chapter 7 future generation

Late at night after I finished a round of nourishing my aperture, I decided to look at Gu online's feedback section.

IamDarkness243[ why is this game so hard, I spawned in clan only to be a commoner with d grade talent. I've made almost no progress in advancing a small stage.]

Milf4life[ you think that's bad I spawned in a merchant caravan only to be killed on the 12th day by monsters. I can't even log back in till four more real days!!! That's four months of progress down the drain for something that wasn't even my fault!!]

Lyteimmortal[ that's not even the worst part I'm a fan of Reverend insanity. I just saw a video that showed a player receiving a gu recipe from the system as a reward for being the first player to refine a vital gu. He asked for famous Gu worms from the story and the system denied him of it. Here's the link for prof]

Pro21[ theirs a good chance those gu can't exist in the game. Think about how broken some were, like the spring Autumn cicada.]

Forfangyun[ that not the only difference from the story, I spawned in as an Eggman. Apparently all the other races are alive and their is no such thing as fate gu. This is basically a different world compared to the story.]

Good their talking about the system rewards, at this rate the developers will add the players shop by the end of this month. I looked into my aperture I had naturally recovered 15% of my primeval essence. I'm at the middle stage of rank 1, but thanks to steep tea gu I'm able to advance it into upper stage essence. Ah my steep tea gu truly is a godly cultivation gu only beaten by relic gu which can instantly advance a person's essence, but that gu can only be found in nature and is a one time use as well.

So long as I have a stable source of primeval stones I can easily reach rank 2, but my income is only seven stones a week. I need almost three primeval stone to fully recover my primeval essence. Haaaaaa if I had the food inheritance I wouldn't have to worry about money. Not only did he leave behind a good amount of money, but he also had a certain gu that can easily make me money.

All I can do is wait once this month is almost over I can tell the teacher that I had advanced in my cultivation to receive the reward and my father will let me try to fuse my string Gu into a new gu.

After one week of waiting I had to stop cultivating, I felt I was close to breaking through into the next stage. Looks like I'll have to tell the teacher, the next day at class I told the teacher that I had advanced a stage. He didn't believe me until he inspected my aperture himself

Teacher[ well done Crim your a credit to your Don branch]

He then got me my primeval stones,I now have 26 primeval stones. After class I went to my father and reported to him about my advancement. He was shocked and who can blame him I'm just about advancing as fast as a B grade talent, but he has no way of knowing that I have a gu worm to help my cultivation. So he can only sum it up to luck and dedication.

Father[ you have me for a loss of words my boy, but your progress is only a good thing for us. Take this badge you'll be able to go to our houses gu storage and exchange for a gu, and here's a bag of 100 rank 1 primeval essence stones. That should be enough for you to fuse a gu, whether you fail or succeed be sure to report to me once your done.]

Crim[ thank you father, ill be sure not to let you down.]

I took both the bag and badge and took my leave. After leaving the bag of money in my room I then went to my households gu storage room. It was guarded by a rank 2 family member who let me in after seeing my badge. Only after reminding me that I can only take one gu and to remember that I'm being watched.

Inside the gu room were several pots, cages, and glass vials. Each holding a gu worm, most of the gu were of the poison path. The Don branch specializes in poison, so alot of our gu worms had to do with poison. There were some gu worms that caught my eye but I'm here for a specific gu. Here inside of a clay pot was a gu that looked like a brown beetle, it's back looked like it had a face drawn in dirt.

The golem gu this gu worm summons a golem made of dirt and allows you to control it. The golem is about three feet tall and has incredible strength, but it has several weaknesses. It is incredibly slow and can only be summoned if there is dry dirt, it's very weak to water, and it only has two fusing recipes in the clan rank 2 mudman and rank 2 large golem. Mudman loses its weaknesses to water but is still slow and can only be summoned where there is mud. Rank 2 large golem is basically the same as the rank 1 version, it's just larger and stronger, but it still has all the weaknesses as the rank 1 version, because of this no one really uses this gu besides to move heavy things.

I took this gu and went to my room, first i must refine shape wood Gu. I have only 100 primeval stones, I can not afford to mess up too many times. I then went to my stove in my room and started a fire. I began to throw in the ingredients that had prepared beforehand. As the gu began to form I started throwing in primeval stones. I then felt something go wrong so I threw in three triple glow orchids, I then felt it stabilize. After I had thrown in a little more than 30 primeval stones the process finally ended.

A new gu worm was refined it looked like a termite made of wood. I grabbed it and instantly refined it, success I had refined shape wood Gu on my first try. I would have failed for sure if I didn't have the triple glow orchid. I then rested for 2 hours, afterwards I began to fuse a new gu. I combined the string Gu, golem gu, and the newly created wood shape gu into one and would add ingredients slowly. Finally I started to add primeval stones it was going smoothly, a few hours later a new gu was created.

