Tis the season to enjoy the benefits of beauty!

Shen Yi arrived at school early in the morning, this is the first time ever, so early.

There are still half an hour before the morning study, there are only a few people in the class, all of them are the top students in the class, and they are the "school masters" who study hard and so on.

When they saw Shen Zhan actually came to the classroom at this hour, they were all surprised. However, as soon as they thought of the first mock exam on Friday, they immediately understood.

It seems that Shen Yi is starting to make an effort, although it is said that sharpening the spear in the battlefield is not fast enough, but only a short five days, obviously not enough to use.

To say, using these few days to strive for strength, in the total score can improve a few points, or possible. But if you say that the whole school first, I'm afraid that not many people will believe.

A few "school bully" also have not thought, although Shen Yi showed a lot of means, they all admire from the bottom of their hearts. But when it comes to studying, they can only scoff at Shen Yi.

Want five days, even if you work hard and don't sleep at night, you don't want to take the first place in the whole school. If that's the case, these top students might as well run over their heads.

"It seems that Shen Yi is really serious this time, coming to the classroom so early."

"Hey, even if we start working hard now, it's still too late, not to mention relying on the school's number one, I guess it's good to be in the top 20 in our class."

"Poor Shen Yi, he had to make such a bet with Mr. Wang, I really don't know what he was thinking."

"It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, anyway, now Shen Zhan won't put a Love Crazy 7 in his eyes, so if he loses, he loses."

"But to be honest, I would really hope that Shen Yi can win over Mr. Wang once and hit him hard in the face."

"Come on, don't be paranoid. With us around, do you think Shen Zhan can really get the first place in the whole school?"

"That's right, let's see what happens then, I guess Shen Yi will definitely lose this time."

Several "school bully" whispering, Shen Zhan did not pay attention to, sitting in the seat, began to take out the language textbook, from the first year of high school books, quickly flipping through.

In half an hour's time, he had already browsed through all three years of high school language textbook knowledge, and the speed was simply fast.

Several curious "schoolmasters" couldn't help but look back at Shen Yi, and when they saw the speed of Shen Yi's book flipping, they all felt speechless.

Nima, this is reading a book? Obviously is in the haphazard flip book good not, so can remember what things, really think their brain is computer programming ah, as long as the input knowledge point is finished.

Several people all shook their heads, no longer lazy to pay attention to Shen Yi, can be said from the depths of his heart to give him a complete "death sentence". With this kind of attitude towards reading, it's probably a bit difficult to be in the top 20 of the class.

Ten minutes before the start of morning study, Mo Xiaoqi and Susan came to the classroom, the two slept together last night, obviously did not sleep well, with a trace of tiredness on their faces.

When they saw Shen Yi sitting there early, burying his head in hard reading, they immediately showed a surprised expression, as well as excitement.

Susan's behavior is not so bad, at least not so obvious, Mo Xiaoqi will not be so subtle. Immediately "rub" sound, came to Shen Yi desk in front of, bend down hard, almost close to the desktop, to see clearly is not Shen Yi himself.

Shen Zun side glance, just happen to see Mo Xiaoqi chest lapel low hanging, revealing a large snow white, that a pair of towering, proudly stood up, shyly greeted Shen Zun.

"Xiaoqi, this early in the morning you give me some benefits ah, pink color is good." Shen Yi smiled playfully.

On the spot, Mo Xiaoqi was stunned, then she looked down and immediately understood. Immediately stood up straight Shen Yi, crossed her arms and glared at him angrily.

"What a shameless pervert, not reading properly, where are your eyes looking."

Although the words say so, but Mo Xiaoqi inside is a silk sweet, this tofu was eaten by Shen Yi, do not mind.

"It's you who took the initiative to come and harass me, okay, disturbing me to read." Shen Yi nonchalantly returned a sentence, and then gave a bad smile, "However, you can look much better than books here."

Mo Xiaoqi pouted and directly sat on her butt next to Shen Yi, looking like she wanted to share a table with him.

Previously, Shen Zhan's academic performance was not good, none of the teachers liked him, and as a result, when the seats were divided, for fear of him dragging down the others, he was made to sit in a seat alone, and there has never been a tablemate.

To put it bluntly, in fact, in the teachers' minds, they had long abandoned Shen Yi, and they didn't even have to wait until the senior graduation exam.

Of course, there was only one teacher exception, their English teacher, Irene Li. She had always cared about him and did not disdain or give up on him because of his poor academic performance.

It's just that at that time, Shen Zhan's mind was not on studying at all, and he failed to live up to Ms. Li's intentions.

This is also the reason why Shen Yi was so targeted at Wang Lao in the first place, admonishing him not to harass Ms. Li in the future is to return a favor to her.

Mo Xiaoqi was the first to sit beside Shen Yi like this, which made Shen Yi's expression blank. Somewhat jokingly, he looked at her and said, "I say Xiaoqi, you're not going to want to sit at the same table with me."

Mo Xiaoqi froze for a moment, this sentence reminded her, and casually replied, "That's right, this girl is exactly what she wants. In the future, I'll be exclusively responsible for your study in class, let's see if you still dare to be lazy."

Shen Yi inwardly cursed, why did he talk too much, this is good, and he got himself into trouble.

Today, she is going to move to the 10th villa with him to share the rent, this if the class table, the class also share a piece, that is the same as 502, stick together inseparable.

No, we have to think of a way to get rid of her, Shen Yi internal dark road.

"Oh, if you are with me at the same table, that is the best. This summer has also arrived, it is the time to enjoy the benefits of beautiful women, I can feast my eyes."

This sentence, I thought, would definitely be met with a blank stare from Mo Xiaoqi, and then left angrily.

Who knows, Mo Xiaoqi actually laughed lightly, not caring, and deliberately stimulated him.

"No need to be so troublesome, just now didn't you say you'd give you benefits? Now if you want it, you can still give it to you." Mo Xiaoqi's eyes twinkled with a ghostly look.

The words turned with a bad smile as she picked up a language textbook with her trusty hand and said, "Of course, welfare isn't given for nothing, you need to pay a price for it. It's not too high, as long as you can memorize all the knowledge points of this language, I'll give you the benefits you want."

"Is this true?!" Shen Yi heatedly smiled and looked at Mo Xiaoqi.

"This school flower's words definitely count!" Mo Xiaoqi didn't think Shen Yi could do it at all, she said this on purpose, wanting to stimulate the other party.

"So, Shen Yi, if you want a welfare reward, you'll have to work your ass off to get it." Mo Xiaoqi squinted at Shen Yi and smiled so weirdly.

"Hehe, don't need to work so hard, right now." Shen Zhan threw the language textbook to her casually, "Feel free to ask questions. I'll take your welfare, see if I don't look you all over."

"Che!" Mo Xiaoqi disdained it and picked up her language textbook, "Shen Yi student, likewise, there is a price to pay for talking big."

"Cut the crap, hurry up with the questions, I'm waiting to get the benefits." Shen Yi yelled, with a look of eating Mo Xiaoqi.