Touched someone's girl's face!

Zhang Shuo, Yang Xiao, and Wang Dongchen all looked at Jiang Wei in unison with a begging look on their faces. Jiang Wei could no longer control himself this time, a stifled anger burning in his chest, spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

This time is completely planted in the hands of Shen Yi, at this moment and invisible by Shen Yi on the fire roast, really is let him ride the tiger difficult to get down.

If this time he wants to save face, resolutely ignore, do not take into account the death of the three people, it will lose the hearts of the people, spread out will affect his reputation.

But if he agrees and kowtows respectfully to Shen Yi, although he can get the gratitude of the three brothers, it is only limited to the three of them. When outsiders learned about it, no one would be touched by him except for a great deal of ridicule and mockery.

In short, yes or no, today he Jiang Da Shao, Jiangnan University Student Union President, is completely lost face!

The real Shen Yi's words, do not try to pretend with me, I will let you become a fool in a minute! Don't try to hit me in the face, I will make you lose face on the spot!

"Shen Yi counts you as ruthless, but don't think you'll win against me like this."

Jiang Wei attempted to make a last ditch effort, he wanted to use his father's status as the First Vice Mayor to intimidate Zhang Zihao and force him to not dare to touch his three followers.

"Brother Howe, my name is Jiang Wei, my father is the Executive Vice Mayor Jiang Xiang Shang, I implore Brother Howe to give me face and forgive my brothers this time." Jiang Wei also deliberately put up an overbearing stance, thinking that he was the young master of the First Vice Mayor, as if he was so bullish.

Unfortunately, Zhang Zihao didn't eat this at all, with a completely disdainful expression.

"Just you are also qualified to ask for face from me? Hmph, how self-important!" Zhang Zihao sneered, "You go back and ask your executive vice mayor old man and see if he dares to ask for this face from me, Zhang Zihao."

"Brother Howe, please be careful with your words, my father ..."


Zhang Zihao instantly threw Jiang Wei a slap, slapping him back onto the sofa, five bright red fingerprints immediately surfaced on his face.

"Just with you, you dare to be stubborn with me? It's your old man who is the executive vice mayor personally standing here, he also has to bow down to me, what kind of a thing are you!"

Jiang Wei's heart burst with anger, but in the face of Zhang Zihao's might, he wouldn't dare to say another word even if he was given three guts, so he could only forcefully suppress his anger and endure it.


This side of the small yellow hair has long been scared through the bitter bile, legs soft, fell to his knees on the ground, and kept apologizing and making amends with Shen Yi.

"Mr. Shen spare your life, it's all because I didn't know how to die and offended you, please be magnanimous and spare my dog's life."

Shen Yi slowly stood up and walked to the front of Little Yellow Hair, looking down on the other party with a cold smile on his face.

"Just now outside with that hand, you hit my friend Xiao Xin and stepped on her hair." Shen Yi asked in a cold voice.

Frightened, the other party shivered, his heart tightened with a bad premonition, and he hurriedly kowtowed and begged for forgiveness.

"Mr. Shen I really know it's wrong, spare me this time, I ..."

"Ask you for the last time, that hand hit, give me obediently stretched out on the ground."

Being coldly drank by Shen Yi, scared little yellow hair wet his pants on the spot, his body trembled violently. Trembling, he stretched out his right hand and honestly put it on the ground.

"Mr. Shen ... Shen, spare my life, I ... ah!"

At the moment when the right hand of the little yellow hair reached out and just placed it on the ground, Shen Yi did not hesitate to lift his left foot and violently stepped on it, and in an instant, the right hand of the little yellow hair became a bloody mess and screamed in pain.

The whole face became black and red, the right palm was trampled, the huge pain immediately attacked the whole body, the whole right arm tendons are "gurgling" wildly beating, twitching, the body can not control the spasm.

 "This is your punishment for bullying my friend just now, now immediately pay 200,000 dollars, I will no longer bother with you. Otherwise, you can imagine the end yourself."

Shen Yi sat back down on the sofa again, coldly looking at Little Yellow Hair and waiting for his reply.

Everyone couldn't help but suck in a mouthful of cool air, and the five beauties were all astonished for a while, their faces full of shocked looks.

Although they had seen Shen Yi punishing Iron Man before. But it was the first time that they had seen such a violent foot crushing someone's palm like this, and they somewhat wanted to dry-heave inside.

Jiang Wei and others, not to mention, have long been cold sweat, back clothes are soaked. This Nima is also too ruthless, stomping on people's palms at the drop of a hat, simply a demon!

Zhang Zihao also tugged at the corners of his mouth twice, but there was no overly strong change in expression. He had seen with his own eyes that Shen Zhan had once decapitated Zhou Ba within the abandoned factory at the drop of a hat.

On the other hand, the demonic woman behind Zhang Zihao was looking at Shen Yi with a face of horror. Knowing that at this point, she had already recognized the other party as the road teenager that she had threatened with her words when she left in anger.

She also did not expect that the other party would actually have such an identity and background that even Zhang Zihao was too groveling to squeak. She didn't know if the other party would find trouble with her for that threatening remark she made at that time.

Shen Yi just glanced at her lightly, not wanting to retaliate against her. As long as the other party didn't go too far, he didn't care to bother with a woman unless it crossed his bottom line.

When Shen Yi's gaze once again fell back to Little Yellow Hair, the other party no longer had anything in his heart other than awe and fear.

He dared to hesitate, and immediately transferred money through the bank, rationing 200,000 dollars to Shen Yi. Shen Yi, who received the alert message, saw that the 200,000 dollars had indeed arrived in the account, and only then did he let them all get out and leave this place.

Small yellow hair and other people as if relieved, hurried out of the room, quickly downstairs, to go to the hospital to bandage, repair is not possible.

Shen Yi smiled and got up, toward the face of the frightened Xiao Xin, raised his hand to play a clear healing talisman, close to the palm of his hand, gently stroked the face of Xiao Xin.

At the same time, he softly shouted "Pro", instantly the white halo flashed away, Xiao Xin's palm marks disappeared without a trace, and returned to its original state.

Xiao Xin, who couldn't feel any pain, hurriedly touched her face with her hand, and half of her cheeks, which were still hot and painful before, really didn't feel anything at all.

"This, this is simply too amazing, how did he ... he do it?"

Xiao Xin was inwardly astonished for a while, but she couldn't hide her excitement. The other party's technique was so strange and so powerful, that night to help her treat congenital kidney failure, greatly increasing her confidence.

"Thank you." Xiao Xin looked at Shen Yi gratefully, remembering that the other party had just touched her face, an instant blush.

Among the five beauties, Lin Lele secretly ranted, this bad guy took advantage again, touching other people's little girl's face.

Shen Yi did not intend to hand over the two hundred thousand dollars to Xiao Xin in front of so many people, so as not to bring her unnecessary trouble, or wait until the evening when it is not too late to give it to her.

Anyway, this money was originally claimed over and given to her for medical expenses.

"Jiang Dazhou, have you thought about my proposal just now? Is it to care about your own face and not care about the death or life of these three brothers of yours, or to kneel down and kowtow respectfully, requesting me to put in a good word for you and spare the three of them this time."

Shen Yi looked at Jiang Wei with a smiling face, but the latter's face became unusually ugly.

"Shen Yi, if you coerce me like this today, you will definitely regret it in the future!" Jiang Wei gritted his teeth and said, but still stood without the intention of kneeling down.

"It seems that you, Jiang Daoshao, still don't recognize the situation." Shen Zhan sneered, "Just as well, I'll take the place of your old executive vice mayor father and properly let you, as a son, grow a bit of a memory."