Law study with Aiden and immense change

"Good heavens," Rey gasped, his eyes widening at the sight of his status and the capabilities of his weapon.

Aiden and the others were similarly taken aback by a specific part of his status.

"From where on earth did this lad acquire such a thing?" Victor murmured, scrutinizing the data that had even Zero showing a look of astonishment.

"Why the surprise? Has something occurred? I noticed nothing amiss, only those intriguing law-like elements which I've grasped subconsciously. Nonetheless, it's fascinating. It's akin to an element introduced in the intermediate chapters of a manga or novel, yet here it is at my disposal from the outset," Rey remarked, observing everyone's expressions.

"You're oblivious to the fact that you possess an item of immense value, coveted even by those of Rank 10, as it's typically held by only a handful," Aiden explained, attempting to regain his composure.

"Hold on, are you suggesting that I possess something of such significance? Yet, I discern nothing in my status that could be problematic," Rey inquired, poring over his status screen with great attention.

Despite his scrutiny, nothing seemed amiss.

Observing this, Aiden tapped on a tab, causing it to detach from the status and appear separately.

The information that was revealed was beyond Rey's expectations.


Law: DEATH {.00001}, SOUL {.0000001}, [DARKNESS] {.00000001306}


"Huh this thing but I didn't see anything wrong in this." Rey said while looking at it to understand something but still find nothing.

"Didn't you see the highlighted thing in it which is a sign of suspiciousness." Aiden said while pointing at it.

"Oh yeah but what about it I think it's just related to my physique isn't it. And I think Death and Soul law are more attractive than this." Rey said while rolling his eyes.

"No, you are not understanding my point of view as this [DARKNESS] law is several times higher than this other two." Aiden said and signaled him to click on one of them.

He clicked on the soul one as he finds it interesting.


Law: Soul

Grade: Superior 

Stage: Infant

Progress: .0000001

Description: The ancient and enigmatic Soul Law governs the very essence of life and magic. Rooted in the primordial forces of creation, the Soul Law is an intricate web of divine rules that binds the souls of all beings to the fabric of the universe. It dictates the flow of magical energy, the cycle of life and death, and the balance between light and darkness. Those who study the Soul Law, known as Soul Weavers, possess the rare ability to manipulate this ethereal force. They can heal mortal wounds, commune with spirits, and even alter fate itself. The Soul Law is a double-edged sword, offering immense power but demanding great responsibility and wisdom from those who seek to master it. The balance of the world hinges on the ethical use of this formidable force.


He reads the whole information and finds it goods and move on the next one, The Death law.


Law: Death

Grade: Superior 

Stage: Infant

Progress: .00001

Description: Death Law stands as one of the most feared and revered magical disciplines. Rooted in the dark primordial forces that govern the end of life, the Death Law offers unparalleled power over mortality and the afterlife. Practitioners, known as Necromancers, Dark Mages, Death Knight and Death Disciples wield this formidable force with both caution and ambition, for its capabilities extend far beyond the mere cessation of life. The Death Law grants its users the ability to commune with the deceased, summoning spirits from the underworld to extract secrets long buried. It enables the reanimation of corpses, turning the dead into obedient servants, bound to the necromancer's will. These undead minions vary from simple skeletal warriors to complex revenants with retained skills and memories. Death Law can inflict devastating curses that drain the life force of victims, causing rapid decay or lingering suffering. Its practitioners can manipulate shadows and darkness, creating terrifying illusions or concealing their presence from both mortal and magical detection. The Death Law is not without its risks. The boundary between life and death is fragile, and reckless use of this power can result in unintended consequences, such as uncontrolled hauntings or the necromancer's own soul being trapped in the abyss.


After reading he found it's very interesting as it mentioned things about necromancer which he liked a lot to read in novels.

[A/N: Just like me. HeHeHe.] 

"Who said this." Rey said this while looking around but found nothing.

"Okay so now for the final one and I wanted to see what's so much in it to amaze you all." Rey said and clicked on the last one [DARKNESS].

The information showed on the screen shocked him.

"What the hell." Rey said in a shocked state.




Stage: Infant

Progress: .00000001306

Description: Darkness is Eternal and Eternity is Darkness.


