Regretting his role in the demise. [2]

The man pointed in a specific direction, and upon looking there, they were met with a sight so gruesome that it left some in utter shock, to the point of losing control.

They observed a man seated in a prayerful pose within a large cavity in the ground amidst the debris, his hands placed on the earth to his left and right.

But the man heads were on the ground backward and his spine was outside his body with blood and muscle spilled around everywhere.

His spine was still connected with his body and his whole mouth was smashed into meat paste like someone has punched him 100 of times.

His body inner organ was spilled around the ground and the whole area was covered in dried blood.

Everyone who witnessed the event was terrified, but the reporter and his crew managed to stay relatively calm, having covered similar events for years. However, this incident was more intense than what they had previously encountered, so they quickly evacuated the building in search of fresh air.

Once outside, they saw several ambulances in the distance. Approaching them, they discovered that doctors and nurses were providing first aid to individuals who had been held captive for an extended period.

"Sir, can you tell us what happened here and who rescued you?" the reporter asked one of the rescued individuals.

"No, sir, we didn't see anything. We only heard sounds of fighting, a loud explosion, and then, after a while, silence fell over the factory. A few minutes later, our door opened, and a man dressed in a cool black coat and a mask entered, resembling a dark villain. We feared it was our turn to die, but instead, he saved us. When we inquired about his name, he replied, 'Raven Blade,' right?" The man recounted the events and even confirmed with another man beside him, who nodded continuously.

"That man was a hero," a young girl, around 10 or 11 years old, interjected, beginning to describe the man who had saved them.

And the video ended after the reporter asked everyone about the incident and the news anchor screen was shut down.

"The extent of the damage caused by the individual known as Raven Blade is significant, resulting in numerous fatalities. However, it has been determined that the deceased were criminals involved in kidnapping and robbery, orchestrated by their leader, Jacob. Due to the condition of Jacob's remains, which could be distressing to viewers, we are unable to broadcast the image in accordance with safety regulations," the anchor reported, detailing the entire incident and displaying photographs of the culprits.

"It appears that the safety of this area is increasingly compromised. Just two months ago, a family was murdered overnight, and now we have this incident," Jasmine remarked, glancing at her son, whose face was beaded with sweat.

"What's wrong, son? You seem overly concerned about this news," she inquired, nudging him gently on the shoulder to snap him out of his reverie.

"Ah, sorry, Mom. I just remembered something urgent I need to do for school," Rey replied, quickly excusing himself to his room.

"Kids these days always seem to forget the important things," Jasmine mused, turning off the TV and heading to the kitchen to finish up before bedtime.

While this was happening, Rey had already entered his room and locked the door.

"Aiden, come outside right now," Rey demanded in a stern voice.

"What's the matter, kid? Why are you so angry?" Aiden asked as he appeared before him in a night suit, holding a pillow and rubbing his eyes.

"Aiden, I'm going to ask you something, and I want a straight answer—no twisting words," Rey instructed, while Victor and Zero also emerged from his body and stood aside, sensing the tension in the air.

"Alright, I'll answer truthfully, but make it quick; I'm sleepy," Aiden responded in a drowsy, childlike tone.

"Tell me, what exactly did you do to the thugs guarding the factory building?" Rey asked directly.

"Huh? Didn't I already tell you that I put them to sleep? They should have woken up by now," Aiden replied.

"Aiden, am I in the mood for a joke or something?" Rey asked with a grim, serious face.

"No, but I was right when I said they are in 'eternal sleep' and woke up in 'hell,'" Aiden replied with a straight face.

"So, when were you going to mention 'eternal' and 'hell,' huh?" Rey said, starting to pull his hair while thinking about the murder Aiden had committed with his body.

"What happened, kiddo? Did someone say anything to you about the murder I committed?" Aiden inquired while changing into his normal clothes.

"No, but it's on TV, and you know the boss named Jacob, whom I was fighting, was killed so brutally. Please tell me you didn't do this," Rey pleaded.

"No, I didn't," Aiden responded.

"Hush, but wait, so who did this?" Rey took a sigh of relief and was about to ponder who could have done this but stopped.

"You did it. I mean, if there's an investigation, you'll be seen as the murderer in the eyes of society and executed in the name of the Raven blade," Aiden said, leaving Rey's mouth agape.

"Ah, what have you done? Now I might go to jail or, worse, get executed. But if I claim he did this... who would believe me? They'll send me to a mental hospital for shock treatment," Rey thought, his body shuddering at the idea.

"I shouldn't have gotten involved; now I'm moments away from being branded a criminal," Rey muttered, pacing the room while Aiden and another person sat on the bed.

"Boy, calm down and listen to me," Aiden urged him.

"How can I stay calm after what you've done?" Rey retorted, about to bite his nails in anxiety when a sharp slap to his left cheek silenced him.

It was Zero, controlled by Aiden, who had delivered the slap.

"Listen, remember you purchased a complete suit, and the gloves were included, so there's no need to fear; I doubt they'll retrieve any fingerprints," Aiden explained, which brought a glow to Rey's increasingly pale face.

"Ah, I had almost forgotten, thank you, Aiden. But why did you suggest I might get caught?" Rey inquired, twirling in his newfound joy.

"Oh, I was merely jesting with you," Aiden replied, sporting an innocent child's grin.

"You should listen—I am worlds apart from you all, and I never desired to be with you. So let's agree to part ways," Rey declared, and after a brief dance and a glass of water, he retired to bed to sleep.

"Wait, are you implying your end is near? So, it has come to this. Well done, lad; I shall remember you as the briefest of hosts," Victor, who had been sitting quietly, remarked. He then placed his hands on Rey's shoulders in commendation and merged into him to rest.

"Huh, what happened to him?" Rey asked, while the others simply shrugged their shoulders.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, so don't disturb me," Aiden declared before disappearing from his spot.

"They're both clowns, aren't they?" Rey commented with a slight smile, and Zero nodded in agreement.

"Well, as I can see, you're much better than those two, aren't you?" Rey remarked as Zero gave a small smile and, after merging with Rey's body, entered her sleep slumber.

"Now that everyone is asleep, should I go too? But first, I have to..." Rey trailed off as he ran towards the toilet to answer nature's call.

After returning, he too fell asleep.

The room was silent, but suddenly a figure appeared in front of the still-sleeping Rey and did something to him.

"What are you doing right now, Aiden?" Victor emerged and looked at the figure hovering above Rey's head.

"Just a little rearrangement of his brain," Aiden replied as he stopped using the little mana he had borrowed from Rey's body, who was still asleep.

"But why?" Victor inquired.

"It's for his own good, but why do you ask? I remember you couldn't wait to get away from him," Aiden said with a grin.

"But you might break him," Victor replied, concern evident in his voice.

"Oh, so the great warrior is now concerned about a weak child?" Aiden teased with a coaxing smile.

"I am not..." Victor began, hesitating.

"It's better for him to adapt. Otherwise, he'll end up in a far worse state than he is now," Aiden stated.

"Still, you should go easy on him," Victor suggested, glancing at the boy.

"No, it's for his own good, by which he can be ready for the real world." Aiden insisted.

"Kid, this night is going to be a long one for you," Victor said as both disappeared from there.


To discover what happens next and what Aiden did with Rey, stay tuned and don't forget to add it to your library.