Coming back home and meeting the third one and last.

"Let's go before someone else comes by, which will delay our return home," Aiden said, ready to leave but noticing Zero wasn't moving.

"Hey, Aiden, let's just help them quickly and then leave," Zero suggested.

"Why should we? If we don't leave now someone else might stop us, causing further delays. We don't have much time to spare here," Aiden argued, trying to convince Zero.

"Please, it will only take half a minute," Zero pleaded, a look of earnestness in his eyes that Aiden had not seen before.

"Fine, but make it quick; we're short on time," Aiden conceded with a long sigh.

Zero moved in a specific direction and upon arrival, discovered a solitary door in the hallway. Opening it revealed a room with a hundred people inside, trembling in fear at the sight of him, as Rey's body was smeared with blood from a previous battle, giving him the appearance of a psychopathic killer.

"You don't have to fear me. I've come to free you all; the gang that captured you has been dealt with by me, so you all can leave this place. The police should be on their way," Aiden declared in a deep voice, disguising his identity.

After hearing the statement from the strange guy people started to relax a little bit but there was still fear in their eyes.

Aiden stepped forward, and the dagger, Scorpion Fang, which Zero had absorbed, appeared in his hand. With swift precision, he cut the ropes binding a man's hands, freeing him to assist the others.

The onlookers regarded Aiden warily, his dagger still stained with Jacob's blood. Yet, as they observed his actions—helping some and then retreating to show he meant no harm—their anxiety lessened, and they too began aiding their companions.

Realizing they were capable of helping themselves, Aiden moved towards the door to depart.

"Wait, I want to thank you. What's your name?" asked the man whose ropes Aiden had cut first. This question piqued the curiosity of many, who, now attentive, also wished to learn the identity of their savior, clad in a flashy manga-style mask and an assassin's suit.

{A/N: It's hidden hero name time.}

"I am neither a hero nor a savior; you are merely fortunate that I stumbled upon you while on a personal quest. My name is 'RAVENBLADE'," Aiden declared in a grave, resonant tone, intending to halt the conversation and depart swiftly.

A few moments after Aiden's departure, an awestruck voice emerged from the silence, "Oh my God, that's so cool," expressing admiration upon hearing the name.

As the others assisted with cutting the rope, Aiden, controlling Rey's body, was seen dashing from the main building's window towards the hole that Rey had originally entered.

In their escape, they were met with the sound of police sirens and the sight of officers entering the building through the front door, securing the premises.

By the time Aiden came into view, he had already left the vicinity of the main building, making his way towards the wall with considerable effort, as the boy's body was severely damaged, beyond what it could bear.

It was certain that if the boy were conscious, he would not be able to stand even for a moment, yet here they were, pushing his body to its limits as they ran.

After reaching the wall, they exited, but a small piece of Rey's t-shirt snagged and tore. Aiden, unconcerned, hurried to the bag they had used to carry the equipment, now disintegrated by Zero.

"Let's put this in the inventory and head to his house; it's likely he can be fully healed there. If we take him to a hospital or clinic, he might be dead by then," Aiden said, swiftly stowing the bag in the inventory.

After checking that no one is watching them they quickly departed towards Rey's home and with great carness they quickly reached there without being spotted by other guys.

"We can't enter from the main gate we have to enter from his room window on the first floor." Aiden said while seeing around.

"Okay." After saying this, Zero walked toward the specific window with Aiden's help and jumped through it with great care not to shatter any remaining bones.

With considerable effort, they finally entered the room. Zero looked around and found the room to be too plain for a 17-18-year-old guy.

"This boy's room isn't too simple," Zero remarked, scanning the surroundings.

"Well, this boy's situation is unlike other kids'; he doesn't have the luxury to enjoy life as other children his age does, yet he never complains," Aiden observed, walking towards a specific corner of the room.

After reaching the drawer he quickly opened it and start founding certain thing and found the pendant Rey show him that day.

He quickly throws it on bed and waited for some time but still nothing happened.

"Huh, you said he is here, so what are you doing now? This boy doesn't have much time left, or he will die," Zero stated, observing the boy's condition.

"Just wait a minute. And you, Victor, why don't you show yourself now? We don't have time for hide and seek," Aiden demanded, glancing at the pendant on the bed.

"It seems my acting isn't as convincing if even someone like you could find me," a hushed voice emerged from the pendant, and a semi-transparent image of a man with features similar to Aiden materialized from within.

The man who emerged had blood-red hair and eyes of the same color. He possessed a slightly muscular build and wore a dark robe who look not more than 19-20 years old but wisdom in his eyes show millions of years of knowledge.

"So why are you asking me now, when you had time before embarking on your childish mission, huh?" Victor said, eyeing Aiden and Rey's bodies, pausing mid-sentence upon noticing something.

