One hand encircles the four beauties!

Shen Zhan had just turned a corner in the corridor, when he saw an exceptionally sexy woman in her thirties, who looked very sexy, with a big wavy curl that added a flirtatious meaning.

However, this sexy woman's face was quite angry, and she walked forward quickly with an exasperated voice.

Mouth also a burst of curses: "Little bastard you give me wait, dare to eat the old lady's tofu, the old lady let you minutes to lie on the ground shall not die!"

Shen Yi looked at the other party with some surprise, not knowing what was wrong with this.

"What are you looking at, if you look at me again, I will even dig out your eyeballs, humph!" When passing by Shen Zhan, the demonic woman gave a cold snort towards him and left in a huff.

Shen Yi was puzzled for a while, he didn't know who had provoked this demonic woman, and spread the fire on himself, which was an unjustifiable disaster for no reason.

However, Shen Yi did not bother to bother with her. But in the next second, he found Zhang Shuo, Yang Xiao and Wang Dongchen three dudes coming out of the restroom with evil smiles on their faces.

"Tsk tsk, that woman just now was really flavorful, I wanted to fuck as soon as I saw her!"

"Hahaha, look at your no-good look, didn't you touch her ass just now?"

"You two also took the opportunity to grab her plump a bit, isn't it a great feeling, I see your brother all bucked up."

"Still talking about us, you're damn near pissing your pants, hahaha!"

"No way, my old man was provoked by this sexy woman to the evil fire, but I wish to do it quickly, and vent on those four beautiful women."

"Hahaha ..."

Suddenly, the three of them saw Shen Zhan, and all of them shut up, smiled rather disdainfully and contemptuously, and walked towards the luxurious private room.

Shen Zhan understood, so it was these three douchebags who had provoked that sexy special thing. It is really a typical dude, do not know the sky and the earth, one look at the woman is not simple, they also dare to provoke.

For these, Shen Zhan was too lazy to pay attention. But just now, he clearly heard, wanting to lay hands on the four beauties, and a fire rose inside.

Sure enough, he was going to make a move, in that case, he would not blame him for not being polite!

Shen Yi pretended to return to the private room as if nothing had happened, since they wanted to play tricks, then he would continue to play with them, and this time, he would completely play them to death!

"Hahaha, Shen Yi brother, you are going out for a long time, are you secretly going behind Xuan Xuan's back and hooking up with other women?"

As soon as Shen Yi entered the door, Jiang Wei deliberately sneered and laughed to stimulate Qi Xuan to see her reaction.

What Jiang Wei's mind, Shen Yi is well aware of, sneered. Deliberately did not sit beside Qi Xuan, but came to the middle of the remaining four beauties, sat down on his butt, reached out with one hand, and instantly encircled all four beauties.

"Even if I want to molest another woman behind Xuan Xuan's back, there are four great beauties within this private room, do I need to bother going out? On the contrary, it's a few of Jiang Da Shao's friends who can't resist loneliness and molest other women."

Shen Yi purposely sneered and gave Jiang Wei a kick back, causing the latter's face to change slightly, giving the three dudes a fierce and angry look.

The three douchebags all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Jiang Wei, and inwardly cursed Shen Yi a hundred times, hating that they couldn't kill him.

Wei Wei, Hao Yunjing, Lin Lele, and Xiao Meiqian, at this moment, all were wrapped in Shen Yi's arms, and their faces were flushed with a blush. However, inwardly, there is still some beauty.

Because, they all understood that Shen Yi was deliberately stimulating Jiang Wei. Moreover, Shen Yi's words were also praising their beauty, which the girls were willing to listen to.

The girls were all willing to listen.

The four girls all angrily glared at Shen Yi, and inwardly, they all pouted: you bad guy Shen Yi, you want to stimulate Jiang Wei, but you even ate the tofu of the four of them together.

Qi Xuan at this moment also do not know how to express their feelings, see Shen Yi hands around the four beauty, inner a tangle, very complex.

Shen Yi then got up, sat back to the initial position, a hand Qi Xuan in his arms, soft voice: "Baby Xuan Xuan don't be angry ah, I just with Jiang Da Shao just joke, don't take it seriously ah."

Hearing Shen Yi called so intimate, Qi Xuan body is a tremor, there is a dark current fluctuation in the heart, there is a kind of unknown sentiment in the heart slowly rise.

Jiang Wei, however, is simply almost being angry lungs, inner curses, Shen Yi this is clearly deliberately stimulate him.

At this time, the waiter Xiao Xin has taken the ice bucket over, will be a whole bottle of wine into the ice bucket, then quickly turned around and left the room.

Jiang Wei sneered inwardly: "Shen Yi, let you fool around for a while, when you drink this red wine with ecstasy, you are still at my mercy! If you fight with me, you're a fool!"

The wine still needs to ice for a while, Jiang Wei is not in a hurry to make a move at this moment, looking at Shen Yi and the others with a sinister smile on his face, and even looking at Qi Xuan, his eyes are on fire.

Associated with later, Qi Xuan will be lying naked in front of him, by his arbitrary ravishment, on the inner burst of frenzy, the following small brother are followed by swelling.

But just at this moment, a loud noise came from outside the door.

"Mard, stinking bitch, tell me which private room that kid was in just now. Dare to kick me, I'll waste him now!"


Immediately after, the door of the private room was kicked open from outside, and the little yellow hair just now went and returned, and was picking up Xiao Xin's hair and dragging him into the private room.

This time, the little yellow hair really brought a lot of people, at least a dozen people. Of course, a luxury room is a luxury room, the space inside is big enough, standing a dozen people can't see half crowded.

Just when the little yellow hair was about to make a move, but suddenly discovered Jiang Wei, immediately revealed a smile.

"Jiang Shao so you're here, sorry, I didn't know you were here."

As soon as Jiang Wei saw that Little Yellow Hair had lowered his voice to him like this, he was instantly smug, a haughty look surfacing on his face. He also glanced at Shen Yi intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Oh it's you, kicking open the door of my room like that, you have a lot of guts." Jiang Wei purposely a slate face, showing a trace of anger, is to want to in front of the crowd, to properly highlight his Jiang big young man's might.

Sure enough, the little yellow hair also gave exactly the right face, immediately running over in fear, apologizing to Jiang Wei.

"Jiang Shao rests his anger, I came specifically to find this kid to take revenge, I didn't know that you, Jiang Shao, were here. Otherwise, even if I were lent two guts, I wouldn't dare to kick the door of your room."

Jiang Wei became even more complacent, the arrogant look was no longer just on his face, it even permeated his toes.

At this moment, Jiang Wei's face are invisible carved out a few big words, see, this is my Jiang Wei's identity, I Jiang Shao is bullish!

"So this kid is your Jiang Shao's friend ah, in that case, I'll leave it alone and give Jiang Shao a face." The little yellow hair was pandering to please Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei, however, sneered, "No need to give me face, I'm not familiar with him. Since he offended you without opening his eyes, do what you need to do."