First skill activation and new title gained.

"Hey, why are you getting so hyped up?" Aiden said, then continued, "Let me remind you that we are the god relics. Have you already forgotten our abilities?"

"Huh, oh yes, thanks for the reminder, Aiden," Rey said after a brief silence. He opened his status to check for any ability that could help him and then he found it.



Abilities: - 

 3. Item creation: - Can be used to make items from the body matter and mana.


"Hmm, wait a moment, I currently lack mana, correct? I've encountered in various novels and manga that mana cannot be retained in our bodies without a core. Moreover, utilizing it with zero matter, especially since mother has taken it, would complicate matters further," Rey pondered, beginning to mutter under his breath.

"Who mentioned that we're incapable of storing mana within ourselves? Within our hearts lies a small, core-like substance inherent in everyone, which permits the use of a modest amount of mana without issue, and that's our heart. Should someone attempt to augment their mana capacity without establishing a core, their heart would rupture the instant they tried to enhance it. Considering your body has significantly strengthened, I believe you must form the core at E- rank," Aiden narrated the entire scenario to him.

"Huh, if I hadn't achieved this strong body, what level would have been required to create it?" Rey inquired, driven by his curiosity.

"Well, it would have been about an F grade, and even then, you might have started experiencing minor heart pains. But now, it's been pushed to an E-. If you wish, you can now stretch it to the maximum of E rank." Aiden said, casting a glance at the dumb kid he had selected for the host position.

"Ohhh. You all are far more useful than you appear," Rey remarked, nodding repeatedly with his mouth formed into an 'O'.

"Okay, here we go. [Item creation]," Rey said, extending his hand forward and announcing the skill name to activate it, but nothing happened. "Huh, why didn't the skill work?" he asked, tilting his head to the right.

"What on earth are you doing, you moron?" Aiden demanded, punching Rey in the head, causing him to clutch his head in intense pain.

"Why did this go wrong? I remember using that skill like this in anime and manga," Rey said, looking at Aiden for an explanation with a dejected expression.

"Listen, boy, the real world isn't a novel or manga. You only have one life, and there's no plot armor to save you here. Follow me and watch how it's done," Aiden instructed, and Rey nodded vigorously.

As ordered, Rey closed his eyes, and after an hour, he was able to sense his inner mind, or the inside of Aiden's body, where twelve ability balls were floating around. With Aiden's help, despite many mistakes, he began to understand how to do this.

"Wow, so this is the space inside your body, huh?" Rey exclaimed, running around and approaching the twelve orbs floating in the air, of which only two were unchained, floating freely, while the other ten were bound by crystal-clear chains of azure-blue.

"Yes, these represent my abilities," Aiden explained. "And now, I'll show you how to use them." As Rey watched, mana flowed from his heart to his brain, entering Aiden's form. Suddenly, the space ripped open, and a gust of mana burst forth, enveloping the unchained orbs, while a system notification rang in his ears.


Description: The title is bestowed upon those who achieve significant knowledge without systemic assistance. It is reserved for the self-sufficient mavericks and geniuses who do not require the conventional support systems. This title can be combined with other honors.


* Enhance skill activation speed by 15%.

* Boost the probability of skill creation by 25%.

* Elevate the likelihood of acquiring a skill by observing it by 5%.


" Oh, thanks Aiden for this gift, Hehe." Rey said and laughed while rubbing his head for gaining the title only given to geniuses.

"What the hell how... why did you give him that as I am the one who did this for him, and you gave him that now." Aiden screamed like a mad man at system.

"Aiden, I think system see us as one because we are bonded and gives your credit to me, I guess." Rey explained his theory he guessed.

"Well, who cares about this lousy title? Just focus on using your skill and remember how I did it," Aiden said, and they both emerged from the inner mind space.

'This title could be quite useful for that ability of mine,' Aiden thought, but he shelved the idea for the time being, as the future is uncertain, especially for the weak, and even he couldn't predict the actions of the high rankers.

