chapter 9 insatiable drinker

????[ hello there]

Crim[ hello??? Where are you??]

????[ oh sorry, I haven't seen anyone in a few decades so forgive my rudeness.]

A pink light came out and fused together to form a tall buff man dressed in a large cloak.

????[ my name's Insatiable Drinker and you are?]

Crim[ I am Crim Don Ito, what are you doing here senior?]

Insatiable drinker[ me??? Well I'm waiting for an heir that is worthy of my inheritance, and your just in luck. Since your the first person to come here you'll be the the first person tested to see if you can become my heir.]

Crim[ so this is a Gu masters inheritance?]

Insatiable drinker[ that's right and if you want to inherit my legacy you'll have to pass my test]

Crim[ and what would that be senior?]

Insatiable drinker[ easy make me dinner]

Crim[ dinner? What type of dinner? A vegetable one? A meat one? Or maybe a sea food dinner?]

I asked excitedly as if I was a starving man. My attitude seemed to make insatiable Drinker happy as he began to smile wide.

Insatiable drinker[ whatever dish you'd like to make. So long as I approve of it you pass.]

With that I took out ingredients from my backpack and prepared them, as I had my jackal marionette dig a small hole and then I started a fire in the hole. I then plucked all the feathers off of the red bone vulture and then I cleaned it up.

All while being watched by insatiable Drinker. I then threw in chopped up carrots and potatoes into the vulture, and wrapped it up with some large tree leaves that I collected on my way here. I then moved the fire and placed the wrapped up vulture onto the left over coals and then i topped it with the remainder of the coals.

Insatiable drinker[ I didn't think you'd be so prepared. Tell me why'd you have so many things with you?]

I can't really tell him I already knew the test and it's not like I was going to go back to get ingredients when I know what to do to obtain this inheritance.

Crim[ it's always best to be prepared, but to be honest most of these items I just obtained today. I'm sure senior was the same no?]

Insatiable drinker[ of course but unlike you I had a storage type Gu to hold all of my items.]

Crim[ then senior had it easier then me. haaaaa how i envy you. By any chance does your inheritance possess a storage type Gu?]

Insatiable drinker[ maybe is does but you'll only find out if you succeed in the test.]

Crim[ alright senior, since we have to wait till the food is done how about we have a drink as we talk.]

I pulled out a small gourd and two small cups and poured out a purple drink. Insatiable drinkers eye's widened he picked up the small cup and took a deep breath.

Crim[ Like it? I made it myself.]

Insatiable drinker[ I can smell berries and some honey.]

He said as he continued to smell the cup of wine.

Crim[ that's right most of the wine at my village is spicy, I don't hate spicy wine I just like variety. So I make other types of wine, this one is clearly a sweet wine. I plan on making a sour wine next, what type of wine do you prefer senior?]

Insatiable drinker[ me? Well I have never tried one I didn't like. ]

Crim[ May I ask senior, what happened to you to make you set an inheritance. You don't exactly look old.]

Insatiable drinker took another deep breath

Insatiable drinker[ this world is as beautiful as it is terrifying. I was simply traveling when I was attacked by a monster. I wasn't afraid though, you see I had improved my body with the strength of 5 tigers and even my body parts were improved, but this beast bit at me and it's head phased into my body and into my aperture. Where it destroyed my vital Gu, it was a killing blow, I only had minutes till I would die. So I ran away from that beast to make sure it would not destroy the rest of my Gu worms. Luckily with my improved body I was faster and made my way here out running that dam beast.]

I remember once I had access to a lot more information I had found the Gu worm that was able to do such a thing. Insatiable drinker was attacked by some type of feline with a very rare rule path Gu worm. The only Gu worm it could have been was the rule path Gu worm Through. The Through rule path Gu worm is capable of allowing the user to phase through things.

That's why it was able to phase through insatiable Drinkers body and straight into his aperture. He simply got too unlucky but it was also his fault. He was a 4th rank Gu master with a strong body enhanced with strength path Gu worms. He was able to resist just about everything in the wild with just his body, and because of that he had no healing Gu worm capable of healing him. If he had one that was made for strength path Gu masters he might have lived, but strength path Gu worms have always been rare.

Insatiable drinker[ once I made it to this cave I was only able to set my inheritance with only one trial in mind. Luckily enough I did a favor for friend of mine who was a wisdom path Gu master. He let me use his most precious Gu worm Devoted will gu. Allowing me to create.... well me or should I say the being you see right now. I was planning on using this will to help me develop a new Gu recipe but nothing ever goes as planned huh?]

Crim[ I see... well rest assured even if I don't pass your test senior I will make sure to bring others here till someone can finally carry on your legacy.]

Insatiable drinker had a look of happiness on his face, if only he knew that I was just leading him on. I already know how to pass this test, the only reason why I kept on asking questions is to make him spend his will. When we meet he was easily 6feet tall but now he's about 5'8. In my last life after obtaining his inheritance his will followed me till he finally dissipated.

I was fine with it back then after all he would constantly help me, with either Gu refinement or any other issue I had, but I can't have him around now. He'll be able see everything I do and their will be no way to explain the things I'll do. After all I know many future possibilities and Gu recipes. The last thing I want is someone backseat gaming me.

I got up and dug up the vulture and unwrapped it. It smelled amazing but that's probably because I'm starving. I looked at insatiable Drinker who was still enjoying the cup of wine even if he couldn't drink it.

Crim[ Uh.... senior insatiable? The food is done would you like to see whether or not I passed the test.]

Insatiable drinker lifted his head to look at the food, before he began to laugh loudly.

Insatiable drinker[ boy you had already passed you just didn't know.]

Crim[ Huh..... how? You have yet to even check the food. How would you know if I'm worthy of your inheritance?]

Insatiable drinker[ that was not the true test. Although I asked for dinner the true test was to see if you would serve a good wine with it. The second you pulled out that sweet wine you passed. Hahahahahah a rank 1 cultivator is still willing to bring wine with him out in the wild of course you'd pass.]

Crim[ I don't understand senior please enlighten me.]

Insatiable drinker[ boy although my vital Gu worm was destroyed. I still have its recipe and it's fusions all the way to the 3rd rank. In order to refine my Gu worm you must know not only how to make wine but enjoy it too. For my vital Gu worm was the liquor worm.]

Crim[ You mean the Gu worm that can help any gu master cultivate faster?]

Insatiable drinker[hahahahaa that's right with my inheritance you'd be guaranteed to advance to the 4th rank and that's not just because of the liquor worm, but you'll soon find out follow me]