I'm really here to rent an apartment.

Shen Yi waved his hand, not bothering to talk to Boss Wang, who was a snob. Earlier, he had disdained him for judging people by their appearance, but after seeing his generous offer, he had a crooked mind and took the opportunity to extort. At this moment, seeing that he had such medical skills and deliberately came to flatter him, this kind of person was the most unpopular.

"Boss Wang, just follow the price at the very beginning, a yearly rental fee of one hundred thousand. This is a one million dollar check you keep, I'll rent it for ten years, if there's no objection we'll sign the contract."

Shen Yi handed the one million dollar check to Boss Wang, the latter's face became unusually ugly, just like eating a fly. He had just sent out a million dollars, and then it was returned to him in an instant, which was like letting someone rent a villa for ten years for nothing.

He has always been shrewd and profit-oriented, for the first time in the hands of a teenager ate a defeat, tasted the bitterness of greedy cheap not enough.

Received a check for one million, Wang boss is bitter, what else can be said at this point. Means so heavenly character, he bowed to not yet, how to dare to offend. What's more, he himself is also clear in his heart, there is no qualification to offend such a bullish character.

Wang boss at this time the heart a cross, must find a way to make up for their previous disrespect, a million are sent out, still care about the district ten years of rent.

"The high person is making fun of me, since the high person has taken a fancy to the tenth villa, it is my honor. The high person can stay here as long as he wants, how dare I charge you."

Shen Zhan's expression did not move in the slightest and said in a faint voice: "Boss Wang, I am not the kind of person who extorts money from others for no reason, I have my principles. I don't commit any offense, I don't commit any crime, just now I accepted one million dollars from you because of your previous malicious extortion. Now, let's sign the contract truthfully, this kind of cheapness I'm not interested in taking advantage of, and I'm not lacking your one million."

Boss Wang inwardly smiled disdainfully, although he could see that the other party's medical skills were indeed very high, but by no means did he think he was a person with much money, or else he wouldn't have asked for a million dollars because he had offended him, and opened his mouth.

What was this if not wanting money like crazy?

"This kind of person has the best face, obviously wanting money but still purposely putting on a lofty appearance." Boss Wang inwardly despised Shen Yi and thought that Shen Yi was such a type of person.

At that exact moment, that ICBC's president Zhou Qingkui drove by from here and inadvertently happened to catch a glimpse of Shen Zhan inside the neighborhood property office, immediately stopped the car and quickly ran over.

"Mr. Shen, why are you here." Zhou Qingkui ran over and respectfully saluted at Shen Yi, with a smile on his face and an extremely low posture.

Shen Zhan glanced at Zhou Qingkui, not expecting to actually meet him here, gently nodded his head, "What a good cha, Governor Zhou lives in this neighborhood?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm living in the villa eight ahead. Mr. Shen this is ..." Zhou Qingkui looked at Shen Yi standing here, clearly like to rent a house, but he did not dare to really judge so.

"I came over to rent a house." Shen Yi said in a faint voice.

Zhou Qingkui immediately a burst of surprise expression, some bitter laughter looked at Shen Yi, said: "Mr. Shen, you can really joke, you hundreds of millions of value, which still need to rent a house to live. Like the villa here, buy ten or eight of them for you, it's not like playing, heh heh heh."

Wang boss in the see Zhou governor personally ran to greet each other, it is obvious a stunned, and Zhou governor obviously also some currying favor with each other's posture. At this moment, when he heard from him that this teenager in front of him, was actually worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he almost took a breath and suffocated to death.

At this moment, he felt that he was invisibly slapped in the face. Just a moment ago, he still despised the other party inwardly, thinking that he was pretending when he said that he didn't look a million dollars in the eye. Who knew that people actually possessed hundreds of millions of dollars, so of course they wouldn't look a million in the eye.

"Crap! This is the second time I've fucking looked away, these years have simply been wasted!" Boss Wang cursed inwardly, looking away from a person twice was the same as walking and falling into a pit twice.

Being stupid once was understandable, being stupid twice in a row was a standard stupidity!

"I'm really here to rent a house, it's Boss Wang's Villa 10, which is all ready to sign the contract." Shen Yi looked at Governor Zhou and said in a faint voice.

