She's my girl!

Shen Zhan looked at Song Hui's appearance that was almost ready to go crazy, and let out a cold laugh, "Bureau Song, still want to know what I'm at after ten?"

    "Uh ..."

    Song would be choked speechless, an old face suffocated red, hate can not find a crack in the ground to drill in.

    "Hmph, Song Council what is your intention to scoundrel me like this? Siding with your son, but you know that you are knowing the law in this way, committing the crime of intentionally condoning your son's abuse of lynching and trying to harbor your son afterwards."

    Shen Yi coldly looked at Song Hui, frightening the latter's body trembled and his legs were a bit soft. Inwardly, he was even more terrified and filled with deep scorn for Shen Yi.

    It turned out that the real stupid person was him! Watching Shen Yi drilled into the set he designed, wanting to put a robbery and murder charge on him, not realizing that the other party was deliberately drilling in and gave him a fatal blow.

    Now, it was really Song Hui's turn to feel bad about himself. Being Shen Yi a scolding, hall police chief is difficult to defend, eat defeat pain plus helpless.

    There is no way back Song will, can only die duck mouth hard, death will not admit that Song Xiang on him with the death penalty. Anyway, the monitor has been turned off, I believe the other side can not get evidence, also can not help him.

    "Shen Yi, you said that I'm siding with and harboring my own son, and also said that my son abused lynching on you, do you have any evidence?" Song Hui sneered, his heart greatly disdained.

    Shen Yi shook his head and sighed, "What a virtue, not seeing the coffin. You want evidence, I'll give it to you."

    After saying that, he took out a recording pen from his pocket and threw it to Song Hui. The evidence you want is all above, take your own time to look at it and see if I desire your son or not.

    "Recording pen?!" Song Hui's heart was cold for a while, a look of despair appeared in his eyes, he didn't expect the other party to be really prepared.

    Tang Xinyi is also a burst of surprise, with a puzzled look at Shen Yi, "How did you carry a recording pen with you?"

    Can't blame Tang Xinyi for being alarmed, she just carried a recording pen with her, that's because sometimes it's necessary to handle cases. Other than that, the ones who often carry recording pens are some reporters.

    Usually people, unless they had ulterior motives, almost no one would carry this thing with them.

    Shen Yi smiled indifferently, "This is not mine, but this Song Xiang's."

    Originally, when Song Xiang went forward to City No. 1 Middle School, handcuffed Shen Zhan and pulled him back to the police station, Shen Zhan had already secretly done it. Took Song Xiang's recorder by the hand and put it in his pocket.

    The reason why he dared to brazenly clean up Song Xiang and Zhang Shuyuan, not Shen Zhan arrogance, but he had prepared, not afraid of others to question him.

    Everyone suddenly realized, after half a day, it was this Song Da Shao who took private revenge on Shen Yi because his woman ate wrongly. Unexpectedly, he ended up ruining it on his own recorder.

    However, after listening to the content of the recorder, everyone was looking at Tang Xinyi with a smile on their faces.

    At this moment, Tang Xinyi's face was hot and spicy, and she fiercely blanked Shen Yi, and even quietly moved behind Shen Yi, and reached out and forcefully twisted a hand on Shen Yi's back waist.

    "Let you talk nonsense, I let you talk nonsense everywhere. Ah, what a shame."

    Thinking about within the recorder, Shen Yi's sentence about his relationship with Tang Xinyi, having hugged her waist, touched her feet, and kissed her mouth, Tang Xinyi went crazy inside, hating that she couldn't scratch Shen Yi.

    At the back, many people saw this subtle action of Tang Xinyi, because it was impossible to hide it, Tang Xinyi twisted on his back waist, Shen Zhan revealed a pained expression, naturally, it could not escape the eyes of the crowd.

    They have laughed loudly, this does not need others to guess, two people this look and intimate behavior, just like a pair of young lovers.

    Tang Xinyi really couldn't bear such a scene, and quickly ran away with a red face.... Opened up. However, it didn't go far, but quietly hid not far away, and could still clearly see this side and hear this side.

    Shen Yi somewhat helplessly spread his hands, but forgot to pinch this paragraph. This can be good, make a good embarrassment.

    "Secretary Yang, the matter is clear, what exactly should be done, you see to it?" Shen Yi lightly glanced at Yang Chengsen and added: "Please also ask Secretary Yang to stand on the position of the people and deal with this matter in the name of the people to give the people an explanation."

    When Yang Chengsen heard this, his heart just trembled, and he glanced at Shen Zhan with great meaning.

    Only then did he perceive a hint of information. Why Elder Ling valued Shen Yi so much, why Zhang Zihao and other triad forces, willingly bowed down, this teenager is not simple ah!

    Fang just a sentence, has moved him on a very high pedestal, standing in the position of the people, in the name of the people to deal with, give the people an explanation.

    A sentence of three people, this is the equivalent of the ancient post of all the people ah! Yang Chengsen at this moment all feel the burden on the shoulders at once increased to a thousand pounds, if this matter is not handled well, but to lose the hearts of the people ah!

    Shen Yi this is not give him the choice to have the best of both worlds, want to be a good old man, not salty to deal with this matter, that is by no means possible!

    Not severely punished Song will father and son, this matter will never stop!

    Moreover, Shen Yi will not take action himself, directly dumped the responsibility to Yang Chengsen, gave him three "people" as a warning!

    Yang Chengsen finally helplessly smiled bitterly, he was intent on letting Song Hui off the hook and slightly punishing him. It seemed that Shen Yi had guessed his thoughts long ago, which sealed his mouth in advance.

    "Song Xiang as a law enforcement police officer, but knows the law and violates the law, for his own selfishness, blatantly disregarded the law, must be severely punished. Immediately send to the hospital for treatment, and then undergo an isolated examination and wait for the verdict."

    "As a director, Song Hui should have set an example, but he has repeatedly condoned and harbored his own son and subordinates and acted recklessly. Typical inaction, no longer fit to sit in the position of Director. I will report this to the relevant departments and leaders and give the harshest disciplinary action as a warning to others."

    Yang Chengsen announced his treatment results in public, of course it was related to the director as a full division level cadre, and he needed to further consult the higher-ups before doing so.

    However, having dismounted Song Hui here in his place, it was basically already considered that the dust had settled and there would not be too many more changes.

    That is to say, up to this point, Song will be this police chief is also considered to sit at the end of the day, from that position to fall roll down.


    Song will legs soft, paralyzed on the ground, the look all of a sudden fell down, what essence is no longer, as if instantly aged ten years.

    Just now, when Tang Xinyi rushed over, her eyes clearly carried worry, Shen Yi was still somewhat touched. Plus just now within the recorder, what words have been said, not to mention that it is also really the factual situation.

    In order to prevent Song will have a backhand, can keep his son does not have an accident, not let Song Xiang continue to harass Tang Xinyi, Shen Yi raised his hand gently pointing at Song Xiang's back waist.

    Without Song Xiang's knowledge, that thing became soft and could no longer lift its head. Even if countless beautiful women were dressed in coolness and called out in a thousand times, they couldn't come out.

    Shen Yi directly abolished him! Not giving him the chance to be a man, this was the end of provoking him.

    "Didn't you just ask me what my relationship is with Tang Xinyi? I'm telling you now, she's my woman, if you dare to take one more look, I'll gouge out a pair of your dog eyes."

    This sentence was originally said by Shen Yi in faith, that is, to make Song Xiang completely afraid and not dare to harass Tang Xinyi anymore.

    But unbeknownst to him, Tang Xinyi didn't go far away and heard it truly. For a time, her heart was full of mixed feelings, unable to say what she felt.