He is the one we are looking for. [2] {Edited}

In Mystic High School's Teacher's Office, a teacher can be heard reprimanding a boy who seems utterly fascinated by the floor as if it were a work of art.

The boy, clearly Rey, was being scolded for arriving late on the first day of the last week before a month-long holiday to prepare for exams.

"Look, Rey, I understand you're shouldering many responsibilities, but you need to concentrate on your studies," Peter advised, his voice tinged with frustration as he attended to some documents.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was studying late into the night, which is why I was late for school since I woke up late today. But I promise I'll be on time from tomorrow," Rey responded, his expression earnest.

"Alright, but I want to know just how late you're talking about waking up this morning," Peter inquired, setting the documents aside and fixing Rey with a sharp gaze, as if trying to discern any hint of deceit.

"Sir, it's approximately 2 AM, and I woke up at just 9:15 AM," Rey stated quickly, devoid of emotion, as if addressing his army commander.

"Alright, you may leave, but first help me take these sheets to the storeroom as your punishment. I'll be back in half an hour, so make sure it's done by then, okay?" Peter instructed, gesturing towards a large bundle of papers.

"Yes, sir, I will have it completed before your return," Rey responded, forcing a smile.

After gathering a few items, Peter exited the room, closing the door behind him, leaving Rey alone with the towering stack of paper bundles.

"Well, what's done is done, but why do you look as if someone has stolen your money or something?" Rey asked the flying spirit perched on his head, which was pulling a grimace.

"Well, I hesitate to say this, but you are in grave danger. Some individuals are spying on you, and with your limited strength, defending yourself might not be possible," Aiden said, peering outside the building.

"What? Is it the gang we encountered this morning or something?" Rey inquired, scanning his surroundings for any sign of them.

"No, the thugs we met earlier wouldn't stand a chance against these people; they could take on thousands. They're not inside this building but positioned about 1.5 km away. I don't sense any malice or intent to kill from them, so it seems they're merely observing you," Aiden explained, perched atop the stacked bundles.

"So, what's our next move?" Rey pondered, surveying his surroundings. He noticed two individuals peering at him from outside the window. Recognizing them, he allowed a slight smile and took small steps towards the window, careful not to alert them. The window glass was designed to be one-way, preventing anyone from seeing inside and stopping students from cheating or peeking at the test papers.

"Well, we can only do one thing, and that is to work," Aiden said as he faded into the air.

"Yes, you're right, and I know who will help me with this," he said, opening the window to find James and Evan peeking in, just as he expected.

"What are you both doing here?" Rey asked, glaring at them.

"We were worried after seeing the teacher take you to the office, so we came to see what was happening; we're concerned about you. Right, Evan? You followed him here to check on things, didn't you?" James said, nudging Evan's hand lightly with his elbow.

"What—what are you talking about, James? Wasn't it you who said, 'Let's go see what punishment Rey got for being late today,' and dragged me here? And now you're blaming me," Evan retorted, mimicking James's earlier words.

And then they began bickering like children. Seeing this, Rey sighed slightly and stopped them, not wanting to waste more time as Sir Peter could arrive at any moment.

"Okay, put that aside and help me, or the teacher will be angry if he finds out I haven't even started working yet."

"Okaaayyy," they both said in unison, and all of them took a stack of bundles from the table and began walking towards the storeroom as instructed.

"Ah yes, I almost forgot, Rey, why were you late today? You're usually so punctual, and I've never seen you late before. So, why today?" James inquired as they walked towards the stairs.

"Well, I was studying late last night, which made me wake up late. Sorry, hehe," Rey replied with a small smile on his face as he walked past him.

'Sorry guys, but I'll tell you everything, just not right now, as I only know a little of it myself,' he thought, quickening his pace to avoid James's gaze, fearing he might discover something.

"Hey, by the way, what happened to you, Evan? Today you're quieter than usual," Rey said, attempting to shift the conversation.

"Well, guys, I have something to tell you," Evan spoke in a subdued tone.

"Is it something important?" James inquired with a stern expression.

"Yes, it's important," Evan replied, mirroring James' seriousness.

"Did you get a girlfriend?" James teased with a smirk.

"No, it's not what you're thinking," Evan responded, looking flustered.

"So, what, are you getting married or something?" James joked nonchalantly.

Evan and Rey gave James a look as if he were a clown trying to be funny, but instead, he was just irritating them at the moment.

"Okay, okay, I won't do it again. Tell me what happened," James said, stepping onto the first stair.

"Well, I've been having a dream every day," he said.

"So? That's normal, everyone dreams," Rey replied with a puzzled look.

"No, it's not normal because it's the same dream every day for 15 days, and I remember all of them like a TV show or something. In one dream, I'm a warrior who can destroy a mountain with a single strike, and in another, I'm a guy who can slay a dragon with a single spell and change the climate with a flick of my wand," Evan explained with a grim face.

"Pfft, hahaha! What are you saying? You, destroying a mountain with a single strike, slaying a dragon with a spell? Stop watching anime, manga, and novels, okay? It will stop. And let's say you're right; do you think you're a reincarnation of them or something? Stop being a nerd, Evan. Come out of your dream world; this isn't a novel or anime," James said, still laughing.

[A/N: - But it is a novel world, isn't it, guys who are reading this right now?]

"Huh, did you hear someone talking about reading? I couldn't hear it clearly," Rey said, looking around.

"What are you talking about? I think you're both going crazy or something because I didn't hear anything," James retorted, glancing at them both.

"Me neither," Evan added.

"Okay, it looks like it was just my imagination. Oh yes, Evan, I meant to say that James is right about this. I think you should take a break from anime and manga for a while and go outside. It might help clear your mind," Rey suggested as he walked downstairs.

However, as Evan descended, he suddenly stopped on the last step, his expression blank. Rey and James turned to look at him, and just as they were about to call out to him, he collapsed onto the floor, scattering sheets of paper everywhere.

"Evan!" they exclaimed in unison, rushing towards him. They knelt on the ground, swept aside the sheet, and attempted to rouse Evan with gentle slaps on his cheek, but he remained unresponsive.


Stay tuned to discover what unfolds for Evan next.

Please let me know if you spot any mistakes in the chapter by leaving a comment in the box below; your feedback is eagerly awaited.

Lastly, I wish all my readers a very good day.
