Echoes of Destiny: Awakening [4] {Edited}

On a stormy night, a boy was sprinting down a narrow road. It was Rey, hurrying towards the abandoned factory in search of the guide or notes his teacher had provided for assistance. He ran as if pursued by a wild beast, driven by his fear of the dark, imagining a sinister presence trailing him, ready to snatch him if he paused. 

{Author's Note: I can relate; I feel the same when I turn off the lights while leaving a room.}

Reaching the site of his earlier mishap with Jonny, Rey searched desperately outside the factory walls, hoping to find his notes and avoid entering the ominous building. But fortune was not on his side, and his search outside proved fruitless.

He attempted to peer into the factory over the walls, but they were too high. Resolute, he approached the main entrance and tried to open it, only to find it locked from the inside, a detail that puzzled him.

Next, he sought an alternative route and discovered that the factory's rear walls were lined with thin iron wire fences, one section of which had a hole large enough for an average man to slip through.

He made his way in through the gap, cautiously heading towards the spot where Jonny had thrown the book. After a thorough search, he found nothing, leading him to suspect that a guard or someone else might have found and taken the book.

With this in mind, he continued his search for the book, careful to remain silent as fear gripped him in the unfamiliar surroundings.

Despite searching multiple times, he couldn't find the notes. Gathering his courage, he decided to enter the main building. After searching for an entry point, he eventually found a broken window and cautiously climbed through, mindful of the remaining shards of glass that could scratch him.

Once inside, he surveyed his surroundings and, after ensuring it was safe, he allowed himself a sigh of relief.

He resumed his search for the book, and after a while, he noticed a light in the distance.

"Huh, is someone living here? ... Well, why should I care? But wait, if a criminal or thug is using this place as a hideout, I'm in trouble. Still, I need to find the book Sir Peter gave me. I'll think about this later; for now, let's go," Rey thought to himself as he moved towards the distant light.

Approaching with caution, he took cover behind a broken machine to observe the scene and discovered two people sleeping carelessly among numerous beer bottles, a cheeky smile on their faces.

Rey surveyed the area for a while to ensure they were alone. Five minutes later, he was convinced it was just the two of them. His gaze swept over the vicinity and landed on a book resembling his notes. With caution, he approached it, mindful of the sleeping thug nearby. Silently, he reached the book and gently lifted it. As he prepared to leave, the thug beside him stirred, turning and grasping Rey's leg. A surge of fear almost made Rey cry out, but he realized the thug was still asleep, clutching his leg by chance. With a shove, Rey freed himself and hastened away. But as he did, his foot struck an odd, round object. He lost his footing and tumbled face-first to the ground.

As he fell, a thud echoed around the building, rousing a sleeping thug.

"Who is there?" he called out in a sleepy yet loud voice.

Rey, however, did not respond. He quickly got to his feet, ready to flee, but his gaze was drawn to the object he had tripped over. Compelled by a curious urge as if his mind was being manipulated, he snatched it up and dashed towards the window he had entered through. As he ran, he noticed the awakened thug stirring his companion and heading his way. Luckily, Rey found the window, leaped out, and although a shard of glass cut his hand and blood dripped to the ground, he did not stop. He continued running towards his home.


Hello everyone, please let me know if you find any mistakes, and I hope you'll include it in your library because it's going to be quite the ride.

Lastly, have a great day, my fellow readers.

The upcoming chapter will be the finale of 'Echoes of Destiny,' so stay tuned to discover what happens.