chapter 5 second gu

System( congratulations to player Crim Don Ito for being the first player to create and refine a gu worm. Rewarding 5% permanent increase of primeval sea essence and players choice of any rank 1 gu recipe.)

Oh so the reward for being the first player to get a vital gu was a 5% permanent increase of primeval sea essence. It was never revealed what the reward was in my last life. Though I'm guessing that the person who did receive the reward was a person with an a grade Talent that didn't really care for the increase of primeval sea essence.

As for the reward for being the first player to refine a gu. That was well known back then, as the first player to create a gu was a YouTuber called Matt. He was a hairy man allowing him to refine gu easier than most

2 months or should I say 2 days after gu online launched. Many players were upset with many things like how the game had huge differences from the story. Such as different venerables and thanks to that some paths weren't created or well developed. Like luck path, blood path, soul path, and Theft path.

Many people who had their heart set on these paths were instantly betrayed by reality, and thanks to him we found out some other interesting things. Once he was given the option of any rank 1 gu recipe he picked a gu called boost luck. He knew how powerful and useful luck path could be, and thanks to his greed we found out that certain gu can not be refined at all. Such as mystical gu like spring autumn cicada, wisdom gu, and important gu that in story venerables used like dog shit luck gu.

And it was all discovered early thanks to Matt. The first gu he asked for was dog s*** luck gu, however the system denied it. In the end he had to make up a random luck path gu worm called boost luck. Which did work but life was unfair the materials needed to refine boost look gu we're very rare and difficult to acquire.

He was only able to refine boost luck gu once he became a rank 3 gu master. By then the rank 1 gu warm did almost nothing for him, but he was able to sell the gu worm and its recipe for a very high price in real life.

So many people were outraged when they saw Matt uploading his perspective of not getting these rare gu. People have figured out that the famous gu did not and can not exist in the game. So in order to appease their anger the game developers added a new feature called player shop. And the player shop players could trade anything with each other and could even use real life money to buy items from one another. This greatly appease the players and even made it more convenient for players develop other paths. So I have to make sure it still gets added to the game. After all that's where I got most of my money from in real life.

Crim[ i want dog shit luck]

System( denied please select another gu worm.)

Crim[ then i want steal life gu.]

System( denied please select another gu worm.)

Crim[ how about attitude gu?]

System( denied please select another gu worm)

That should be enough before I started playing gu online I made sure to record. I don't plan on uploading my gameplay I just wanted to make sure this part gets uploaded to make sure that Developers add players shop. Luckily enough even when people are online you can access the internet. So I uploaded the gameplay of My Rewards to the internet. Now on to the matter at hand.

Crim[ i want the recipe for shape wood gu then.]

The system been finally gave me a recipe for rank one gu worm shape wood. Shapewood gu has a very simple effect and that is to Bend and control wood. Which would be good if it wasn't for the fact that the larger the piece of wood the more primeval essence it uses. Hmmmm most of the materials are common but there is one that would be a pain to get heart of wood. Heart of wood can sometimes be found in the cores of trees. It's really a matter of luck to find it, I'll go look for it later though.

After nurturing my aperture for a bit I then went to sleep. Only to be woken up by a family servant for school. The clan school was huge about the size of a high school and since they were almost 200 new students. There were several classes with each class having about 20 students I was placed in class C just about everyone in my class was a c grade Talent. This way when competing with each other we all had the same chances of winning. The Clans teacher then came in and started to tell us about the importance of a vital gu.

Student[ but teacher if the vital gu is so important why are we not allowed to pick our vital gu?]

Teacher[ that is because our founder had wanted us to use this gu and to find New Paths with it to suit us as time goes on, and you'll have to do the same as well. Just look at our clan leader he has advanced his string gu into rank five iron chains gu and he uses fire type gu worms to heat up the chains to do more damage. He even uses ice type gu and lightning type gu to assist him in combat. He is truly proof that so long as you find a path that suits you you can succeed, and so long as you have the string gu has your vital gu you'll be able to fuse it into another gu without worrying about it getting destroyed.]

All of the other students then begin to agree with the teacher as if they now understood why they had to have the string gu as their vital gu but i knew better. I know that our founder the rank 7 immortal really was just doing this as a restraint. So that if a gu master from our clan becomes an immortal unless they were able to rank up their vital gu as well. They would have to refine their gu into an immortal version, and the best way to increase the odds is by using the rank 6 string gu as an ingredient. Thus making them dependent on our ancestor who not only has the gu but the only one with the immortal gu recipe for it. So if they fail they can refine string gu again and try again.

Teacher[ now i believe its time for all of you to get your first gu our clans trademark gu string gu.]

He then pulled out a bunch of small cages and inside were small little spiders. The spider was the size of a thumb and look like it was made out of white thread. Each student got their own string gu including me.

Teacher[ now who can tell me what food string gu eats?]

Just about everyone raised their hands wanting to answer the question all but me I could care less.

Teacher[ hmmmmmm... Lets see how about you Crim. Can you tell me what the string gu eats?]

Crim[ the string gu eats hairs, its why our clan raises cheap and Rams, it's also why our families never let us cut our hair just in case we ever end up in a situation where we're unable to get animal hair we can still feed them our hair.]