See Shen Yi really signed the villa rental contract, Governor Zhou believed it, his face is quite strange look at Shen Yi. Inwardly muttered: really can not understand such a rich man, what is in the heart, so rich actually like to rent a house to live.


p;After signing the contract, Shen Yi took the key from the hands of Wang boss, and personally went to the tenth villa around, very satisfied, directly can move over to move in, the furniture with all, are brand new.

"Mr. Shen, have time to go to my Jade Xuan turn around, from time to time will carry out gambling activities, if interested, you can also go to play a hand." Boss Wang respectfully handed over one of his business cards and extended an invitation to Shen Yi.

Shen Zhan nodded his head and took the business card to take a look at it, it was written with the six characters of Jade Xuan Wang Defa, which was very simple. "Good, I will definitely go over to take a look when I have the chance."

After leaving from the Golden Jade neighborhood, Shen Zhan directly let Zhou Xiaoshan drive to the steel market, he now can't wait to get a Spirit gathering array out as soon as possible.

After turning around a few homes, Shen Yi finally settled on this Jianshun Steel, not for any other reason, but just because they had a small steel refinery that could refine models according to customer demand.

"Boss, I need eight of these iron ingots, plus give me four more of these." Shen Yi took out the pre-drawn drawings and handed them over to the other boss.

After looking at it, the boss smiled cheerfully and said, "No problem, we can deliver the goods within two days. However, you have to pay a little deposit in advance."

In total, it costs half a million dollars, Shen Yi immediately paid a deposit of 200,000, and the remaining 300,000 will be paid after the inspection of the goods.

The boss instantly looked at Shen Yi with some surprise, so young casually took out two hundred thousand cash, seems to be a rich man. In general, the real status of the people, who still carry cash, are swipe card.

Paying cash in person is out of character and too old-fashioned. There was no doubt that right now, Shen Yi was a standard douchebag tycoon in the eyes of the other boss.

"Boss, where else in this neighborhood is there a place to process copper." Shen Yi asked, he now needed to refine a bronze tripod out to facilitate the use of alchemy.

"Hahaha, little brother you are asking the right person with this sentence. Although we are mainly responsible for steelmaking here, we also piggyback on the refining of some bronzes. Say it, what kind is needed, can you have drawings."

Shen Yi could not help but be very happy, this is an unexpected joy, save a lot of trouble. Immediately took out the drawn bronze tripod and handed it over to the other party to check, but the boss took it over but a frown.

This was a big project, at least one ton of bronze was needed to make it work, but they simply didn't have this much in stock, only one third of it.

"Little brother, this bronze utensil of yours is very special ah, how does it look like the alchemy furnace of Lord Taishang. Heh heh heh, is it hard for little brother to be some kind of crew member, filming a mythological TV series?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly, not expecting this boss to actually be able to tell the function of this bronze tripod, and also mentioned the person of Lord Taishang, which surprised him more and more.

However, he didn't say anything more, and simply nodded along with the boss's meaning, vaguely excusing himself.

"Yada yada yada, what kind of theater group is this, it's actually so rich that even a prop has to be so realistic, simply such a bronze tripod would need to cost nearly six hundred thousand dollars to make it work." The boss was dumbfounded and tsked under his breath.

Shen Yi did not say anything, just asked in a faint voice: "How long does this take, I'm anxiously waiting to use it."

The other side of the boss took a look and understood, laughed: "Don't worry, I know you rush the schedule, at most three days can be completed."

Shen Yi then feel relieved to leave, agreed to three days later a piece to inspect the goods, by the way, the final payment will be settled.

Waiting for Shen Yi to leave, the warehouse management personnel on the side, quietly said, "Mr. Zheng, we don't have enough bronze storage ah, we can only barely refine one third of it."

Mr. Zheng immediately glanced at him, "You idiot, do you know why I can be the boss and you can only be a warehouse manager? Do things with more brains, we can build a model out of steel, outside, melt the remaining bronze and apply it to the surface, not just a knot."

"But boss, what if this is discovered?" The treasurer asked with some concern.

"Saying you're stupid you're still as dumb as a pig." Mr. Zheng smiled disdainfully, "Our Master Lian is highly skilled in his craft, so we're sure that he won't be able to find out what's going on. Besides, they're just props for the crew, they won't be inspected that carefully."

"Tsk tsk, such a rich crew, if I don't ruthlessly screw them over, I'm simply sorry for my name, Zheng Fa Cai."