"Wait, you found Zero there," Victor remarked, recognizing the ordinary appearance of Rey's clothes but aware of what was concealed within.

"Yes, and I need your help because he's dying, and he's the only one who can assist us in this condition," Aiden implored, gesturing towards Rey's body, which was growing paler as time passed.

"Why should I save him if I see no potential in him? I believe that even with our help, he'll only manage to reach rank 6 at most, and then he'll be stuck there forever," Victor stated, eyeing all three of them with a stern tone.

"We don't have time for this, Victor. Help this kid, or be ready for the consequences," Aiden interjected, channeling the last bit of mana in his uninjured hand.

"Whoa, wait a minute, I was just joking, Aiden. Why so serious? Did you really think I wouldn't heal this kid because he's unworthy and lacks potential? You should know I support him more than you do," Victor retorted, signaling Aiden to approach.

"Don't pull another trick, you red-headed bastard," Zero chimed in with her robotic voice, startling Victor slightly, but he waited for her to ask her question and began examining Rey's body to determine whether he could heal him externally or if he would need to resort to that method.

"It seems I must establish a bond with him to facilitate healing, given the severity of his condition. His internal organs have sustained damage, and his bones appear to have been crushed under a tremendous weight. Moreover, his mana veins are so extensively damaged that if he were to use mana again, he might never regain the ability in his lifetime unless a cure is found. Nevertheless, I am still capable of healing him," Victor explained in detail after a thorough examination, to which Aiden and Zero showed little surprise, well aware of his capabilities.

"Quickly, do this; he doesn't have much time," Aiden urged, desperate to save the boy who was severely wounded due to a reckless plan for revenge.

"Okay, okay, why the rush... Alright, quickly remove that stone from the pendant and place it in his mouth so I can initiate the bonding process," Victor was about to suggest taking it easy, confident in his abilities, but the stern glare from Aiden spurred him into action.

Aiden hastily took the pendant and stopped when feel something, then suddenly he forcefully extracted the stone, and crushed it to reveal the core. Within it was a small round stone, inscribed with runes. He swiftly managed the boy's mouth, opened it, and tossed the stone inside. Upon contact with the blood, the stone dissolved and disappeared.

"What have you done? I didn't instruct you to extract the original core; why did you do this?" Victor exclaimed, recovering from his initial shock.

"Trying to be smart, huh? You didn't think I'd know what you're up to?" Aiden said, glaring at him with an angry expression.

"Aiden what are you saying." Zero said while looking at both of them.

"Zero he wanted to make a temporary contract by which he can change the host and the stone cover was the medium for it." Aiden said while explaining.

"Yes, so what even you did that huh and I can't fell any of your signature energy in him as we can feel from an original bond." Victor said while shouting.

"Yes, but our current situation is not ideal. Don't worry, we will formalize an original bond with him after his recovery. Please proceed with the healing quickly," Aiden stated, clarifying the confusion.

"Fine, but this is the last time," Victor conceded after a brief pause. Suddenly, the boy's body began to emit a glow of red, white, and green light.

The red light signified the bonding process, while the green and white lights indicated the healing effects taking place within him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh..." Rey began to scream, but Aiden quickly silenced his vocal cords and severed the connection to his nervous system, preventing him from feeling pain. Despite this, Rey's body continued to convulse from the intense pain of healing.

Healing was not as depicted in novels or anime, where relief is instantaneous and soothing. Instead, healing is a process that boosts the body's regenerative capabilities to their limits, allowing for recovery within minutes. However, this requires considerable stamina and energy, which Zero supplied in small amounts. This assistance served a dual purpose: it not only facilitated Rey's healing but also acclimated his body to mana.

As the process commenced, Rey's body underwent significant changes: his bones began to mend themselves, his organs initiated repairs, and even his mana veins were completely restored. The most noticeable transformation was his growth in stature, as he gained at least 4cm, reaching a height of 170cm.

His muscle and bone density increased marginally, and his physique developed some muscle mass due to the bonding and healing.

Once the healing process concluded, Rey's body settled into a state of tranquility. However, a black substance began to seep from his pores, which was recognized as bodily waste, releasing a foul odor throughout the room. Zero promptly opened the window, allowing the tainted air to escape.

Finally, Aiden maneuvered Rey's healed body into the bathroom, while Zero disposed of the soiled sheet by tossing it out the window into the garbage bin below, utilizing the same material she employed in crafting armor.


Hello everyone, I apologize for the inconvenience, but due to some issues, I won't be able to release the chapter for the next 2-3 days. However, don't worry, as I plan to compensate by releasing 7-8 chapters within a maximum of 2 days afterwards.

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