chapter twelve

Su Xia quickly arrived at the doctor's office and knocked on the door. Hearing a "come in," she pushed open the door and entered.

"Hello, my boyfriend's test results are out. Could you please take a look?" Su Xia said as she handed over the test results.

"Please have a seat, Miss Su," the doctor said, taking the results and looking through them page by page. He nodded occasionally and furrowed his brow at times.

Su Xia's heart was pounding as she watched.

After examining the results, the doctor looked up calmly and said, "The patient's recovery is quite good. All indicators are normal, but..." He picked up Xia Tian's head film and continued, "There is still some intracranial hemorrhage."

Su Xia's heart, which had just settled down, was raised again. "Wasn't it supposed to be slowly absorbed? Will there be any problems?"

The doctor explained, "Yes, it is being absorbed, but very slowly. The patient is recovering well, so I suggest conservative treatment and regular follow-up visits to the hospital in the future."

"That's a relief. When can he be discharged?"

"The day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, he will need another round of intravenous infusion and medication. After the stitches on his head are removed the day after tomorrow, he can be discharged."

Su Xia was excited, "That's great! Thank you, doctor. You can go ahead with your work. I'll head back now and won't disturb you."

"Sure, Miss Su. You're welcome."

Back in the ward, Su Xia quickly told Xia Tian the good news.

Xia Tian didn't show much of a reaction, just smiled at Su Xia.

Su Xia was speechless at Xia Tian's wooden expression. She had never seen him express anything other than a smile. Su Xia said, "Aren't you happy about being discharged?" Seeing Xia Tian still not reacting much, she muttered to herself, "When you're discharged, where will you go? Why hasn't your family come to see you? Maybe I'll go to the police station tomorrow."

At night, Xia Tian thought Su Xia would still sleep in the ward as before. He walked up to Su Xia, patted her shoulder, and pointed to the hospital bed.

Su Xia turned her head and followed Xia Tian's finger, "Oh," she looked up again, "You go ahead and sleep. I'll sleep at home tonight. You should be fine on your own, right?"

"I'm going to the police station tomorrow morning to see if your family has been looking for you. You're about to be discharged, so you need to hurry!"

Xia Tian nodded somewhat disappointedly.

Su Xia closed her laptop, packed up her things, and left with her bag.

Xia Tian watched Su Xia leave.

Back home, Su Xia first went to the bedroom to get her pajamas. She wanted to take a hot bath and relax. These past few days had been exhausting with all the running around. Just as she entered the bathroom and turned on the shower, her phone, which was placed on the coffee table in the living room, started ringing. She couldn't hear anything with the shower running. After ringing twice, the phone stopped ringing.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Su Xia opened the bathroom door. She used a towel to dry her long hair, which was still dripping, and sat down on the sofa.

She casually picked up her phone and saw several missed calls, all from Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin ran a game software development company, which Su Xia worked for part-time to earn some pocket money.

She called Zhao Xin back, sounding a bit annoyed, "What's up? Why are you calling so late and not answering the phone?"

"President Zhao, I was busy and didn't hear it. What's up? Why are you calling so late?"

"When will you give me what I asked for? It's been almost a month! Hurry up! You must give it to me by the end of this month," he paused and added, "I'll pay you more." Zhao Xin complained.

As soon as Su Xia heard about the extra pay, she perked up, "Okay! I'll definitely give it to you by the end of this month!"

Hearing Su Xia's assurance, Zhao Xin felt relieved, "Alright, by the end of this month. I'll hang up first, waiting for your good news."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task." Su Xia hung up, got up to make herself a cup of coffee, and realized that she would have to work overtime tonight, but it was all for the sake of "money."

She turned on her laptop and thought about how busy she had been with the company's work recently, as well as summer matters, and had no time to do tasks. This task should be urgent, otherwise Zhao Xin wouldn't have come to her personally. She glanced at the time displayed on the computer screen. The end of the month was approaching, so she had to make good use of her time.

At the hospital, Xia Tian felt no sleepiness at all, because every time he closed his eyes, he would see Su Xia pouting at him. Thinking of Su Xia's expression today in the mall, Xia Tian's heart swelled with joy. She was truly adorable.

On the other hand, Su Xia was too tired to reminisce about the good times. Her eyes were so heavy that she could barely keep them open. Unable to hold her head up, she pushed the computer aside and went back to her bedroom to crawl into bed and fell asleep. All she wanted now was to sleep well.