"Now, try to use my ability, telekinesis." he said.

And the information screen appeared in front of him.


Telekinesis (God rank) [current- rank0]: - Allow the host to obtain the skill Telekinesis which can be limited only by imagination. Limit: 5kg {Weight limit increase with Level.}


"Cool," Rey said, imagining lifting buildings, mountains, or tens of thousands of swords with this ability, though his current limit was only 5kg.

"Right, just shut up and try the skill," Aiden instructed.

"Okay, sir," Rey responded with a salute, then used the skill on a book on his desk.

The book vibrated slightly at first, and after a few attempts, it began to levitate and rise. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Brother, why is it taking so long? You know mom is waiting downstairs," Emmy's voice came from outside the door.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming, Emmy. Don't worry. Tell mom I've just found it under the desk and I'm trying to get it out, so wait for just 3 more minutes," Rey replied. Afterward, he heard Emmy's footsteps retreating downstairs.

"Phew, that was close," Rey muttered, glancing at Aiden, who also let out a small sigh of relief.

"Okay, leave my skill and focus on Zero's skills," Aiden instructed, and Rey nodded in agreement.

"But wait, where do I direct my mana if she's covered my entire body with her matter? I don't even know where her real body is," Rey inquired.

"It's actually quite simple; you just need to direct your mana to the surface of your skin, and that's it. She'll handle the rest, right Zero?" Aiden clarified, and Zero responded with a thumbs-up gesture.

"Understood, sir," Rey replied with a military-like accent.

He focused on his mana and, despite some initial struggles, managed to control it, though not in the way Aiden had described. The mana moved in the directed path, but some particles remained disobedient. However, with Aiden's guidance, he perfected the control and, with considerable effort, made contact with the skin area, causing his mind to go blank.

Rey then found himself in an expansive void, silver particles drifting around him. He noticed fifteen sun-like objects floating nearby, similar to Aiden's, with only five unbound and ten restrained by azure-blue crystal chains.

"Huh, why are these chains the same as those in Aiden's abilities? Could they be from the same origin?" Rey pondered aloud.

"Yes, they are from the same origin. It's the system that has blocked our abilities until the host reaches the minimum required capability," Aiden explained, which took Rey by surprise, as he had assumed he was the only one who could enter this place, aside from the relic spirit.

"Oh, that's why," Rey nodded. Minutes later, he realized his mana was flowing from the outer space, filling the void. He exerted control over it and directed it towards a sun-like object, an item creation ability.

The mana enveloped it completely, and the skill activated.

Emerging from the space, Rey noticed a magic circle on his hand.

"Quick, make a bottle, or you'll deplete your mana."

"O... okay," he responded hastily, envisioning a pill bottle from a cultivation manga. He sensed a significant loss, 85% of his mana, as the creation process began. In the midst of it, Rey collapsed, gasping for air, overwhelmed by a weakness as if he had run 10 km.

"Are you okay?" Zero inquired through the system.

"Yes, I am. Don't worr- worry," Rey managed to say, struggling. After a few minutes, he stood up to find the bottle nearly complete at 98%.

He swiftly grabbed the bottle and dashed from the room, heading for the dining table downstairs. As he was about to enter, he collided with his sister Emmy, who seemed to be on her way to call him once more.

His mother awaited him there, her expression slightly irate due to the more than thirty minutes he had spent searching for the ceramic bottle. Approaching her, he presented the bottle he had found in his room. "Look, Mom, here it is," Rey announced, showing it to her.

His mother hummed thoughtfully, her gaze fixed on him, repeating the action, which only served to heighten Rey's anxiety.

'Rey, don't be nervous; she'll catch you in this trap. Just relax and maintain your composure,' Aiden advised, bolstering Rey's morale, and he quickly heeded the advice.


But is it possible for anyone to escape the perceptive gaze of a mother? That remains to be seen in the next chapter, so stay tuned.