Women's boudoir is wonderful!

Shen Zhan a burst of consternation, this is to imply their own what?

But think about it, your daughter that tough look, completely dead brain, not moving to open the mouth will be brought to the police station to leave, the man dared to pick the rose with thorns.

Even if your daughter is beautiful, flowers are delicate, but also have to show shyness. Haven't you heard the song, "The shy rose blooms quietly"?

Your daughter is still this just budding state it, a look who touched who tied hands, not to mention the flowers open, that will not be swallowed alive.

It is estimated that if your daughter changes her mindset and no longer brings people to the police station, but invites them to her boudoir, there may be countless men who will come to line up in a long queue.

Shen Zhan here had just thought about Tang Xinyi taking someone to her boudoir, Tang Zheng, like a roundworm in his stomach, immediately opened his mouth and said, "Shen Zhan, do you think I'll take you to my daughter's room to have a look at it if you don't have anything else to do?"

Seeing Tang Zheng's narrow-eyed smile, completely like an old fox eating him up, Shen Yi could only grin slightly.

There was actually such an old father, privately bringing a strange man to visit his daughter's boudoir, this was really strange to no end.

"Cough cough, Uncle Tang this is not too good, that's your daughter's boudoir ah, this if ..."

"It's fine, my daughter isn't at home anyway, she won't know." Tang Zheng snatched his words and interrupted, unimpressed, "Didn't you say that you're not familiar with each other? Knowing a woman's heart is the only way to be truly familiar, and the bedroom is definitely a good place to familiarize yourself with a woman's heart."

"Your Uncle Tang, I've been there before, this is all from experience." Tang Zheng had a smiling look on his face, and stood up straight away, pulling Shen Zhan towards the upstairs.

There was no other way, Shen Zhan could only reluctantly follow him upstairs, his heart was always strange, and there was a feeling of peeping into other girls' privacy.

Tang Xinyi's room was not locked, and under normal circumstances, no one would enter her room privately.

Tang Zheng gently pushed open Tang Xinyi's bedroom door, and smiled faintly towards Shen Yi, "How about it? I said that the best place to understand a woman's heart is to go to her bedroom. Take a look at this neat environment, it shows that my daughter is a pure, clean-loving girl at heart."

Shen Zun laughed bitterly, after half a day of having to bring himself to see your daughter's bedroom, it turns out that he is selling this idea, one-sidedly praising your daughter.

Just this praise is a bit too far-fetched, which girl is not all clean up their own boudoir. It's her own sister Xue Xiaomiao, despite the fact that she was poor in the shantytown before, she also cleaned her own bedroom spotlessly.

"Shen Zhan, go in and I'll show you my daughter's closet. Let me tell you, to understand a woman's heart, go to the bedroom, and to master a woman's heart, look at the closet."

This time, in order to "sell" his daughter, Tang Zheng had pulled out all the stops. Poor policewoman Tang Xinyi, at this moment do not know, she gave her old man betrayed, is taking her most "hateful" people to visit her boudoir, and even the closet are not spared.

In this way, it is estimated that all her small private secrets can not be kept.

Without waiting for Shen Zhan to think about it, Tang Zheng forcefully pulled Shen Zhan into Tang Xinyi's room.

As soon as he entered, he smelled a light and elegant scent, the same as the lavender flower scent outside. The wallpaper pattern in the room was also decorated with lavender, and it was light and elegant with a feeling of freshness and unclutteredness.

Tang Zheng was very pleased with himself, he didn't believe that in this way, Shen Yi would be unmoved by his daughter. Back then, he had inadvertently broken into Tang Xinyi's mother's boudoir, and after carefully visiting it, he was completely

He was completely moved.

Now, with his experience, he wanted to do the same thing to Shen Yi, so that he would also be attracted to his daughter.


The closet opened and rows and rows of beautiful clothes were presented in front of Shen Yi. Except for a few pieces of international brand name clothes, the rest were mostly ordinary brand name clothes, and of course the price would not be less than a thousand dollars.

It was just that compared to what many rich young ladies wore, these clothes of Tang Xinyi appeared to be a bit less classy.

However, it was a different feeling in Shen Zhan's opinion. Tang Zheng had a saying that was really true, the best way to see how a girl's heart is is to open her closet.

Tang Xinyi did not excessively pursue international brand-name clothes, and only wore her own favorite style and style of clothes, which was extremely in line with the cultivator's nature of mind, and the pursuit of Taoism and nature.

Seeing the change in Shen Yi's expression, Tang Zheng couldn't help but feel a burst of inner satisfaction, his little plan had slowly started to play out, Shen Yi's expression had clearly told him that the other party recognized his daughter more in his heart.

As long as there was a good feeling, it was good. The foundation of a relationship started from having a good feeling, didn't it.

"Let's take a look at the clothes inside this side of the closet." Tang Zheng smiled and went to pull another closet door.

"Uncle Tang I think that's fine, let's just go out first."

"That's not good, I'm still missing the last step of my plan. Uh, I mean to understand my daughter you need to understand each thoroughly." Tang Zheng made a slip of the tongue for a moment and hastily changed his words.

In order to cover up his own panicked heart after his slip of the tongue just now, he hurriedly went to pull open another door.

However, when the other door opened, Shen Yi was instantly dumbfounded, and Tang Zheng was also somewhat dumbfounded.

Nima, it was full of Tang Xinyi's intimate apparel, all sorts of corsets and underwear, extremely challenging Shen Zhan's eyeballs.

Among them, there were also a few small thongs, hanging there in a dignified manner, and the worst part was that the design in front was still skeletonized lace.

This was too eye-catching!

Even though they were the only two big men in the room, this was within Tang Xinyi's room, and this sexy hot little thong in front of them was what Tang Xinyi usually wore.

For a moment, Shen Zhan felt a burning heat in his body, and he couldn't help but think of what it would be like to wear this small thong on Tang Xinyi's body.

Tang Zheng was also a bit dumbfounded, this accident was something he hadn't expected, as a father bringing outsiders to see his daughter's clothes could still be justified, but to see such intimate clothing, it was a bit embarrassing.

What was the difference between this and stripping his daughter naked and placing her in front of Shen Yi for him to admire? It was really a big oolong, the bromine was big!

"Ahem, this this ..."

Now it was Tang Zheng's turn to be embarrassed and speechless, unable to say anything other than a bitter smile.

Vaguely inwardly there was also a kind of worry, but don't Shen Zhan see such a small thong, have other views on his daughter ah. Through some network video, many from is selling meat of the lady, only will wear such clothes and pants, indulge in posing flirtatious.

"Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding ah ...," Tang Zheng hurriedly closed the closet door, and hemmed and hawed with a dry smile.

Shen Zhan still wanted to say that he was fine and wouldn't think badly of Tang Xinyi because of this, but then he heard Tang Xinyi's voice coming from outside.

Both of them were instantly startled!

Holy shit! How did you come back at this time!