What's the connection?

Two traffic police had already driven over, while the police car Tang Xinyi was in was also parked nearby.

The moment Tang Xinyi got out of the car, she spotted Shen Zun inside the Maiden, and her eyes burst into flames.

"Shen Yi, it's actually you again!" Tang Xinyi huffed and puffed as she rushed towards the Maiteng, she couldn't even remember how many times Shen Yi had caused trouble.

Shen Yi also did not think that every time there was such an unexpected situation, how could he meet Tang Xinyi, this destiny is really not shallow.

"Oh, what a coincidence ah Tang police officer, time is running out, too late to explain more, some other day to ask you to come out, individually explain to you, first step."

Maiden quickly turned the car around, about to prepare to leave.

Tang Xinyi was very anxious, this time what to say can not let him go again, shouted: "Shen Yi you give me stop, or I will not let you go."

Shen Yi laughed lightly, looked at Tang Xinyi who was furious in the rearview mirror, and said loudly, "Officer Tang, you can catch up with me. Let's go."

A step on the gas pedal, the Maiteng once again whistling away, a blink of an eye has no effect, turned into a small black spot, disappeared at the end of the highway.

Tang Xinyi could only stomp her feet in anger, this time she would never let Shen Yi go again. Although she was unable to catch up with him now, she could not run away from the temple.

"Hmph, tomorrow I'll go to your school to clean you up, I'll see where you're still running."

Tang Xinyi huffed and puffed as she rushed towards the Ferrari that was buried under the pulling garbage, and Teng Xiaohui was unlucky enough to have to endure Tang Xinyi's anger that Tang Xinyi hadn't been able to vent out just now.

When he arrived at the Yudu Garden neighborhood, the time was just right, and Shen Zhan almost stepped on the second hand to rush here.

After playing Fast and Furious all the way, he also taught Teng Xiaohui a lesson in passing, giving Mr. Ji a break, it was just a pity that Mr. Ji wasn't present.

"Xiaoqi." Shen Zhan quickly ran over to greet Mo Xiaoqi, the other party had been waiting at the entrance of the neighborhood.

Seeing Shen Yi finally appeared, Mo Xiaoqi's mood was only down to earth, just wanted to welcome up, but then stopped her footsteps, glaring at Shen Yi in a bad mood, calling out, "Puppy."

Shen Yi immediately face collapsed, he played all the way heartbeat, finally arrived in time, how also become a puppy.

"I said Xiaoqi, look at the time, it's just seven o'clock now, not beyond ten minutes." Shen Yi took the cell phone, let her look at the time, the time shown on it was really seven o'clock in the afternoon.

"Hmph, but my time is clearly already seven o'clock and one minute, you are a puppy." Mo Xiaoqi also did not show any weakness and took out her cell phone, let Shen Zhan see, it is really seven o'clock and one minute.

Shen Zhan was speechless for a while, the time shown on his cell phone was the standard Yanjing time, there would be no mistake.

"Xiaoqi you can't cheat, clearly your time is one minute faster."

Mo Xiaoqi is very proud of Shen Yi a glance, hands a cross waist, quite a pair of tough tiger girl appearance.

"The woman is the biggest! So it's just going to be my time, you're just a minute over, you're a puppy dog. Hahaha, puppy dog ..."

Saying that, Mo Xiaoqi herself laughed and sprayed, thinking that calling him a puppy like this seemed funny.

"Shen Yi puppy, in the future I'm your mistress, you have to be absolutely loyal with me, never betray me, you have to guard me for the rest of your life, never leave me, understand?"

Mo Xiaoqi said with a burst of complacency, it is not common to be able to make Shen Yi eat his words.

Shen Yi was immediately stunned, look a trance, just Mo Xiaoqi that words, how will be so familiar.

Can not help it, Shen Zhan thought of when in the immortal world, and Bai Xiaoqi fairy traveling outside, the two met a faithful dog, in the master died, motionless lying on the side of the master, do not eat or drink, accompanied by the master to die together.

Later, they buried this person and dog with one hand, for which the emotional Bai Xiaoqi even shed tears.

At that time, this was what Shen Yi said, "Xiao Qi, in the future, I will also be like this faithful dog, guarding you for the rest of my life, never leaving you."

