To XO her in the hospital!

Shen Zhan did not directly follow up, just silently watched from behind, before things were clarified, he would never rush out.

Only saw Song Qingmei standing not far from the door of ward 022, hands fiddling with the corner of the nurse's dress. Although her back was turned, Shen Zhan could not see her expression, but it was not difficult to guess that Song Qingmei was very entangled in her heart at this time.

With Song Qingmei to maintain a distance of ten meters away, but the powerful perception still let him perceive, standing still Song Qingmei body some shivering.

What kind of situation was this? It couldn't be that Song Qingmei was afraid to go in and face that Director Deng, was it because she was born with an inner fear of big shots, or was it because of other reasons.

Wait a minute! Secretary Deng of the Education Bureau?

Shen Yi instantly moved inwardly, wasn't this the backer of Mr. Wang. His sister to this Deng director as a mistress, Wang Lai teacher will be in the city first high school domineering, bullying students without background backstage.

Also, sister Xue Xiaomiao in the city center school, the slut Ma Rong's mother is not also this Deng Bureau's mistress, it is said that Ma Rong are his illegitimate daughter, just do not know the truth.

Thinking about this, Shen Yi has been vaguely able to guess why Song Qingmei is so entangled.

Through Ms. Wang's sister, and Ma Rong's mother, it is not difficult to see that this Education Bureau's Deng Bureau is not a good bird, must be a womanizer.

Definitely on Song Qingmei, want to take advantage of the opportunity to lay hands on her, Song Qingmei helpless, there is this standing in the doorway dare not go in, the body shivering.

Only, this is Shen Yi's own guess, the real situation do not know whether he thought so. If this is the case, he certainly will not be polite to Deng Bureau.

No matter what the Secretary of Education is, even if you are the Director of the Education Department or the Minister of Education, as long as you dare to bully a kind girl like this in front of him, he will never agree.

From afar, he could hear shouting and cursing coming from ward 022, it was a man's rude yelling.

"Is this the level of service in your hospital? Do you know who I am, let all such dinosaur-like nurses get the hell out of my way. That who, where is Xiao Song? Hurry up and let her come over. You're the head nurse, let her specialize in my service from now on, do you hear me."

"Yes yes yes, don't be angry Deng Bureaucrat, I've already sent someone to call Xiao Song, she'll come over in a while."

"My patience is limited, hurry up and go and rush, if I don't see Xiao Song's person for another minute, I don't think you should be the head nurse anymore."

"Bureau Deng you wait a bit ah, I will personally go over to look for her, and let her specialize in serving you in the future."

At this time, a young woman in her thirties looking like a young woman retreated from room 022, a forehead of sweat.

This young woman should be the head nurse among the words.

The moment she came out she saw Song Qingmei standing in the doorway, and instantly became furious and said, "Little Song what have you been doing, don't you know that Bureau Deng is looking for you like crazy?"

"Nurse manager, I ..."

"You what you, Deng Bureau once came to name you to find you. This is why I specially transferred you from the inpatient second department to the intensive care unit, dedicated to Deng Bureau service that is your great honor. Don't dawdle, hurry up and go in, if you dare to give me any more trouble, see how I'll punish you."

After saying that, the head nurse angrily dragged Song Qingmei into the ward, and came out of it in a short while.

He also purposely pulled the wards shut and pressed his ear against the door.

Only after listening to the commotion did he let out a long breath, his expression showing a sneer.

While walking, mouth also recited words: "That Song Qingmei is not just young and pretty, what's the big deal. Back then, I wasn't any worse than her."

Finished, the head nurse also hands to support some sagging fullness, mournful self sigh, since the birth of a child, the original is also quite erect fullness, simply with the ripe sorghum, can not control the low head.

It so happens that at this time Shen Yi is standing in front of her, she is still oblivious to the fact that the action of the hands of the plumpness of the party were all seen by Shen Yi. At once, her face was unhappy, angrily roared: "What to look at, poor loser get out of the way, the old lady is not in a good mood."

"Hmm?" Shen Yi frowned, a trace of anger surfaced between his eyebrows.

Through the other party, he already understood that Song Qingmei was transferred over by this bastard to please that Deng Bureau. Wasn't this tantamount to pushing Song Qingmei, a good girl, into the fire pit.

Unexpectedly, at the time when the municipal hospital was completely rectifying and purging the bad atmosphere, this bastard still dared to act against the wind, really not knowing how to die!

"You come with me for a moment, I have something to ask you." Shen Yi could not help but directly pick up the head nurse with one hand and walk towards one side.

"Let go of me, you poor ..."

Unfortunately, before the head nurse finished her sentence, Shen Yi's finger gently pointed her dumb point, the head nurse immediately lost her voice, and could only see the open mouth, and could not utter a word.

This can scare the head nurse, very fearful inside. Secretly screamed bitter, it will not be this poor loser want to have bad intentions for her.

Just now her hands to support the plump but was seen by him, is not aroused his evil fire, can not control, want to give her to that.

The head nurse a burst of blind suspicion, do not know how to face the next. However, she had already decided that if the other party really wanted to do that to her, she could only resign herself to her fate.

In front of such an expert, she knew she didn't have any chance to resist.

Hey, wait!

Suddenly, the head nurse inner "thump" a moment, how to look at this kid some familiar it, like in some place has seen. In the end, where have I seen it?

"Ah!" The head nurse suddenly thought of, opened his mouth wide, just was pointing the mute point, could not make a sound, only inwardly shrieked.

"Isn't this person the ... Mr. Shen who came to the hospital in a big way that day?!" Although the head nurse hadn't seen Shen Yi in person, someone had still taken a picture of Shen Yi with his cell phone that day, and she had seen the picture.

Thinking that if this cowman looked at her and wanted to do something to her, the head nurse was a little excited inside. Already beginning to fantasize about the ambiguous spring light that would follow, as well as the bright future in the future.

Thinking like this, the head nurse actually no longer fear, but instead, her body began to burn, and her bottom was unconsciously flowing out water.

Shen Yi did not know the nurse's YY heart, carrying her to a warehouse-like room, usually few people come here.

As soon as he threw her in, Shen Yi closed the door, and the light was a bit dim, adding to the ambiguous atmosphere.

The head nurse felt more and more, the other party is wanting to XXOO her here, the body is more hot, all clearly feel the swelling below.

"Now, I will point open your mute point, no screaming. Do whatever I tell you to do, and if you dare to resist, I will make you speechless for the rest of your life.