Echoes of Destiny: Awakening [1] {Edited}

Planet Blue Star, Dragon Kingdom, Lumina City

The city skyline glistened beneath the sun's veil.

Mystic High School stands as a large edifice, echoing with the voices of students and the bustling of benches—a clear sign that lunch break commenced just minutes ago.

In one classroom, there's a boy named Rey, of average build, with black eyes and hair. His eyes possess a mysterious allure, often concealed by the fringe of his hair. {Character design in Comments.}

He leans his slender frame gently against the cool glass, his gaze piercing through the classroom's confines, adrift in the world beyond.

Perched by the classroom window, the boy's slim figure rested gently against the cool pane. His eyes were set on the distant horizon, adrift in the world beyond. A silent intensity surrounded him, as though he pondered mysteries known solely to himself.

His dark hair tumbled in unruly waves across his forehead, partially veiling the piercing eyes that appeared to contain a cosmos of secrets. A sense of restlessness emanated from him as he shifted in his seat, seemingly trapped by the surrounding walls, longing for the liberty of the vast sky.

Despite his stillness, there was an undeniable energy emanating from him, an aura of quiet determination mixed with a touch of longing. He appeared lost in thought, perhaps pondering the enigmas of the world or envisioning grand adventures beyond the confines of the classroom.

Although he was encircled by his classmates, he appeared detached, as if he existed in a world of his own making.

Suddenly, the classroom door burst open with great force, and a blond-haired boy entered, accompanied by a slender boy with black hair and brown eyes.

The blond boy, James, scanned the classroom and spotted Rey sitting in a corner by the classroom window. {Character design in Comment.}

He pulled the slender boy, Evan, towards him. {Character design in Comment.}

As he approached the seat where Rey was sitting, he slammed both hands on the table and began to stare angrily.

James exclaimed, "Hey, do you realize how much time has passed while we've been searching for you? And look, Evan didn't believe me, but I said you'd be sitting right here, and I was right."

Evan replied, "James, what are you doing? Everyone is staring at us as if we're madmen."

Rey chuckled and responded to both of them, "Sorry guys, but I'm not feeling well today, so I'm sitting here where no one will bother me."

Evan said, "No worries, we were just looking for you to ask if you're coming with us to the game center. It's James' turn to pay today, so do you want to come along?"

James said, "Yes, it's on me, so don't worry. I just got my pocket money for tomorrow, so we can have fun for many hours. Plus, the center owner is a friend of mine, so we might get to play some extra games."

1st Person POV {Rey}

I was about to speak when suddenly a student approached us and exclaimed, "James, my friend, it's my birthday today, and I'm inviting you to come and celebrate with us."

James turned towards the voice and saw a boy standing with some girls. He replied, "Sorry, Jonny, but I won't be joining you because my friends and I have plans to go to the game center, and I don't want to cancel them."

Jonny glanced over at us and remarked, "You know, you're ruining your image by hanging out with them."

Other boys and girls joined him, supporting Jonny, yet even then, James stood his ground, refusing them and asking them to leave.

Some girls glared at us with intense anger as if they were about to devour us on the spot, but they eventually exited the classroom.

I should mention that James is an extroverted guy, friendly with all classmates, and not only is he good-looking and attractive, but he also comes from a decent family background. Despite this, he mostly spends his time with me and Evan, who are introverts.

This situation has caused resentment among other students, especially the girls who took the opportunity to ask him out, only to be rejected.

We suggested he go out and have fun with them, but he consistently refuses. Let's put this topic aside and concentrate on other matters.

Suddenly, an awkward silence began to envelop the classroom.

James chuckled and remarked, "They're all a bunch of fools, thinking they belong to some elite society. Ah, forget it, just tell us what you were going to say."

I replied, "Yes, I was about to say that I'm sorry, guys, but I won't be able to join you because I've taken a job at a convenience store near my house, which will help me support my mother with her challenges."

Yes, my family and I belong to the middle class, having faced troubles that tragically took my father, Max, and resulted in the loss of our property.

Following that day, our mother began working to support us, taking on jobs to sustain our household income, yet it's still not quite enough.

That's why I've taken the obvious step to assist her.

James and Evan exchanged glances, sighed, and said, "Okay, but if you need anything, just come and ask us, okay?"

I replied with a smile, "Okay, let's go before our lunch break ends. You haven't eaten anything yet, right?"

They left the classroom laughing.

But they were unaware that someone was watching them from the window, silently seething with hatred.


Hello everyone, I'm embarking on writing a novel and, as a newcomer, I apologize for any grammatical mistakes. I promise to improve as the story progresses. Action scenes will come in later chapters. Goodbye, and have a great day.