"Huh, what is this thing? It doesn't have any description like the other two, and I don't understand these stages and types. I've never read anything like this in novels," Rey said, puzzled, as he gazed out the window.

"Listen boy I shall tell you that Laws are divided into 3 parts: - 1. Common: Like Fire, water, Wind, Earth, Lightening and many more. 2. Uncommon: Ice, Magma, Thunder, Gravity, Darkness, Light, Blood, wood and many more. 3. Superior: Death, Soul, Shadow, Space, Time, Chaos, Null and many more.

"These three are known to the world, but there is still one left, the Origin ones, comprehended only by a few. And those who fully understand it gain complete control over that element," Aiden said, pausing to let him absorb the information.

"However, I read that those who comprehend the law become fully resistant to that element and gain total control over it," Rey questioned, beginning to doubt what he had read.

"Yes, that is partially correct; they have gained about 95% control over it. However, the true masters are those who have 100% control and reign supreme over those elements. Even if a being two or three grades higher were to use the same elemental spell against him, he who possesses the Origin element would not receive a single scratch," Aiden replied.

"Okay, I understand this, but I don't think I'll be able to achieve it. Seeing the rate of progress, it would take decades, no, millions of centuries to gain even half of it, and with my potential, it's just not possible," Rey said with a bitter smile.

"You wouldn't understand now because laws are only accessible from rank 3, and only geniuses or those with monster capabilities can grasp them at rank 2 but when you got it on that rank you will be able to comprehend it, I promise as we will help you in it." Aiden explained but still look a dejected look on his face and turned to Victor for assistance.

"Listen, boy, as you now know, only those of rank 3 can comprehend the laws. Normally, that would be a common rank, but you've grasped a superior law, and not just one, but two," Victor began, after receiving a nod from Aiden. "This could be overlooked, but you possess the Origin element, which is exceedingly rare, found in perhaps one in a hundred Trillion. Those who have it are in a league of their own. And..." Victor's explanation was cut short as the door swung open and Rey's sister entered. She was taken aback to see her brother, who had always been a small, nerdy-looking kid, now sitting on his bed shirtless, his physique resembling that of someone who had been working out for years.

"Wow, brother, what are you doing shirtless?" Emmy exclaimed, covering her eyes but still peeking at his chiseled body.

"Oh, sorry Emmy, I just took a bath and was about to get dressed, but you arrived first. Just give me a minute," Rey explained as he hurriedly searched for a T-shirt. He found one in yellow and white, which he liked, and quickly put it on.

"So, tell me, what happened? Why did you come here?" Rey asked, adjusting his clothes which felt a bit too tight, and glanced at her. She was staring at his body as if she had seen a ghost.

"Brother, when did you get so much taller, and where did you get such smooth skin, even smoother than mine?" She inquired, recovering from her initial shock. She began pinching the skin on his arm and eyed his shirt, which was stretched tight by his muscles.

Rey who got up quickly stand in front of his mirror and looked at the image reflected on it and got shocked as he found that he got taller for about 3-4 cm and his skin look like of those skin advertising model.

"What the hell is this." Rey screamed a little which startled Emmy a little and she remembered why she come here.

"Yes, brother I come here to say that come down quickly as dinner is ready and mom is waiting for you so hurry and eat the dinner before mom got angry." Emmy said and run out of the room leaving behind the still shocked Rey who heard the dinner thing and after some little more thinking he start walking toward the window but suddenly Zero come in front of him and stopped his way.

"Now, what did you want to say? And where did you go when Emmy entered the room?" Rey asked Zero, about to sidestep her, but she suddenly leaped onto him. The matter began covering his body as before, and he noticed his favorite T-shirt dissolving beneath it. He was on the verge of yelling when Aiden intervened, advising him to let her proceed.

Moments later, he was enveloped in silver matter, leaving only his head exposed. Before his eyes, the matter shifted color, transforming into the hue of his previous clothes but in a larger size that fit him perfectly, concealing his body's shape.

"Wow, that's cool, just like in a manga," Rey said, looking at his reflection in the mirror. After a few minutes, he left his room and went downstairs for dinner.


Hello, everyone. I hope you enjoy this. Apologies for any mistakes, and from today onwards, the chapters will continue as before.