chapter 26 powering up

Deep in the woods i was capturing more beasts, lets see i have about 15 ocelot 3 Panthers and 2 tigers. Thats good but not enough to boost my soul strength more. Right now my soul strength is about 12 but once i purify it'll be about 8.

So close to 10 once i get a soul strength of 10 and rank up i can continue with my pla..

I dodged to the side as a spike landed where i once was. When I'm not in the clan i activate aurora scent gu pretty often and this time i caught whiff of something nasty. I turned to look at a certain area

Crim[ i know your there you might as well come out]

Two beastman came out from hiding behind some trees. One beast man looked like a snow panther, and the other like a boar.

Snow panther[ you did good realizing the two of us were here]

Boar man[ but just cause your a scouting gu master doesn't mean you can defeat the two of us, so why don't you give us your scouting gu and we can let you go]

Crim[ what do mean two i know theres three of you, that third one is hiding because she's a gu master who Specializes in healing. While pig head there is a defensive/scouting gu master and you little kitty happen to be a transformation gu master.]

My word stunned the two of them, the snow panther now looked like he was ready to attack, while the boar man smiled.

Boar man[ to be able to find out so much you must either have lots of investigative gu or a really good one.]

We'll he's right aurora scent gu is a very good investigative gu. I can tell what living beings are near me and can also judge what path a gu master follows by what type of aurora their gu gives off

Crim[ You keep saying im an investigative gu master but im not. So let me give you a warning leave now or I'll literally eat your souls]

Boar man[ pffffffffft hahahahhahahahahahanana you'll eat our souls hahahahahahahhahaahhahahah.]

As he was laughing i could see that the snow panther had transformed into a full snow panther with large porcupine spines on his back, and once the boar man stopped laughing his finger nails turned into thick claws, but before they could do anything a scream rang out. Making the two of them turn back.

Crim[ You really think I'd be out here by myself?]

Boar man[ your lying, my tracking gu only sensed to you. ]

Crim[ whatever puts you at ease]

They both rushed me but i waited till they were close enough for me to get rid of them. I threw two glass vials using jab gu at the boar man and since hes was running and was so close he couldn't dodge in time. Once it hit him he screamed in pain, as for the snow panther i ran out and and grabbed him as he had lunged at me.

I held him by his stomach as he was clawing and gnawing at me, but instead of him doing any damage to me. Where ever he struck instead of injuring me a layer of what looked like glass cracked. I then activated grip gu breaking his spine, and then i grabbed him by his throat and ended him

As for the boar man he retreated as he tried to rub his eyes while wheezing. I then activated qi shape gu and created a large python that coiled around the beast man, at the same time i used grip gu. I could hear his bones break as he died painfully.

Then from the direction they came from eagle marionette came out dragging an unconscious beast woman that looked like a wolf. When these two confronted me i was controlling eagle marionette to attack this gu master, thanks to aurora scent gu i could see them so i was able to take her out from a distance, and since she's a healing gu master she barely put up a fight.

These beast men are from the nearby hostile clan Toge clan. A clan that Specializes in transformation, truthfully speaking their clan is much stronger as they have two more rank 4 gu masters and more rank 3 gu masters than us. Normally once a clan becomes much stronger than the nearby clans they do one of two things.

They can have the clan become underlings that must offer tribute or they completely eliminate them, but our clan formed an alliance with Han clan since our combined power is stronger than Toge clan. Of course that doesn't stop the fighting as our clans have fought for years. Their the reason why we have so little elders as they've died in combat, but little do they know the truth.

Our clan ancestor is also their ancestor and founder. He created all three clans and only the clan leaders know of him. Thats why the clans never eliminate each other, but he created three clans to create conflict with each other. So that the weaker clansmen die and those skilled live and gain more power and experience.

Those three beast men were all under rank 2 thats why they were so easy to kill. That and unlike them i have an almost complete gu set. The healer had no offense thats why she hid, but with my marionette gu and aurora scent gu i could take her out easy. The boar man was a scouting/ defensive gu master so with out his healer he had no way to recover from my acid attack, as for the snow panther he excelled at attacking but i had a defensive gu food coat.

Food coat can cover things with a layer of food. In this case i covered myself in a layer of a special clear hardened sap, as for the snow panther he had no defensive gu or a healing gu. Thats why its important to have a gu set to cover all weaknesses, the only gu I'm missing is a storage gu.

