Brokers are unreliable in this day and age!

Shen Zun didn't want to have an unclear relationship with these beauties for no reason. There is a Lin Lele this living treasure is enough headache, and then all of a sudden come four, he can not stand.

In the end, Shen Yi promised them that after he developed an effective drug, he would increase the size if he wanted to. And the drug is purely natural, will not have any side effects, and will not rebound after stopping use.

Chang Wei was listening to Shen Yi and the five beauties, and his eyes lit up. If someone else is so boastful, he will be ridiculed and disdained.

But after seeing Shen Yi's superior medical skills, he would not doubt what he said in the slightest.

"If this is utilized well, it's a good way to make money! I don't know how many women will rush to it and snap it up like crazy. Not to mention how many women there are in the entire world, just to satisfy the women of all of China, all of them can earn a lot of money."

Thinking of this, Chang Wei could not hold down the excitement in his heart, well at least not to say that he is now also considered to be on Shen Yi's side of the front, even if he shares a little bit of the leftovers, it would be enough for him to eat for the rest of his life.

"Brother Shen, do you think you should open a company, surely you can make a lot of money!" Chang Wei almost red eyes, followed the devil like reminding at the side.

Shen Yi glanced at him, knowing what he was thinking inside, and said in a faint voice: "I'm not interested in opening a company period, and I don't have that kind of mind."

Joke, he was a Perishable True Immortal, trapped here, cultivation was the right thing to do, which had the mind of an ordinary mortal to open a company to make money.

Money was worthless when compared to cultivation!

"Brother Shen, I know you're busy. You can totally be a behind-the-scenes boss ah, I'll be your agent and open up the company for you."

Chang Wei further persuaded, and his heart became even hotter. If that was the case, he would be the nominal vice president.

Moreover, once such a company was set up, it would be designated to face women all over the world, and going public would not be a problem.

At that time, he is the vice president of the value of the designated geometric multiplier, that identity, that status, 100 million Wang Feng Hua sitting on the rocket can not be ousted ah!

"Forget it, brokers are unreliable in this era, especially male brokers, even more unreliable!" Shen Yi shook his head and let out a light laugh.

The five beauties all instantly blushed oddly, but they all knew about last year's incident where a certain shameless agent slept with someone's wife, which could have harmed the baby.

Xiao Meiqian blankly glanced at Shen Yi without any good reason, and then fiercely glared at Chang Wei, quite a warning flavor.

At this time, invisible, Xiao Meiqian has been very narcissistic, as Shen Yi side of the woman, also began to play the role.

Lin Lele once again exerted the power of a little crazy girl, smilingly said: ''Xiao Weizi, just like this you still want to be an agent? First figure out when you'll completely solve the peanut-sized problem, then come back to play the idea of an agent."


Chang Wei inwardly hissed, Nima Laozi want to be a broker is to want to take care of the business for Brother Shen, he also followed to raise the value of the body, what do you mean by this. Not with the old take this matter to damage people!

This matter is so temporarily calm down, Shen Yi also want to prepare to leave, at this time is already two o'clock in the afternoon, he also want to go back to see Qin Huiqin all from the shantytown moved over there.

"Shen Yi, in order to repay you for the treatment you gave me just now, this girl has given you permission to take a car with me and give you a ride.

a ride." Lin Lele said very nicely.

This kind of free car Shen Yi naturally wouldn't refuse, but right at this moment, Chang Wei hesitated for a while, but decided to tell him about Wang Feng Hua's earlier call to find someone to clean up Shen Yi.

"Brother Shen, there's something I have to tell you, just now Wang Feng Hua called someone to try to clean you up, better be careful."

"Ah? What can we do about this? I can't imagine that Wang Feng Hua is such a sinister person, deliberately picking a fight not to mention that he wants to wait for an opportunity to retaliate back, I shouldn't have let him go in the first place." Lin Lele exasperatedly inserted her waist and said indignantly.

Several other beauties were also very angry, they had seen everything in their eyes.

Since the beginning, Shen Yi had never taken the initiative to provoke Wang Feng Hua, and even for his constant provocations, he didn't pay too much attention to them, instead, the other party was even more endlessly unrestrained.

Only then did Shen Yi explode in the end, stomping on Wang Feng Hua furiously to give him a profound lesson. Although in the end, Shen Yi tortured Wang Feng Hua is also miserable enough, but also let him roll like a dog crawling back to lick his toes.

But to put it bluntly, Wang Feng Hua had brought all this on himself and could not blame others.

Chang Wei shook his head at his words, this was not the case.

"It's not like that, in fact, when Shen was at the door just now, Wang Feng Hua intentionally ridiculed Shen and was countered by Shen to hit back. At that time, he called for someone, just that time was also still Wang Feng Hua's little follower, and was also considered to be involved in this matter."

"Hmph, really bad things with a human face!"

Lin Lele was even more furious when she heard it, it turned out that it wasn't because of the things that happened behind her that she wanted to retaliate, and only because of a little bit of chicken scratch before she was so harboring a grudge.

Evidently, this Wang Feng Hua is really a villain!

"Shen Yi you don't have to worry, if Wang Feng Hua dares to touch you, this girl will protect you." Lin Lele patted her plump towering, and made another volatile statement.

Shen Zhan was amused as soon as he heard that Wang Feng Hua wanted to find someone to deal with him, and didn't put it in his eyes in the slightest. However, Lin Lele felt quite amused when she said so.

"Good, then I'm counting on you to protect this great weapon that can kill people from thousands of miles away." Shen Zhan joked, not realizing that Lin Lele also had such a bold side.

Qi Xuan glanced angrily at Shen Yi and said, "Shen Yi, Lele is not joking with you. Her grandfather is the military commander of our Southeast Military Region, Mr. Li. Oh yeah, back then, Uncle Xiao was still his disease."

I rub!

Shen Yi immediately inner trembled, this is really a big water washed away the Dragon King Temple, the original Lin Lele still have this relationship. Suddenly thought of another thing, this Li military commander since Xiao Yuanchen's old head, that is not the year to him and Xiao Meiqian finger marriage witness.

Last time, Xiao Yuanchen had also mentioned the old chief, saying that he had called to inquire about the engagement after high school graduation.

Shen Zun gave Lin Lele an odd look, not knowing how he would face this military chief's grandfather of hers in the future.

Not only had he wiped out the face of his witnesses, but he had also scratched the face of his granddaughter, in case the military chief blamed him and wanted Lin Lele to marry him, how could this be?

It's a headache! If I had known that there is such a layer of relationship, I would not have grabbed the plumpness of this little crazy girl Lin Lele.