Teacher [ thats correct the string gu eats hairs as its food. Most gu can be difficult to feed but our clans string gu is not difficult to feed at all. No students you will all also receive four rank one primeval essence stones each as a weekly allowance. One more thing the first one of you to refine your string gu will be awarded 10 rank one primeval stones. So work hard and you will be rewarded.]

All the students then received a small bag with four rank one primeval Essence stones. Every student was holding on to them like they were their own children, and with that our first day at school was over. Everyone was in a rushing home to try to refine their gu. I took my sweet time walking home once I was in my room I began to refine my string gu. It was fighting back but unlike the other students I had rank one middle stage essence thanks to steep tea gu. Once my primeval essence reached 5% i stopped. I refined it almost to 40%, if i use a few primeval essence stones and refine it through the night i should be able to refine by tomorrow morning. After refining through the night once i refined it to nearly 90% a servant knocked at my door informing me that class would start soo. What a shame I'm not afraid of someone beating me at refining string gu. No the person who won last time did it after 4 days. He barely slept, ate and used up all his savings meanwhile I'm about to refine it with one days effort. I'm not afraid of losing Im afraid of the gu worm fighting back against my will undoing my progress and giving me more work.

So i went to class and once it started i immediately asked to go to the restroom. I then began to refine string gu once again. After about an hour i had succeeded, it cost me a little over four primeval essence stone but the reward was ten thats a six primeval stones profit. I then returned to class

Teacher[ oh someone's finally returned are you all right Crim? Do you have a stomach ache?]

The class begins to laugh and stare at me but so what my mood was good thanks to refining the string gu. Although the teacher called me out he did so with reason if I could be out of class for an hour then the other students might do the same. In fact if I wasn't part of the Don branch he might have sent someone after me to make sure I wasn't ditching class.

Crim[ I apologize teacher last night I stayed up too late refining my string gu thus I accidentally fell asleep. It won't happen again please continue to instruct our class.]

Teacher[ well..... As long as this never happens again.]

Hey then began to tell a story about our clan for people like him it's much easier to pretend like you care. They'll then leave you alone after all he can't make an example out of me if I already " learned" from my mistakes. After 2 hours we had a break I then spent first part of that time catching up on my sleep.

Mob1[ i managed to refine 10% of my string gu last night, but now its at 6%. It's going to take me over 10 days to refine it there's no way I'd win that first place reward.]

Extra 1[ ha looks like my string gu has a weaker will i managed to refine it to 15%, but since we've been at school its now at 11%.]

These idiots don't they know they should be using this time to make sure the string gu doesn't get rid of all their hard work. Well at least this proves no one in my class is a player. The next two days were painfully slow since I had no more primeval Essence stones I had to let my primeval Essence recover naturally, but it was still enough for me to nurture my aperture a bit.

On the third day I finally told the teacher that I had refined the string gu. Although he was surprised the shock did not last, after all I'm from an Elders branch family. He probably thinks the family supported me with lots of primeval stones. With that I now have 10 more primeval stones.

Mob2[ dam it i was two days away from refining string gu.]

Noob3[ hmmph if i had an elders support i would have won first place.]

Mob1[ stop sounding like a sore loser, he also won because of luck. After all even if he had an elders support he couldn't have refined his gu so soon unless it had a weak will.]

Noob 3[ oh and you don't sound like a sore loser.]

Teacher[ enough! I hope you all work as diligent as Crim , because once you all refine your string gu. We may then learn how to use it, remember class for a gu master their are three things that are necessary to become a true gu master. Refine nurture and use only after you refine a gu nurture it and use it can you call your self a gu master.]

At the end of class I went straight to my room and gathered all of my primeval Stones together. I only have 11 primeval stones on me now the school will give me four more in 3 days while my family will give me three more as well. It's enough to help me cultivate faster that's it what I need to do is win every contest the class will have so that I can gain more primeval stones. The next contest will be for whoever can use the string gu the best in a week. The prize is not primeval stones but another string gu but every other contest will reward primeval stones for now I'll use all of my primeval stones to cultivate, three days went by and over 90% of the students had refined their gu. Letting the teacher to now move on to showing us how to use our string gu.

Teacher[ now class even though string gu's attack power is low do not underestimate it. For in the right hands it is deadly.]

From his right hand 5 15 ft long of nearly invisible string Shot out from his fingertips. Piercing the attack Target in front of him he then pulled them out and begin whipping it in the same place till the target was cut in half. He then wrap the string around the part of the Target that was cut off and brought it back to his hands.

All of the students then began to praise the teacher for being so skilled with the string gu, but in reality hes only decent. A true skilled user of string gu can whip the string and stab it in to the target doing much more damage. Some truly skilled users carry knives and throw them with string gu increasing its range and power. In my last life i used string gu for so long i could even do that.

Teacher[ now students at the end of the week whoever can use string gu the best will win another string gu. Allowing then to shoot string from both of their hands, and don't forget to nurture your aperture because the first one to advance a small stage will be rewarded 20 primeval essence stones.]

My classmates then erupted into madness out of excitement.