Chapter 0: First Half

There once was a boy named Shouta Miyuzuki and he just entered Tokyo High School. He was nervous because he had just entered High School. What will happen next?

"Okay, so I need to find room A103, okay shouldn't be too hard" said by Shouta

"Oh gosh where is it? I don't know where I'm going, okay Imma base it off last time I was here" said by Shouta

"Oh but where is this gym, I need to go to the gym so that I can go to my room, cause that's where I remembered it" said by Shouta

Shouta was new to Tokyo High School, he was roaming the campus aimlessly, after thinking to himself, he entered a random building inside the campus.

"Wait where are the numbers on the door frame? I won't know if it's room 103. Oh this one is room 107 so I should count the rooms from 107 - 103" said by Shouta

"Okay this is it, wait this room is strange, it's different, eh I'll just leave the building" said by Shouta

As Shouta left the building he realized that the building he entered was building B not A. After feeling embarrassed he saw the gym and he found the way to building A. He walked towards Building hoping no one saw what he did.

"Okay this looks like it, 101,102,103 aha, here we are" said by Shouta

Shouta entered the room expecting a crowded room, but when he entered there were only 3 people. He did not know their names and had no intention of introducing himself, so he sat at the very back wherein it was the furthest from the people.

As he waited minutes went by and the room started filling up with more and more people. The teacher went in and introduced herself and told everyone to introduce themselves. She went by student by student, "Masahiko, introduce yourself" said by the teacher. "Hello everyone my name is Masahiko, I am 15 years old and my birthday is 02/04/??" Said by Masahiko. "Very good and next, Katsuhito Akira".

"Umm Sensei he is not here" said by Masahiko

"Oh then he is declared absent then, Oh well next up Shouta Miyuzuki" said by the teacher

"Hello everybody, My name is S- Shouta Miyuzuki, I am 14 years old and my birthday i- is on 08/25/?? " said by Shouta

Shouta is clearly nervous about this introduction thingy. Hours went by and it was break time, Shouta opened his lunch box and it said "this is your first time being a high schooler I am proud of you" the note being from his mother.

*2 days later*

Nothing really happened the day before, so it's been 2 days and still nothing happened except rain. Shouta had no umbrella and he relied on the other people's umbrella some retreated back and some stayed. But in the end Shouta still ended up being drenched.

"Hey, Shouta right?" said by Makoto

"Oh yeah, yeah it is" Shouta replied

"Is your service in there?" Makoto asked

"Well not really, but I'm just waiting, you? " Shouta replied

"I don't know maybe" Makoto replied

Shouta had just made his first conversation. Time skip to a couple days. It was gym time and they had to do a dance, most of everyone left, all of the males left, and some females came back, but Shouta never left, he never once stopped. Many of his classmates admired his stamina and endurance, many praised him, and many thinks he is a show off. Either way Shouta was satisfied, and this was part of his plan to become class president, many people already think that he is smart, so this was another way of solidifying his spot in the class president.

And then Lunch break came and then:

"Hey Shouta, is that pizza?" Kiyomi asked

"Yeah" Shouta replied

"Well you know pizza tastes better in the garden, come on lets go" said by Kiyomi

Shouta followed Kiyomi to the garden and many other classmates were there including

Kaiser Fukumi. He was planning to run for atleast a spot in the class officers.

"So what're you guys planning about the elections?" Said by Kiyomi

"I'm planning to run for president" Shouta replied

"Well if you want to go for president, you're gonna have to go through me, I'm also running for president" said by Kiyomi

The time for elections came and the first part:


Shouta: IIIII

Kiyomi: IIIII

Masahiko: II

"Oh it looks like we have a tie between Kiyomi and Shouta" said by the Teacher

"Let's have a rematch between Kiyomi and Shouta" The Teacher added




"Ooh looks like the winner is Kiyomi by 14 - 10" said by the teacher

"Don't worry Shouta you'll be vice president" said by Kaiser

And lo and behold Shouta became vice president. These are the results:

President: Kiyomi Kaito

Vice President: Shouta Miyuzuki

Secretary: Yumi Hikaru

PIO: Masahiko

PRO: Kaiser Fukumi

Treasurer: XiaXia Shun

Auditor: Kanata Miyuki

Escort: Zhian Kichirou

Muse: Hana