Bai Xiaoqi instantly laughed, and even raised her hand to point at his forehead, "Fool, how can you say you are like a dog like that. However, for the hallowed First True Immortal to be a little

dog, I don't know how many people's jaws would be shocked off. Hahaha ..."

"That's good, Shen Yi puppy, from now on, I'm your mistress, you have to be absolutely loyal to me, never betray me, and guard me for the rest of your life, never leave me, got it?"


Shen Yi's mind a roar, at this moment Mo Xiaoqi's words, actually magically with the original Xiaoqi's exactly the same, is there really such a coincidence in the world?

How could it be word for word?

What in the world is going on here? Is it really just a coincidence, or is it ...

"Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi ...," Shen Yi immediately froze again, when he first heard this name, he did not care too much. But at this time, linked together, the heart inexplicably dawned.

Could there be some kind of connection between the two? However, how could this be possible!

One was trapped in the Immortal Realm's nine ghosts and cold land, and the other was an ordinary mortal on Earth, it was impossible for there to be a connection between the two.

Shen Zhan still remembered, last time in Lido leisure club, when Shen Zhan and Mo Xiaoqi performed Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowers, Shen Zhan had indistinctly felt a familiar aura from Mo Xiaoqi's body.

Moreover, he could confirm with certainty that that kind of aura was exactly the same as Xiao Qi's.

It was precisely for this reason that Shen Zhan had followed suit at that time under the difficult emotional situation and joined in, accompanying the seven-colored flowers slowly descending with Mo Xiaoqi in mid-air, like a pair of divine lovers.

All the things were all connected together, as if Mo Xiaoqi and Bai Xiaoqi, there was really some kind of connection between the two of them.

At this moment, Shen Yi made a bold decision, could it be that when Xiaoqi was sealed in the Nine Sepulchral Cold Ground, she was also like himself, and her spirit somehow came to Earth and was reborn here.

But if that was true, why could he retain his memories, and how come Xiao Qi could not remember anything. Or is it all one's own delusion.

Mo Xiaoqi and Bai Xiaoqi were not a person at all, and the miraculous similarity between the two was just a coincidence.

It was a pity that right now Shen Yi had not yet been born with spiritual awareness, otherwise, he would now be the first to probe Mo Xiaoqi's soul memory.

A person could forget their past, but soul memories could not be faked. As long as he reached the third level of qi cultivation and possessed spiritual awareness, he could come to confirm whether Mo Xiaoqi and Bai Xiaoqi were related or not.

Are the two really one person, or are they simply two people with just some similarities.

Shen Zhan was out of his mind for a while, and instantly thought of a lot. He didn't realize that he had already lost his temper in front of Mo Xiaoqi and was lost in thought.

Mo Xiaoqi thought that he said this way about him, the other party is not willing, immediately opened his mouth to apologize.

Only then did Shen Yi come back to his senses, his eyes looked at Mo Xiaoqi with complex emotions, slowly letting out a breath of relief, regardless of whether the two had a relationship or not, right now he could not be sure, everything could only wait until he reached the third level of qi cultivation before he would know.

"Xiaoqi, it's okay, in fact, being a faithful puppy doesn't have to be a shameful thing." Shen Zhan seemed to be saying this to Mo Xiaoqi, but also as if he was talking to Bai Xiaoqi, even he himself was a bit indistinguishable.

Mo Xiaoqi snorted out a laugh, lifted up her flourishing jade hand, and pointed at Shen Yi's forehead, "Fool, which one can say that he is like a dog like this. However, the Hall of First Divine Doctor is a puppy, do not know how many people's jaws will be shocked off. Hahaha ..."

Shen Zhan was immediately stunned once again, actually surprisingly similar again! This sentence is not also at first Xiao Qi said so, only the only point of difference, Xiao Qi said is the hall of the immortal world first true immortal, Mo Xiaoqi at this time just said the first divine doctor.

The reason why there will be such a mistake, that's because Mo Xiaoqi is not clear about his real identity, just saw the side of his medical skills against the heavens, and rightfully regarded him as the first divine doctor.

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, are you really one person? What exactly is the connection? This can no longer be described as a coincidence!"

Shen Yi's heart was in turmoil, and he hated that he could not immediately impact into the third level of qi cultivation in one breath, and use his spiritual sense to check Mo Xiaoqi's soul memory to see if the two of them were connected or not.