You can't even see the moon tonight!

Inside the detention room of the police station, Shen Zhan sat on a chair with handcuffs, and four police officers stood in front of him with a grim smile on their faces, which made Director Tan show a soothing smile.

Here to severely beat Shen Yi, to give himself an outlet for his anger, and at the same time, the detention does not release people, forcing Qin Huiqin to come and beg him, so that she obediently submit to the law.

Director Tan couldn't help but even laugh out loud, this was a plan to kill two birds with one stone, it was really exciting and thrilling!

"Little bastard, weren't you very wild earlier? Play another trapeze for me and see na! Hmph, when you fall into my hands, I'll let you slowly savor my methods later."

The four policemen hemmed and hawed and said, "Director Tan, what are you bothering with him for, let's give him internal injuries first."

One of the policemen put on boxing gloves and smiled grimly as he walked towards Shen Yi. With this kind of gloves, when you hit a person, you can't see the injury on the outside, but it's enough to cause internal injuries. Some bad police officers used to deal with prisoners, to put it bluntly, they look at who is not good and deliberately torture people.

"Kid, where do you think is a good place for me to hit you first with my first punch? Left side, right side, or the belly, hahaha!" The man let out a loud laugh, slapped his gloves and glanced at Shen Yi, his face full of playfulness.

They had long received Director Tan's instructions, and today was the day to play with the other party and torture him half to death.

"I choose to kick your brother." Shen Yi similarly smiled playfully and looked at the other party and said softly.

The other party was obviously stunned, and before he could react, Shen Yi had already raised his right foot when the other party walked not far in front of him, and just kicked him in the middle of his two crotches.

At that moment, there was a sound of broken eggs, and the policeman fell to the ground, twitching and screaming.


Instantly, the three policemen's faces changed drastically at the same time, angrily staring at Shen Yi, roaring, "You damn dare to sow your wild oats here, you're really impatient with life!"

Director Tan snorted coldly and said, "Since this little wild seed came here and still dares to act recklessly, I see no need to keep it, just beat it to death. Big deal, afterward, just give him a random charge and be done with it."

Shen Yi's eyes narrowed as he coldly looked at Director Tan and said, "You have to pay the price for what you just said and did."

"Price? Hahaha, wild seed boy, you still haven't figured out your current situation, right? Still dare to threaten me, believe it or not I can make you not see tomorrow's sun at my current level."

Director Tan had a cold face, very gloomy, with eyes that couldn't slaughter the other party immediately.

Shen Yi smiled disdainfully, "There's no need to be so troublesome, I can make you not see the moon tonight right now."

"Arrogant!" Director Tan roared, "Use all your means, give me a hard time to torture this little bastard. Mard, if you dare to pretend to fool around with me again, get him killed for me!"


Outside came the sound of a car driving by, followed by a sharp brake. Then the sound of disorganized footsteps was heard, rapidly coming towards the detention room.

Through the sound of footsteps, it can be judged that the person's breath is a little unstable, and his heart is very anxious and uneasy.


The door of the room was opened from the outside, and District Governor Xiao was the first to cross into the detention room. Looking at Shen Yi who was sitting on the chair with handcuffs, a furious look appeared on his face immediately.

"District Governor Xiao, how do you ... how do you have time to come over ..." Director Tan was startled by Xiao Yuanchen who suddenly barged in, and because of the ghost in his heart, he was naturally worried to death.

"Asshole!" As soon as Xiao District Chief opened his mouth, he cursed Director Tan, "Do you fucking want to find death?!"

Director Tan was instantly a bit dumbfounded, the hallowed District Governor Xiao, actually said such indecent words as well. This is the manifestation of excessive inner urgency, specifically because and moody, is it because ...

Director Tan could not believe to look at Shen Yi, greatly surprised, lost his voice: "He?!"

Xiao district director if not still concerned about his own identity, really inconvenient to get rough, at the moment he wanted to go over and fiercely smack director Tan a slap.

This handcuffed teenager in front of him, it was too late for him to curry favor with the other party, and this bastard was still adding to the chaos. Not only did he alert the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and personally called to inquire, but he also rebuked him severely, blaming him for the chaos in his own jurisdiction.

Xiao district mayor inside is very suffocating, this can be really idle lying can be shot! He had run into a gun, no, he had been pushed into a gun by this stupid thing, Director Tan, and sent to his death!

Xiao District Governor quickly ran to Shen Yi, a face of pleasing appearance, with an apology, said: "Nephew ah, you suffer, Uncle Xiao I do not know. If I knew, I would not have let this idiot do it."

Shen Yi gave a light laugh and said in a faint voice: "Why did you come, Uncle Xiao?"

"This, I just happened to want to come to this area to inspect the work, I didn't expect to actually encounter this kind of thing, it really makes me too angry."

District Governor Xiao sighed angrily, and towards the scared and dumbfounded police officers, he roared, "What are you still standing there for, don't you hurry to open the handcuffs."

The three policemen standing didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly went over to open the handcuffs for Shen Yi, but they were rejected by the other party.

"Uncle Xiao, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer in this matter, this pair of handcuffs on my hands is not going to be uncuffed." Shen Yi looked at District Governor Xiao with a smile.

