Pretty women are always missed!

There is really no way, Gan Tai can only obediently pay off the six hundred thousand dollars in one point. Inside the pain, finally tasted what it means to cut meat on the heart.

This six hundred thousand almost exhausted all his savings, here inadvertently saw Hu Qiaoya, instantly aroused his evil fire, would like to take her to vent a little, who knows that the evil fire did not vent out, in turn, nested a belly of fire.

"Clothes can be taken away, but in the future, you are not allowed to come back to make trouble, and then there is a next time, I can tell you clearly in front of your cousin uncle's face, no one can save you."

Shen Yi coldly looked at the other party, scared Gan Tai trembled, two quivering, on the spot very unimpressive wet his pants.

Without bothering to pay attention to the stunned Gan Tai again, Shen Yi looked at Shi Zhongtian with interest and said with a bland smile, "Just now I heard that President Shi went to the underground boxing ring, how come President Shi is also interested in this?"

Shi Zhongtian smiled awkwardly, "It's also a way out, wanting to obtain crystals, this is a shortcut. So just ... hehehe."

Shen Yi nodded knowingly, which was understandable. When he was at the headquarters of the Martial Arts Association, he had clearly said that as long as they had spirit stones, they could exchange them with him for spirit talismans.

Since seeing the power of Shen Yi's use of the spirit talisman, it was Shi Zhongtian's status as the president who could not help but be moved, so he lowered his status and went to fight black boxing to earn spirit stones.

Shen Yi wouldn't care what methods he used to obtain spirit stones, he only cared about whether there were any spirit stones in his hands.

"Then I wonder if President Shi has obtained any spirit stones?" Shen Yi carried a hint of a playful smile, and some anticipation could not be avoided in his eyes.

"Hehehe, I got lucky and fought a few matches and got ten crystals. It's just that later on, after being discovered of my true strength, no one dared to fight with me anymore."

Shi Zhongtian took out ten crystal stones and looked rather regretful.

With a strength like his, one had to hide one's true strength to go to a black fist fight. Otherwise, the Houtian fifth layer strength to that battle, unless extremely confident people, who idle pain to provoke such a strong person.

Therefore, Shi Zhongtian could only fight for a few matches before revealing his true strength, and no one would dare to fight with him later.

However, it was not bad to have ten spirit stones.

Shen Yi nonchalantly took the spirit stones from Shi Zhongtian's hand, turned his hand and put them inside the Empty Underworld Ring, and took out three spirit talismans and a string of defense bracelets in exchange for handing them over to the other party.

Shi Zhongtian was so excited that he stretched out his trembling hands and received the spirit talisman and defense bracelet from Shen Yi, excitedly not knowing what to say.

He thought that ten spirit stones, can be exchanged for a spirit talisman would be good, who knows Shen Yi actually so generous, a shot is three, plus a defense bracelet, this time he is earning a lot!

"Many thanks to Master Shen for making such a good offer, I can't thank you enough." After quickly placing the spirit talisman and defense bracelet, Shi Zhongtian respectfully bowed to Shen Yi, his heart was very excited.

Shen Yi smiled faintly, compared to these ordinary spirit talismans and defense bracelets, he was the one who had earned it. This kind of spirit talisman he can refine hundreds of them out in one night, but this thing of spirit stone, there is a piece counts as a piece, can not be found ah!

"It's also really hard for you, the president of the Martial Arts Association, to lower yourself to act like this, it's considered an extra reward for you."

Shen Yi lightly laughed, but inwardly, he was very pleased, this is a bit of a cheap but also sell each other a favor, some dark pleasure.

"President Shi, I still have a question, this identity of yours I believe there are many people who know you. Could it be that you just show up so openly and honestly, and there are still people who dare to challenge you without authorization?"

Seeing Shen Yi's somewhat puzzled look, Shi Zhongtian's old face couldn't help but blush, took out an eye mask to show Shen Yi, hehehe straight smile, "The impact of showing up like this is too bad, so use this to cover your face, so no one will recognize you."

Shen Zhan nodded his head with great meaning, this was a good way to get the best of both worlds. He was thinking of going to the underground boxing ring to take a look in person, and was inwardly hesitant in case his whereabouts were discovered, which would invite a lot of unnecessary trouble.

However, after seeing the eye mask in Shi Zhongtian's hands, he was completely letting go of his inner hesitation.

"President Shi, do you have any more eye masks like this on you, give me one." Shen Zhan had nothing to be embarrassed about and directly asked for it.

Shi Zhongtian knew that the reason why Shen Zhan asked him so was that he wanted to personally go to the underground boxing ring to take a look. He had prepared earlier, and he had prepared several such eye masks.

"Master Shen also wants to go to the underground boxing ring to have a look?" Shi Zhongtian took out a brand new eye mask and handed it over to Shen Yi, and seeing the other party nodding, he immediately said, "Then let me lead the way, just so that I can tell Master Shen about the situation of the underground boxing ring in the meantime."

Without delay, after Shen Yi greeted Hu Qiaoya, he left the clothing store with Shi Zhongtian, and Fang Ming followed closely behind, going down to the third floor together.

Hu Qiaoya looked at Shen Yi's departing back, her eyes infatuated, and finally sighed helplessly. If it was years ago, it would have been good to meet him. Just now, everything is too late, some things are not that want to forget really can forget.

There is always a kind of pain hidden in the heart, just like a thorn, from time to time will send out a solid sting.

Hu Qiaoya sighed and bent down to start cleaning up the clothes all over the floor. Gantai had only paid for the clothes, he hadn't really taken them, and he didn't dare to really take them either.

Just as Hu Qiaoya was packing up the clothes, Yu Tianhang came back and was startled, rushing over to help pack up and asking what had happened.

Hu Qiaoya just spoke softly, without saying the specifics, Yu Tianhang just had a moment of self-reproach, he now had a better store, after handing this place over to Hu Qiaoya, he was a bit unconcerned.

"Qiaoya, I really shouldn't have let a girl like you look after a store alone. A beautiful woman like you, and such a capable beauty, there will surely be a lot of rogue punks who will come to intentionally mess things up."

When Yu Tianhang said this, his eyes always sneaked towards Hu Qiaoya intentionally or unintentionally, and his heart fluctuated a little.

Ever since the first time Hu Qiaoya came over to find him, she told the other party that it was Shen Zhan who asked her to come over to help look after the store. At that time, Yu Tianhang had been somewhat moved by Hu Qiaoya.

Later, through his guidance, Hu Qiaoya could get started very quickly, and she had a strong woman's temperament, which was even more fascinating to him.

Thirty-year-old Yu Tianhang, since the divorce, alone with a little boy, has not been a woman. But since he saw Hu Qiaoya, he was a bit moved.

Moreover, Hu Qiaoya is now exactly thirty years old, and her age is also relatively consistent. Just don't know what the other party's mind, Yu Tianhang inner heart is like a cat scratching.

Hu Qiaoya smiled bashfully and did not squeak. Yu Tianhang is the first man to praise her like this, in the past, every man saw her, either said she was a bitch, or wanted to do that with her.

Besides, at that time, she couldn't help herself, and was indeed a bit slutty.

Looking at Hu Qiaoyana's charming smile, Yu Tianhang's heart is even more trembling, really want to immediately confess to her, he likes her. But also worried about being the other side of the spot back, will hold back, find a suitable time to come back to confession.