Last preparation before the mission.

After returning from his part-time job, Rey takes a few minutes to rest, then freshens up with a bath, and following a hearty meal, he retires to his room to rest.

"Alright, I'm all set for tomorrow's rumble," Rey declared, eyeing the items delivered to him today.

"However, you should examine the outfit now; it's better to make adjustments at this moment than later. If we leave it until the last minute, it could cause problems when it's time." Aiden said while staring at the items.

"Okay," Rey responded, swiftly donning the suit followed by the mask, and finally draping the cape over his shoulders, which was capped off with a hood reminiscent of a raincoat. And take out the blade in front of him making himself look like a secret agent.

"How do I look in this?" Rey asked, spinning in front of the mirror to get a clear view of himself. He noticed that the suit and cape were slightly too long, but not enough to impede his movements.

"A bit of growing up will help you fit into it perfectly. For now, set that aside and tell me, is the mask causing any discomfort? Like a lack of oxygen, or is it too tight or loose?" Aiden inquired, examining the mask closely.

"No, but there's a significant issue with all of this," Rey stated, his expression grave.

"Is there anything wrong? Are you experiencing any pain, restrictions in movement, or anything else?" Aiden inquired; his voice tinged with concern. Despite the selfish nature of his request, he was aware of the perilous mission he was asking the boy to undertake—a mission with no guarantee of return. Yet, the boy had agreed to help, albeit under some duress, but with the option to refuse still available to him.

"Well, it's somewhat hefty, and inside, it's like an oven. I think I'm slowly turning into a roast," Rey quipped, pausing for effect with a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"You... set it aside, boy. Tell me again, are you truly prepared for this?" Aiden asked, his face a mask of impassivity.

"Yes, you don't need to worry," Rey responded, patting his chest confidently.

"Alright, then get some sleep; tomorrow will be hectic. And remember, keep it hidden from your mom, or you're in deep trouble," Aiden instructed before vanishing as he always did.

"Good night, then," Rey murmured, his gaze drifting into the void. Only after ensuring all the items were securely stowed away did, he finally succumb to sleep.

As Rey falls asleep, in another room of the apartment, a figure examines a peculiar band-like object on their wrist, featuring a small blade with an intricate mechanism attached to it.

"Let's check the equipment before sleeping," Evan murmured to himself. He slipped the band onto his wrist and activated it, watching as a sharp blade emerged into his grasp. He swung it deftly, testing its edge on a thick rope, confirming its readiness to aid in his escape and in the quest to uncover the hidden artifact.

"Hmm, okay, it seems fine, but it must be well-concealed," he contemplated, selecting clothes for the following day. He chose a long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of jeans, ensuring his gear would remain undetected.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, but I must give this to Mr. Jason before leaving, as I'm not sure if I'll be able to return if the information from them is accurate." {Here, 'them' refers to the Ten Thrones.} Evan took out a paper that confirmed the apartment ownership.

Not wanting the apartment to remain vacant in his absence and preferring it to be used by someone in need, he decided to transfer it to the building's owner, Mr. Jason.

He exited his apartment and descended to the first floor from his residence on the fourth.

"Hello, Mr. Jason, are you there?" Evan knocked on the door several times, pausing as sounds emerged from within.

"Yes, yes, I'm on my way. Who is it at this late hour?" An elderly voice inquired from inside before the door swung open.

"Oh, Evan, I thought it was another prank, but it's you. What brings you here so late? Don't you have school tomorrow?" Jason asked in a gruff tone, eyeing him curiously.

Suddenly, his wife appeared behind him, gently nudging him aside to get a better look at Evan.

"Oh, it's Evan! I was wondering who you were talking to like that. Come inside, we're just about to eat," his wife said as she took his hand and led him quickly to the dining table.

"Here, eat until you're satisfied, okay? Don't hesitate to ask for more," she urged, placing a plate in front of him and serving the food without pause.

"Thank you, aunty, but I'm full. I actually came to give something to Uncle Jason," Evan replied, declining the food politely.

"Oh, come on, you're just a growing boy. Tell me, you ate canned food, right? I've told you that you're always welcome to eat here, but you never listen. Now, you will eat because it's an order from me, or I won't speak to you again," Rossy, Jason's wife, insisted.

"Okay, sorry, I'll eat, but first, Uncle, I need to give this to you," Evan said, handing over the paper to him.

"What's this? Wait, Evan, are you leaving? What happened? Do you have some money issues, or is someone forcing you? Don't worry; we can go to the police," Jason said, looking at the papers and then at him.

"No, Uncle, it's not what you think. It's just that, uh, I got a call from my parents, and they're saying they will take me back to their country, the Jade Turtle Kingdom. I think I won't be able to return tomorrow because they're taking me straight to the airport for the flight," Evan explained, masking the truth with a lie.

"Oh, I see, but Evan, don't you think they could be impostors? I hate to say this, but are you certain they were your real parents?" Jason asked after a brief pause.

"No, Uncle, I've already checked, and we're meeting tomorrow. After that, we'll head straight to the airport," Evan said, weaving in more lies.

"Alright, Evan, I can't stop you, but at least let me meet them. I want to ask why they left you alone that day and are now approaching you for forgiveness as if nothing significant occurred," Jason remarked, setting the paper aside with a stern expression and beginning to eat.

"Evan, you should eat as well," Rossy interjected, trying to dispel the awkward silence by inviting Evan to join them for the meal.

"Yes, Aunty," Evan replied, and began to eat. Once finished, he rose to leave.

"Evan, wait," Rossy called out, approaching him.

"Before you leave tomorrow, make sure to come here to see us, alright? And remember, this is also your home. Your parents are here; you can come back anytime," Rossy said, her voice wavering as she fought back tears. She closed the door behind him with a wave.

Outside, Evan paused to rub his eyes, as if dislodging something that had fallen into them, and water droplets began to flow.

{A/N: You know right.}

"Can't you even say goodbye to him?" Rossy asked, looking at Jason who was still seated, rubbing his eyes.

"No, I just don't like to interrupt my meal for something else," Jason replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh please, who are you trying to fool? I've lived with you for so many years. Can't you just admit that you've come to love him as your own child? I remember the day he arrived here at 14 old, straight from the orphanage after some accident. He showed no emotion, just lay in his bed all day, doing nothing. And you were the one who helped him overcome his trauma. Yet, you still won't accept that you love him as your own son," Rossy said, her mind drifting to those past memories.

"What can I possibly do? Prevent him from returning to his biological parents? That's not within my power, and you're aware that everything that arrives must eventually depart. Consider it akin to a gust of wind," he stated, then turned to retire for the night.

With a soft sigh, Rossy completed a few tasks in the kitchen before joining him in slumber on their shared bed.


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave a comment if the emotional segment resonates with you and let me know if everything is satisfactory or if there are areas that need improvement. And last but not least please support this book with power stones if you liked it.