Street brawl [1]

[April 15th, 2024]

When Rey realized that many people were noticing him speaking to thin air, they began to mock him, and he felt embarrassed by this.

However, he was also surprised because he knew that previously, when he spoke with Aiden in public, no one paid much attention to him. But now, he was receiving so much attention that it made him uncomfortable.

Unbeknownst to him, his body had undergone changes, and he now had the appearance of a model, thanks to the integration with relics.

He quickly increased his pace and started running, eager to leave the street and the staring people behind.

Many onlookers were impressed by his speed and assumed he was an athlete, then continued on their way.

Rey, who had just crossed the street, glanced back and saw no one following him, so he slowed down. Despite the run, he wasn't as tired as he expected, pondering if his improved stats were the reason.

He resumed walking normally, yet many people stared at him because of his face.

"Hey kid, I think some guys are following you," Aiden remarked, peering in Rey's direction.

"Huh, who?" Rey responded, about to turn around, but Aiden stopped him.

"Are you dumb? If you look back, they'll get suspicious," Aiden chided, and Rey nodded, his expression one of surprise.

"So, what should I do?" Rey inquired, unsure of how to handle the situation.

"Umm, first, don't head home as it might lead them there. Find a quiet place to settle this matter," Aiden advised, and Rey nodded, starting to walk in the direction opposite his house.

Perhaps his luck had turned sour just as he was about to head in that direction, for he spotted his mother and sister approaching with a bag brimming with ingredients.

"Oh sh*t," Rey muttered, ducking out of sight.

"What's wrong, kid? Why are you hiding?" Aiden inquired, noticing that the others were still at a distance from him.

"That's my mom and sister heading this way. What else can I do?" Rey responded, as Aiden glanced in that direction and observed them purchasing something from a shop.

"So, what's our plan? Sneak away or bolt in a different direction?" Aiden suggested, but Rey, after pondering for a moment, had a better idea.

"Hey Zero, are you there?" he called out, as his clothes began to quiver slightly and a blob of silver liquid emerged, taking the small form of Zero.

[Yes, what do you need?] she communicated, her text materializing on a small screen above her.

"Umm, can you please change my clothes and make a cap and mask for me." He said as Zero think a little and nodded.

[Okay, if you say so.] She said and merge again with the clothes and they start trembling again a little and in front of Rey naked eyes.

The texture and colour of his cloth start changing into different cloth.

Some of the liquid crept up towards his face, covering it from the nose down, while another portion transformed into a cap that covered his head.

His school uniform morphed into the casual clothes he wore every day.

"How do I look? Is it fine, or do I need something more?" Rey inquired, not wanting to take any chances of being recognized by his sister Emmy and mother Jasmine.

"No, and if you add more, it will only make people more suspicious of you," Aiden advised, with Zero nodding in agreement.

"Okay, let's go and pray that nothing goes wrong," Rey said, steadying himself before emerging from the side and walking as if nothing had happened.

As he drew closer to his family, who were also approaching, Rey's heart threatened to leap out of his chest. But fortunately, as they passed by, they didn't recognize him, allowing Rey to breathe a sigh of relief. He quickly increased his pace to distance himself from them and avoid dragging them into the mess he was in.

Relieved that they hadn't noticed him, Rey remembered that wearing a mask would have ensured his anonymity since his body structure had changed. He could have easily slipped away, but he knew that taking precautions is better than needing a cure.

Aiden reminded him that although the man initially couldn't follow him, he had still managed to find Rey and continued to chase him.

He prepared for the imminent events and entered a deserted street, seldom used by anyone, a place where encounters were rare.

As he reached the midpoint of the crossing, a car appeared at the end of the street, obstructing his path and view.

Turning around, he found his retreat cut off by another car, blocking the street from behind.

"They seem well-prepared, huh?" Aiden remarked, to which Rey nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation for the confrontation and a slight nervousness—not about being overpowered, but about the possibility of taking a life.

"What should I do if I end up killing someone?" he inquired, prompting a weary sigh from Aiden, who noted the boy's drastic change from just a few days prior.

"Don't worry, if it comes to that, we'll handle it. The law of the jungle is always in effect," Aiden reassured him, helping Rey regain some composure, bolstered by the confidence that no ordinary man could best him at this moment.

He waited for their adversaries to emerge, but none did. Instead, he remained vigilant, bracing for a potential ambush.

However, that too failed to occur. 

Just as he was about to inquire about the identity of the newcomer, several men began to approach him from both sides. 

The road was neither too narrow nor too wide, simply a random stretch of four meters in width and quite lengthy. 

They encircled him but refrained from attacking, merely waiting. 

It was then that Rey noticed a man approaching, exhaling puffs of smoke from his cigarette.

By the looks of him, he was sure the gang boss who was following him for some time.

"Well, well, looks like the fish has swum into the net all by himself, huh?" the guy said as he tossed his cigarette onto the ground and stamped it out with his foot.

"But I think it's quite the opposite; the hunter who wanted to hunt is about to become the hunted," Rey retorted, trying to appear cool, but the thugs burst into laughter, thinking the boy's brain had rotted from the mess he was in.

"Hahaha, well, I just need to finish my job and collect my cash, that's it. Sorry, kid, but you're going to get a beating because you've offended someone," Vito, their boss, declared, preparing to have Rey beaten up.

"Ugh, what a cringe-worthy line, bro. Couldn't you just say someone gave you a mission or something? Everyone gets offended by someone at some point in their life, but when a rich person is offended, they hire someone like you to beat up average folks. And if a poor person is offended, they just have to endure it. Just because he is weak and helpless doesn't mean I can't do anything," Rey countered as he assumed a fighting stance.

"Listen, kid, wait—I have a plan to draw out the guy who hired them to beat you up," Aiden said. Rey, who was listening, thought that if he beat them up, their boss would send even more powerful thugs. So, he devised a plan to end this mess once and for all.

'What? Tell me quickly before I beat them up,' he thought to himself, knowing that if he spoke aloud, they would think he was some crazy dude.

"To draw out the guy who hired them, you should..." Aiden shared his plan, which Rey also agreed with.

As Rey listened to the plan, the thugs were confused; after a speech about justice, he had fallen silent, lost in thought.

"What are you all doing? Just beat him up, or do you need me to dance to get you motivated?" Vito snapped, shouting at his men.

"Okay!" They shouted and charged at him.

Rey, snapped out of his thoughts by Vito's shout, readied himself to enact the plan.

He dodged the club aimed at his head and sidestepped a punch to his stomach. The thugs were armed with weapons like baseball bats, iron rods, and chains.

Rey dodged their attacks, trying not to harm them, but in a moment of carelessness, a rod struck his head, blurring his vision.

The thugs seized the opportunity and attacked him with increased ferocity.

Rey's body became sluggish from the blow, and his dodges were less effective; he was hit repeatedly by their weapons.

After a few minutes and more beatings, he was on the ground, with his hands and face marked with red bruises from the assault.


What will happen next? Will Rey just get beaten up, and what is Aiden's plan?

If you know, leave a comment and please show your support.