It looked like a stone that was the size of a palm with a smiling face that looked like it was carved into wood. Haaaaaa finally I've done it, the gu I used for a long time and am the most familiar with out of all the gu in the clan. The marionette gu.

In my last life I played gu online alot more like a regular game while in the clan. I would go around helping people and talking to others hoping that I'd get a quest or rewards. I quickly realized though that this game was way more life like, but that doesn't mean that I got nothing from it though. The people around the clan began to see me in a better light, and to an old man I was like his own kid. This old man was once part of a branch family but they had declined over time. Till he was the last of his branch, after spending alot of time with him he grew fond of me.

When he died he left the gu recipe and fusing recipes for the marionette gu. This gu was the trademark gu of his branch family but it was also their downfall. I activated the marionette gu using about 10% of my primeval essence and in front of me a figure appeared. It was 5 foot tall with the structure of a human, however it had no face, no fingers or toes. It reminded me more of a mannequin doll, this gu like the golem gu is a enslavement path gu.

This gu is basically the superior version of the golem gu. It was fast and had the strength of a rank 1 beast, it could be summoned anywhere, and if you already had a body that was created with this gu you didn't even have to make a new one. So as long as I carried its light body I could continuously use it, never having to use up 10% of my primeval essence to summon another. This gu uses very little primeval essence to control right now with my middle stage primeval essence I could probably control it for 12 minutes, but with upper stage essence I could control it for a little over 20 minutes.

It's a very handy gu and I used it till I was about rank 4, but there were two flaws. One it was weak to fire type attacks and two it could only stay at the stage of a rank 1 monster. Even when advanced its strength and speed would stay the same. A rank 2 marionette gu would summon and control two marionettes, at rank 3 it would control three and so on. That's the reason why that branch family declined. They were never able to fix that problem, they were trying but they were never able to get a secure source of shape wood Gu. That's the reason why they could never find a better advancement, but now I have the recipe for shape wood Gu. If I put the time money and effort I could probably find a way to advance the marionette gu, but it's just that it takes time effort and money. All of which I lack, of course if I wanted to I could take my time to cultivate, but then the players would pass me. The system very rarely gives rewards but when it does the rewards are usually good. In my last life it was never revealed what the reward was for becoming the first immortal, but whatever it was it must have been so good that they kept it a secret.

Another reason why I want to become stronger is after two months the first game event started Strength Path Emerges, and that event rewards were too tempting for me to miss, but since I was a c grade talent I missed out on the majority of it.

Now then I need to rest I've strained myself too much today. In the morning I went to my father who was with my mother and showed them my "new" gu.

Father[ I thought that you were going to fuse the string Gu into one of our family's fusion paths. To think you would try fusing randomly]

Mother[ don't be upset, even if what he did was not wise at the end of the day he succeeded not to mention he used his other string Gu and not his vital one]

Crim[ I am in the wrong father I'm sorry, but I did keep on telling you that I wanted to make a new gu]

Father[ I thought you meant a different gu not a brand new one]

Mother[ it is not new, there was once a branch family that used this gu. I believe this gu's name was marionette gu.]

Father[ it's not new? In that case we should invite someone descended from that Branch family here. To see if it is the same gu or not.]

Mother[ yes, I've already sent my brother to go get the last descendant of that branch.]

A couple minutes later uncle came in with an old man walking with a cane. The same old man I had befriended and gained the recipes for the marionette gu in my last life. When he saw the marionette body laying on the ground his eyes opened wide with shock, he then walked up to it and started examining it.

Father[ senior is this the marionette that you family once used?]

Senior[ so far yes, may I see the gu?]

Father[ why of course how else can you be sure. Crim lend him the gu]

I did as he said and the senior held the gu as he shed a tear.

Senior[ yes this is my branches trademark gu the marionette gu. I never thought I'd see it again. May I ask who refined it?]

Crim[ it was me Senior]

That seemed to catch him by surprise as then he eyed me

Senior[ how did you refine it. One of the key gu to fuse with it was shape wood Gu, a gu that is rare.]

Crim[ to be honest Senior even I don't know that answer. I was hoping to combine a string Gu with golem gu and make a golem that was made of string. I can only guess that it was thanks to a strange flower that I added.]

Senior[strange flower?]

He looked at my mother and father

Father[ our branch has found a patch of flowers never found before. Even in the clans archive has no record of it.]

Senior[ I see, well hopefully you find a way to refine the marionette gu without wood shape gu. Young man I am not far from this world I was afraid I would die and take all the knowledge of the marionette gu with me. So I want to give you all the recipes and fusion paths for the marionette gu. Show the clan the greatness of my branch family's trademark gu. For you will be the future generation that uses the marionette gu.]