The latter, however, was trembling in his heart, this was the other party deliberately giving him a hard time, just to see what he would do.

At this time, dozens of black limousines drove into the police station here, surrounding the entrance of the tiny police station.

The situation of living in the shantytown all year round, how has he ever seen such a scene, dozens of limousines appeared all of a sudden, all surrounded the entrance of the police station, this situation is very bad ah.

"Where is Mr. Shen? Who the hell ate the bear's heart and leopard's gall and dared to arrest Mr. Shen, I see that this small police station of yours wants to be razed to the ground."

Zhang Zihao's voice could be heard from afar, and was angrily walking towards this side, yelling and screaming.

This time, not only is Director Tan, is Xiao District Governor also some dumbfounded. I didn't expect that when Shen Zhan had an accident, even Zhang Zihao, the underground emperor of Jiangnan City, had been alarmed, and had personally brought people over.

How many years have not seen Zhang Zihao personally bring people out to kill, it is estimated that ten years ago, he is not yet the identity of the mob big brother, desperate to fight when seen.

Zhang Zihao shattered the door of the room with a kick and entered the detention room, coldly glancing at everyone, including District Governor Xiao. Respectfully coming to Shen Zhan's side, he said, "I'm sorry Mr. Shen, which son of a bitch handcuffed you, I, Zhang Zihao, personally chopped off one of his hands to go!"

The police officer who handcuffed Shen Yi immediately wet his pants and stood there shivering in fear.

The police station chief was also grabbed in, shivering with fear, "Xiao District Chief, Master Howe has something to say, this is all a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding your mom next door!" Zhang Zihao is a big old man, naturally, he won't be able to speak in a civilized manner. Raising his hand and pointing at the police station director's nose, he cursed, "This is all cuffed up to Mr. Shen, and you're still fucking next door licking your face and saying it's a misunderstanding with me."


Zhang Zihao reached out and slapped the director, his hat fell to the ground, the director could only cover his face and look at the other party in horror, not daring to make a sound.

"I fucking slapped you and also told you that it was a misunderstanding, do you fucking believe it?!" Zhang Zihao nudged the director's head, poking his head to keep tilting it back.

"Mud still froze here for what, quickly roll over and open it for Mr. Shen." Zhang Zihao snorted coldly, frightening the director to hastily dig around for his keys.

The policeman shivered and reached out to give the key to the director, moving himself back as far as he could for fear of following the disaster.

"Mr. Shen, I ... will open it for you personally, you are aggrieved." The director said tremblingly, holding the key to open the handcuffs for Shen Yi.

Shen Zhan waved his hand, pointed down to Director Tan and sneered, "Let him roll over and open it for me."

Zhang Zihao took a look and reacted immediately, kicking Director Tan to the ground and shouting angrily, "Are you fucking deaf? And you heard Mr. Shen telling you to roll over, hurry up and get out!"

Under Zhang Zihao's might, Director Tan didn't even dare to let out a single fart, obediently lying on the ground, rolling over towards Shen Yi.

Taking the medicine spoon, he went to open the handcuffs for Shen Yi, "Mr. Shen, it's all my fault, I deserve to die, please just let me go as a fart."

Uncuffing Shen Yi, he slowly stood up and looked at Xiao Yuanchen, "Uncle Xiao, you haven't answered me just now. This scum, what are you going to do with him, well at least not to say that he is also considered an official under your name."

Xiao Yuanchen glanced angrily at Director Tan and said in a cold voice, "Immediately dismiss and investigate him, deal with him severely and seriously, and thoroughly purge him to the end."


Director Tan immediately sat paralyzed on the ground, literally like a puddle of shit, without any strength in his body. With District Governor Xiao's words, he would be in prison for the rest of his life, not wanting to come out again.

Officials like them, how many of their asses are clean underneath. Once the investigation is completed, he will be completely ruined.

However, Shen Yi was not too satisfied with such a punishment.

"As I said, such scum should have gone to hell a long time ago, and it is a waste of national food to keep it." Shen Yi sneered and raised his hand to hit Director Tan's chest, the latter retreated several steps backward, and there was a strange feeling within his body.

"I said that you won't even see the moon tonight, so I will never go back on my word. Starting now, your life enters the countdown, at six o'clock in the evening exactly, you will permanently fall asleep and never wake up again."

Looking at Shen Yi's playful smile, Director Tan also wet his pants in fear, kneeling on the ground desperately hugging Shen Yi's thighs, begging for mercy one after another.

"Master Shen, I beg you to spare me this time, I won't dare to do it next time, I won't dare to do it again."

Unfortunately, Shen Yi's heart was as unmoved as a chime stone.

"It's not that the opportunity hasn't been given to you, it's that you don't know how to cherish it. Provoking me again and again, and threatening my family, you have reached an unforgivable point and must die."

Shen Zhan walked out of the police station, stood at the door and looked back, whispered to Zhang Zihao: "This police station exists in name only, the interior is dirty and obscure, harboring dirt, it's a scourge to continue to keep it. It's in your hands, make it disappear from my sight within half an hour."