Offer to let me fuck you!

On the highway leading to the shantytown in the city, an Audi A6 is driving smoothly, the license plate Jiang A00151 is exactly the seat of Xiao District Governor.

On the back seat Xiao Yuanchen was pondering things, his plan about the sustainable development plan of the city had been officially approved by the municipal government, in order to rush to make some achievements before the general election, he personally went to the shantytown to inspect the work and make some guiding suggestions.

"District Governor Xiao, you've gone out of your way, you didn't even rest on the weekend and had to inspect the shantytowns." Secretary Wei on the passenger seat said in a respectful voice.

Xiao Yuanchen sighed and said, "The shantytown is the short board of the city's urban generation, there is a seriousness problem in this place, if it is not solved, it will seriously affect our cityscape and drag down the rational planning of the city's sustainable development."

Secretary Wei just smiled bashfully and did not say anything else. Inside is some disdain, you Xiao District Governor said very nice, but is not only a superficial article. Going to the shantytown inspection is also just a walk in the park, do to the leaders above.


Zhou Xiaoshan according to Shen Yi's instructions to go forward to look for signs, Qin Huiqin face worried over, looking at the unrecognizable director Tan, the heart is a little tight.

"Yi Yi'er, don't cause a human life, we can't afford it."

"Don't worry mom, I'm just giving him a lesson, nothing will happen." Shen Yi nodded and smiled towards Qin Huiqin, signaling that she didn't need to worry.

"Easy, don't be reluctant when mom says so. We're a poor family after all, we can't afford to offend a figure like Director Tan. It's fine if you teach him a lesson, but look at the way he's hurt, if he retaliates in the future, we'll all suffer."

"Mom knows that you know medical skills, just take a look at him and let him go after he's healed. It's better to settle the wrongs than to tie them up, we'd rather do more than less."

Shen Yi inwardly sighed, did not blame Qin Huiqin's cowardice, after all, the heart is different, the things experienced are not the same, resulting in a great difference in the way of life.

And Qin Huiqin's approach is also the majority of no status, no background of the people have always acted in the style, to put it nicely is a person is very generous, benevolent, to put it badly, is worried about attracting trouble, the family followed the disaster, no peace.

Want to change a person's style of behavior, not overnight, need a lot of time. What's more, Shen Yi never wanted Qin Huiqin to change her style of behavior.

As long as he was there to keep Qin Huiqin from being bullied by others, there was no need to force a person to change.

"Alright, mom I'll listen to you, I can heal him, but I must not let him off easily. If he dares to come to our house to cause trouble, he will have to pay the price before he can do so."

Since Qin Huiqin had already spoken, Shen Yi couldn't be too stubborn and could only allow himself to take a step back. But this was the biggest concession he could make, and to stop caring at all, that was never possible.

Qin Huiqin also knows that Shen Yi can do this, is already the biggest concession, also can't say anything else, just tell him a sentence: don't go too far, and take all kinds of green vegetables, went to the market.

Shen Yi waited until after Qin Huiqin left, took out a clear healing talisman, threw it over to Director Tan, softly shouted "Pro", and instantly Director Tan's injuries were intact.

However, he has not yet awakened, and is still in a coma.

At this time Zhou Xiaoshan came back, holding a square piece of bright iron that was the size of two sheets of A4 paper, as well as a thin wire.

"Brother Shen, do you think this will work?" Zhou Xiaoshan asked excitedly, and deliberately shook the iron piece in his hand, which he had wasted a lot of effort to find.

Shen Yi immediately gave him a chestnut and said in a bad mood, "Taking such a good piece of iron for him to use as a bastard, your kid is also too much of a loser!


Raising his hand, he pointed to the back of the yard, where a large amount of waste garbage was piled up. "Go over there, find a worn out paper box, rip a random piece off, and just find a worn out piece of twine to tie it on. A junk item has to be matched with a junk item."

"Oh oh oh, I understand." Zhou Xiaoshan immediately turned around and ran towards the side of the junkyard.

Not long after, Zhou Xiaoshan reentered with a worn out cardboard box the same size as a piece of iron, and a dusty hemp rope.

Soon, a sign with the striking words "I am a son of a bitch" was completely finished.

Zhou Xiaoshan removed Director Tan's clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts on his body. The sign will be hung on the neck, dragged into the Camry car, and left.

Looking for a crowded place, Zhou Xiaoshan stopped the car, dragged Director Tan down from the car again, and left on his own.

Many people were attracted by this scene, have to check what is going on. When they saw Director Tan, who was naked, with only a pair of shorts protecting his vitals, they were all astonished.

Afterward, their hearts were suddenly in great pain. It must be that this Director Tan in his usual way of life, offended someone, only to be retaliated against.

When they saw the sign made of a worn-out cardboard box that read "I am a son of a bitch", everyone was secretly amused. More and more people gathered, pointing and laughing at Director Tan.

The news quickly spread, attracting a large number of people to come to see, Wang Fengxi also heard the news, saw Director Tan's appearance, scared to slink away. She was in an underground lover relationship with Director Tan, and she didn't want to suffer along with him.

It wasn't long before Director Tan's real family arrived, cursing angrily and waking Director Tan up.

After waking up, Director Tan found himself in this state, with a piece of broken cardboard box hanging from him, and what angered him the most was that it actually said I'm a son of a bitch!

"Mard! This must be the work of that little bastard, if I don't abolish him, I'll be a fucking director for nothing." Director Tan hissed angrily.

With one hand, he removed the worn out paper box from his neck and viciously threw it on the ground, shouting angrily towards the crowd of onlookers, "Do all of you want to fucking die? Get the hell out of my way!"

No one dared to mess with Director Tan, they all retreated to the sides, one after another secretly mocking more than just. Only after Director Tan left did the party burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, who did this, what a treat!"

"The titular Director Tan actually called himself a son of a bitch, what a laugh!"

"Hmph, let him usually flaunt his authority over us, either threatening this or forcing that, he deserves to offend powerful figures, screw him!"

"Who the hell did this? We must thank him for taking the heat for us!"

After returning to the street office, Director Tan, changed into clean clothes, picked up his teacup and slammed it to the ground, shattering it.

"Little bastard, Qin Huiqin, you fucking don't know what's good for you, dare to treat me like this, really think that I'm good to be messed with! Qin Huiqin, today I'll let you obediently take off your clothes and lie on the bed, taking the initiative to ask me to fuck you to death. And your bastard son, I just want to fuck you in front of him!"

"Little bastard, if I don't get you killed, I'll take your fucking surname!" Director Tan finished roaring like crazy, picked up the phone and called out.

"Second dog, where are you? Playing with a lady? Playing with one less you can fucking die ah! Hurry up and get back here, bring a few more brothers, I'm going to kill someone today!"