Shen Yi smiled blandly: "Sister Hu you go to find a boss called Yu Tianhang tomorrow, just say I let you go over, he will naturally know what to do. You just feel at ease to help me look after the business, lost counted me, earned it we split 50-50, how do you think?"

Looking at the faint smile on Shen Yi's face, Hu Qiaoya hated that she couldn't pinch herself, so that she could know that she was awake at the moment and didn't daydream.

Unexpectedly, this happiness came too suddenly, a few days ago, she had offended this person and scared her so much that she wet her pants. Who would have thought that just a few days later, this teenager who had terrified her so much in the beginning would actually be the nobleman of her life!

"Shen ... Shen Yi you don't worry, your sister Hu other skills have no, this soliciting guests but some means, designated will let you earn a pot full of money."

Hu Qiaoya directly shouted Shen Yi's name is still more or less not accustomed to, but when speaking, it reveals a boldness.

This makes Shen Yi inwardly very cozy, less of the original flirtatious atmosphere, more a dry female bravado, it seems that Hu Qiaoya when he was really completely healed the body and mind.

"Good, I believe that Sister Hu has this ability." Shen Yi just nodded and smiled without saying anything else, preparing to leave the place.

After Shen Yi left, Hu Qiaoya looked at the empty room, in which the ambiguous scent of the two fiery men from just now still existed, and couldn't help but feel a rush of heat in her body.

However, she was also clear that this was the first time ever that the two of them had such a large-scale contact, and of course, it was also the last time. She knew the human heart very well, and also had the self-awareness to know that some people were not the ones she could be qualified to stand beside, everything just needed to be remembered in her heart.

No matter what, the other party gave her a fresh start, a bright future was waiting for her, which for a person who had almost died once, what could be more precious than these!

"Shen Yi, thank you!" Hu Qiaoya softly shouted in her heart, knowing how she should repay this favor in the future.

Shen Yi left the hotel, thanked Boss Xin for seeing him off, and looked at the compulsion that he had set up a ban on, lying motionless in the palm of his hand.

Since promised Hu Qiaoya to find her that unscrupulous stepfather to give her revenge, now can not temporarily destroy this compulsion, but also need to use it, will be the old looking for each other it.

Collected the compulsion, Shen Yi will intercept a cab, towards the southern suburb of the fast drive.

At this time is already nearly ten o'clock at night, Shen Zhan got out of the car, walking on foot on the path. This time of the southern suburbs is very quiet, most people have already gone to sleep, people here are used to going to bed early and getting up early.

Shen Yi slowly walked towards the rented courtyard house, which was now his property, shifting from a tenant to a landlord.

"That new neighbor, Ren Fei, should also be asleep at this hour." Shen Zhan recalled the picture he saw when he came back that night, an extremely seductive big beautiful woman naked body in the courtyard to take a shower, but it scared him a bit.

Slowly walked to the door of the courtyard, Shen Yi expression slightly stunned, the door is still locked, looks like Ren Fei did not come back.

"This point is still not off work?" Shen Yi muttered to himself, that night at this time, she had long finished rinsing ready to sleep.

"Being an urban white-collar worker is indeed tiring enough, still working overtime at this late hour." Shen Zhan remembered that during dinner, Huang Lijuan also repeatedly ridiculed him, envious of the white-collar life.

Just when Shen Yi is ready to open the door, the front corner suddenly lights a, a luxury Mercedes sedan slowly turned the corner, and then drove forward a distance after stopping.

At this time, the Mercedes sedan was only fifty meters away from where Shen Zhan was. Shen Zhan clearly saw the car sitting three people, the front one is the driver, behind sitting two people a man and a woman.

When the car stopped, the rear door opened, down a long-haired beauty dressed in professional women's clothing, Shen Zhan fixed eyes, this is not their new neighbor Ren Fei.

The other side of the car door also followed open, down a semi-bald man, about forty years old, reminded of the slightly fat, but also with a pair of wide-rimmed glasses, just a pair of small eyes behind the lenses how to look at some colorful, a face of piggy lewd look.

"Fifi ah, you live in a place like this. Tsk, it's really not that great! As the number one beautiful PR of our Huashun Company lives in such a shithole of a place, I, the general manager of the PR department, have a disgraceful face."

The bald man slowly approached Ren Fei's side with a lewd smile on his face.

Ren Fei couldn't stop moving her body backward, keeping as much distance as possible from the other party, with a helpless smile on her face, she said, "Mr. Chen, I've already arrived home, thank you for seeing me off tonight. It's too late, I won't keep you."

"Hehe, Fifi ah, if you ask me, why are you so bitter. To be fair, during the time you've been in the company, I've taken good care of you. How many female employees in the public relations department took the initiative to throw themselves at me, I didn't care about it, it's not all about waiting for you? As long as you nod your head, send you a set of houses and villas is not a matter of words, why are you so hard on yourself."

Saying that, the bald man stopped in front of Ren Fei's body with one hand, reaching out to plot against her.

"Mr. Chen please don't be like this, I live here with my boyfriend, if he happens to see it, it won't be good." Ren Fei hurriedly made up a blind story, trying to make the other party scrupulous not to dare to fool around.

"Your boyfriend?" The balding man's expression was slightly stunned, then the corner of his mouth smiled evilly for a moment, "Finding such a big beauty like you, actually letting you live in this kind of pig's nest, I think this boyfriend of yours is better to kick him out while you still can, and following me guarantees that the quality of your life will rise by a big level."

"Mr. Chen please respect yourself, I ... my boyfriend will come to pick me up at this time, he ... he is very powerful." Watching the bald man step by step closer, Ren Fei's face changed greatly, and she had to continue to make it up again.

"Heh heh heh, a dirt-poor kid, how can he be more powerful. Let me tell you, there is no such thing as money that can't be settled in this day and age, do you believe that I will make a phone call right now and immediately pull a car full of people over, and let your poor boyfriend go to hell in a minute."

The bald man pressed step by step, has forced Ren Fei to the corner heel, the other party's eyes straight out of the evil light, hehehe straight smile: "Little baby, you still obediently from me, these days I but for you to hold back."

"Mr. Chen don't ah, my boyfriend is really about to come. Help ah ..." Ren Fei exclaimed out in shock, seeing the hand that the bald man was about to have, almost biting on Ren Fei's white neck.

"Stupid pig, in front of my face, you even dare to fool around, bold enough fat ah." Shen Yi walked slowly, a cold smile on his face.