Bastards made me use just about all of my primeval essence, so i took out a bottle of primeval water and chugged it down. Now to stay true to my words, i activated soul lens gu and could see the two souls of the beast man i killed, i then had my marionette kill the last one...Soul pill

After eating their souls my soul strength increased to 15, ahhhhhhhh if only their were more dumbassses here. I then had my marionette activate kerosene gu and burn alongside the dead bodies.

And now i have to buy another kerosene gu dam at this point i should get a discount, but its for the best i don't want to be tracked down by the Toge clan. Two days later i had purified my soul down to ten till it wouldn't be purified any more. Now all i got to do is finish using ruby python gu and continue my cultivation.

A week later i broke through to rank 1 peak stage. Now i can either cultivate slowly and break down the walls of my aperture over time or i can just use my money to quicken my breakthrough.

So for the next few days i used liquid gu to create primeval water. During that time a caravan arrived at our clan, so the whole clan was focused on it. Even the academy went on break, giving me the time to cultivate in peace.

I would continuously attack my aperture walls and refilled my primeval essence by dinking primeval water. After a whole night i broke through to rank 2. The light red primeval essence now was slowly refilling my primeval sea.

Good now all i need is to reach one more rank and i can leave this bird nest. If only their wasn't a immortal looking over the clans, I'd take this b***h over. I'm not interested in the caravan that arrived here. I entered into players shop and bought some goods, a couple minutes later my room had several large bags and one cage.

I then drank several bottles of primeval water to fully restore my primeval essence. I then walked to the cage inside was a four foot long python, but it wasn't an ordinary python. This one looked like it was skinned so instead of the normal scales it was all muscle.

It's a power python a python that specialized in its strangling. It was pure offense and it also has strength path ties. It was most likely one of the beasts released in the strength path event, but this power python was not a normal power python it was a hundred python king.

Meaning its strength was the equivalent of a rank 2 gu master. I had put in a request for a rank 2 snake and so far only one person has completed it. Not that i can blame them its still very early and not that many people are even rank 2 and those who are could not be bothered to complete my request.

I pulled out a gu from my aperture it was a small red stone the shape of a snake head. It was rank 2 snake enslavement gu i threw it at the caged beast as it disappeared once it hit it. The beast was startled at first but then became instantly enraged slamming itself against the cage, but it didn't even last a minute as it stopped as quickly as it started.

To enslave a beast you must have a stronger soul, and my soul is not only better in quantity but also quality, but i could feel a huge burden on my soul once i enslaved it. I might be able to enslave almost 70 ordinary snakes but not another king at least not safely.

I opened up the cage and the power python slithered out and climbed up my legs until it reached my waist. Once there it wrapped around my waist like a belt. I then opened up a few of the bags and out came 30 shinny snakes that were red, green, and blue. They were the actual ruby, emerald, and shappire python, as they came out they began to line up. With the power python obeying me i had it take control over the pythons.

Now on to the other bags 50 green snakes were seen, they had round heads making them look like they had a ball as a head. These are venom shooters they have the ability to store venom in their mouths and shoot them out like a squirt gun, but they weren't even the best ordinary beast here. 20 serpents slowly became visible.

Now these guys i had to pay alot more for the illusion serpents. They can turn invisible so their much harder to find so they costed more. Now these guys have much better use than the other ordinary snakes.

I took out several rank 1 snake enslavement gu and took over all 20 illusion serpents and some of the venom shooters. About a hundred snakes were in my room, i had them all go into their bags once again. I'll have to take them out into the woods before i gather any unwanted attention. Only the illusion serpents can stay since only someone with a scouting gu could detect them.

Hi guys For the memes here, this is basically all the chapters i have for gu online insatiable. So don't be surprised if i start to update the chapters late. Not to mention when you write a story you get burned out or tired of it after a bit. Thats why most fanfics stop at 10 to 15 chapters at most.

I personally found a good way to help with that by writing more than one fan fic. In fact this ri fan fic is my second out of four. Once i get tired of one i re read another and add on to it until i get tired of that one and do it all over again.

Since I've been getting lots of support I'll post one other of my ri fan fics. Its called reverend insanity savage truth, it will take place in a new gu world. So their will be lots of differences, the biggest difference will be that the gender power scale will be backwards, and no i didn't write that so the main character will just sleep around with women.

I did that so i can write women characters and get better at writing dialogues involving them, although i write mainly for fun which i feel some people forget. I also write to improve my ability at telling stories, and to share my love for ri with other people who also love it.