Crazy for love!

"Tang Yang!" Xiao Xin was anxious and shouted angrily, then looked at Shen Yi with a slight apology, "I'm sorry Mr. Shen, I didn't expect Tang Yang to appear here either."

Shen Yi smiled and waved his hand, signaling that he did not care. Looking towards Tang Yang, he let out a light laugh, "Your name is Tang Yang right, do you know the consequences of your threatening me just now?"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Yi raised his hand towards the roses in Tang Yang's hand and made a horizontal chop. In an instant, all the rose blossoms were all chopped off and scattered all over the place.

The breaks were quite flat, and both the force and the proportion were mastered just right.

The large bouquet of roses that had been so delightful just a moment ago was instantly severed, leaving only bare flower stalks in Tang Yang's hands.

"I'll give you one minute to immediately disappear from my eyes, and you're not allowed to harass Xiao Xin again in the future. Otherwise, I'll take the consequences of this palm strike on your body."

Tang Yang was startled and hurriedly took two steps back, he didn't expect the other party to have such a magical maneuver. Very quickly, Tang Yang guessed that the other party was definitely a martial artist.

Xiao Xin immediately looked shocked, she didn't expect Shen Yi to strike when he said he would, but she was shocked. Her lips moved, wanting to say something, but after the words came to her mouth and hesitated, she still couldn't say anything.

Surrounding other people also have more than surprised, but after the shock, but they are all dissatisfied with Shen Yi.

Think he is a little bit of a crossroads, people Tang Yang here in the bitter plea for half a day, but he suddenly came out, but also threatened people Tang Yang, simply too much.

Although they were all afraid of the power of Shen Yi's palm, but privately they cursed Shen Yi, without exception, all of them stood on Tang Yang's front, in solidarity with him.

Shen Yi did not care about the misunderstanding of the people around him, the reason why he did this was to further examine Tang Yang. To see to what extent his love for Xiao Xin had reached.

Just hanging on the lips of love, or really engraved in the heart of love.

If only hanging in the mouth of love, no matter how moving, how deep feelings, in the face of his power, will be timid, do not dare to step forward.

But only a true love that is engraved in the bones, will not fear the power and any difficulties and dangers, in this kind of love under the driving force, can be crazy to make choices, would rather die to defend the obsession of love!

Just like when he was in the Immortal Realm back then, even though he was facing a large number of powerful people from the Chu Family and the Bai Family chasing and killing him, he was still unafraid. Even in the face of a powerful Immortal Dignitary's attack, he would not give in.

For the love of his heart, for the love that is engraved in his heart, he would rather take one step forward to die, but never take half a step back to live!

At the moment, Shen Yi is forcing Tang Yang to see if the other side will be as crazy about love as he was back then!

Fortunately, Tang Yang did not let him down.

Even though Tang Yang retreated two steps back and his heart was filled with fear, he still forced himself to remain calm and never retreat.

"You're a martial artist, in front of you, I'm like an ant. You can easily crush me to death just by moving your fingers, but I'm telling you right now, even if you kill me, you'll never expect me to submit."

"I'm telling you, my love for Xiao Xin won't change, you can make me submit physically, but don't ever think of making me submit inwardly!" Tang Yang shouted, resolutely stepping forward, ready to meet Shen Yi's strike.

Shen Yi was very satisfied inwardly, and was even more optimistic about Tang Yang's such a resolute character, much like him, as he was back then.

Seeing Tang Yang, as if he saw himself back then, could not help but be moved inwardly by the intention of accepting a disciple. Only, I don't know if he possesses a spiritual root.

This is the first time that Shen Yi has taken the initiative to accept the disciple's mind, even if Gao Chengwei such a medical wizard, he still only gave the other party the status of a registered disciple. Now, it is still in the inspection period.

Shen Yi used his powerful perception to

to probe Tang Yang's body, and immediately almost exclaimed in shock.

Good a Tang Yang, really did not expect, he actually also like himself before, is a rare water and wind double spiritual root!

This is a treasure ah! Shen Zhan looked at Tang Yang and was about to let light out of his eyes, his heart was very excited.

Today for Tang Yang, it was enough to make him proud. I'm afraid that now he is still not clear, this moment of his determination to risk his life, but changed his life, from now on to follow Shen Yi to fight in the Immortal World, to become a super powerful Battle Immortal in the Immortal World!

Now, Tang Yang in Shen Yi test of this level is considered to have passed. But in order to facilitate this marriage, it is still necessary to let Xiaoxin open the knot in her heart and face up to her own heart.

As a last resort, Shen Yi can only continue to play the "bad guy", first to open the heart knot for Xiaoxin, face the heart.

"Hmph, since you don't know how to die, then don't blame me for not being polite." Shen Yi snorted coldly, raised his hand and slapped his palm on Tang Yang's chest.


This palm went down, directly hit Tang Yang vomited more than blood, spitting out a mouthful of blood furiously, and the person also flew out backwards and fell to the ground.

Other people don't know, but Shen Yi knows, this palm looks like he hit Tang Yang spitting blood, but in fact it is indirectly help him open the closed meridians, as long as help him activate the spiritual root, can be like him to cultivate.

However, except for Shen Yi, no one knew the purpose of his doing this, and thought that he was really going to beat Tang Yang to death.

Everyone around couldn't stand to watch, people are like this, they tend to spontaneously sympathize with the weaker party, and they stood behind Tang Yang, condemning Shen Yi.

"How is this teenager so overbearing and unreasonable ah, still relying on his own strength, out to hurt people, too hateful."

"That's right, looking quite decent looking, who knows that the heart is actually this bad, it's really hateful."

"Hmph, such a person will not have a good ending in the future."

Shen Yi unheard of, still approaching Tang Yang step by step, he just wanted to force Xiao Xin into a desperate situation. Only by putting her to death could she regain her life.

"Xiao Xin doesn't even have feelings for you, you still seek your own death, really stupid enough. Since you seek your own death, I will fulfill you."

Shen Yi intentionally said this to stimulate Xiao Xin and raised his palm, which was about to chop down.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Xiao Xin trembled violently. Looking towards Tang Yang who was lying on the ground, the latter, with blood at the corner of his mouth, resolutely closed his eyes, with no regrets, only endless sadness.


At this moment, Xiao Xin was completely moved, no longer able to let her heart harden. She was fond of Tang Yang, and was also touched by this sincere love of his, but just as Shen Yi guessed, she did not dare to nod her head in agreement.

But now, Tang Yang is facing the time of life and death, she can no longer maintain composure, oblivious to jump over.

With a ring around Tang Yang, she looked at Shen Yi with a pleading face, "Mr. Shen please spare your life, please spare Tang Yang."

Shen Yi inwardly laughed, finally can't bear it? I knew you would do this.

"Don't you hate him so much? Now I killed him is not just what you want." Shen Yi deliberately said with a stern face.

"No Mr. Shen, in fact, I, I ..." Xiao Xin had a struggle, her shell teeth biting her lower lip, and finally made up her mind to say it, "I do like him, always, just I can't hurt him like this. "

"Xiao Xin, you ... what did you just say?" Tang Yang, who was waiting for death to come, didn't think that Xiao Xin would actually say this, and was somewhat incredulous.

"Hahaha, Little Xin you finally dare to admit that you like this kid." Shen Yi laughed out loud, very satisfied, the two are finally out of this step.